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An AMAZING anology describing the taxation between rich and poor.

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posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 11:46 AM

Yea, that is just a ridiculous analogy.

First off, you can't simplify it into mere decile. The top .1% can begin to influence political policy, hire creative accountants to earn further tax reductions, and find loopholes to hide monies in offshore accounts. I bet they can do much more, depending on how knowledgeable they are.

Honestly, a flat tax of 20% across the board, with NO tax loopholes should suffice any government. If it doesn't, figure out where the bloat is and cut the most useless programs.

The current system is far too complex to say any which side is being unfairly oppressed. It depends on one's knowledge-base, intellect, and particular set of circumstances to what extent they will even be capable of exploiting the system.
edit on 15-1-2014 by webedoomed because: (no reason given)

Why 20%? God only asks for 10%.

To me, the most ridiculous part of the analogy is that the men are actually getting beer for their money. It would be more accurate if the men were just paying interest on their previous bar tabs and borrowing money for the next round.
edit on 16-1-2014 by VictorVonDoom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 12:10 PM

The analogy doesn't fail for the simple fact the more people make the more in taxation they pay.

Someone who makes $1 million bucks at a 35% tax rate will pay $350,000 to the federal government.

1 Person...Makes 1,000,000...and pays significantly less than the 35%...Romney paid 14%..(140k)...but whatever..

25 people...(ave inc. in USA of 40k) also make in total 1,000,000

70% of taxes in the USA are paid in other ways aside from Income tax...everything from groceries to gas to property taxes etc.

For those everyday taxes...gas, groceries etc those 25 people earning ( total 1,000,000) pay those taxes 25 times more often than the 1 Millionaire. Every time that millionaire fills his tank and pays taxes on it...he is paying 1/25th of the tax that the 25 other people have to pay...ditto from everything from a candy bar to coffee to a car purchase to fees.

Income tax only accounts for 30% of tax revenue.

And payroll withholding is not part of the "half the country doesn't pay taxes" only counts what is owed on tax day.

All in, it's some pretty huge BS Math that is employed to make this tired claim.
edit on 16-1-2014 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2014 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

1 Person...Makes 1,000,000...and pays significantly less than the 35%...Romney paid 14%..(140k)...but whatever..

So effing what ?

Capital gains tax isn't the same GD thing.

Then of course there is the double medicare taxation that was recently put on investment income.

But the law also imposes for the first time ever a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on passive, or unearned, income, such as capital gains and dividends, for people in that same tax bracket.

Even though the current taxation STILL doesn't pay for medicare.


Which is why we print,more money,borrow more money, and try to raise taxes on a minority.

70% of taxes in the USA are paid in other ways aside from Income tax...everything from groceries to gas to property taxes etc.

We aren't talking about other taxes since that minority is paying all those as well.

They pay more in property taxes that has jack snip to do with the federal level,.,

Half this country isn't paying taxes.

That is a fact.

The simple truth of IT ALL is the simple FACT that no government program is self funding,

Especially when it comes to the big 3 SS,medicare,medicaid.

People are getting more out than they ever paid in.

Which is why the never GD end whine about them evil rich.

They don't deserve their money!

Make them pay!
edit on 16-1-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 12:52 PM
Wow. That was one of the worst analogies I have ever seen for our system.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 01:47 PM
A more accurate analogy is that man number 10 used some of his extra money to bribe the bartender to pass more of the bill to the rest of the customers and let him drink free.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 03:09 PM
So the OP does an analogy about this and forgets to include what percentage that price for their beer is as a cut from their personal income...

Im not an economist at all but wouldnt that be a very important aspect of the whole 'fair' idea. Of the four men at the bottom at least 2 of them are either sick or invalids incapable of working for a wage and are just along at the bar because the middle men invited them for a beer at their expense. And if you did do percentages of their income you'd find the man at the top probably was only using a fraction of their wages for their share of the beer while some of the men at the bottom where spending over half their wages.

Oh and the guy at the top was being slipped a free bear after everyone else went home since he did a favor for the bartender back in college that could have been rather embarrassing... or something like that.

Oh and the bartender drinks half his stock himself, and passes on his losses to the patrons.

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