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Dyslexics Anonymous

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posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:34 PM
I am a dyslexic. Severely so. When I was younger, it was very frustrating. But now that I am older, I am able to laugh at myself and see things differently as I can see all things forwards and backwards.

Recently in my household, we have decided to write moms dyslexic phrases on a white board where we leave messages or write appointments on. This is what I wish to share with you and hope that all you other dyslexics out there will join me. I had totally thought about doing this whole thread in my bass ackward way, but then I knew that only us dyslexics would get it...

Anyways, I had told my family I need to write a book on nothing but the strangest things that come out of my mouth. Surely it would sell as a comedy. What I thought would be fun, is if the lysdexics of ATS would join me and record some of their greatest moments and sayings. A simple observation...when people spend any amount of time around me, they start speaking backwards like me. Why is that? Any guesses from all you great minds?

Nurkey and Toodles
Cof of Pottee
It'll sleep your # up!

Dyslexics of ATS...what are some of your best blunders?

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by cloudwatcher

I have sex daily. I mean I have Dyslexia.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by abe froman


That's an anagram.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:47 PM
Don't worry about being dyslexic, most of what the MSM and government write isn't worth reading anyway. Just stick to what our ancestors did, go have a cup of coffee with people you know and talk about trivial things. Beats going to college, and maybe you will get a good job someday since you will be sane because you didn't read those instructions written in china when you want to put something together.

Dyslexia is an inconvenience, it isn't a disability. A person can be super intelligent and still have this problem. Society considers it a problem, but maybe society is the problem. Everyone is different, so what if it takes a little longer to learn. Not everyone needs to be a rocket scientist. Geese, nobody can read the fine print on a cell phone or cable contract properly, soon the complications of society will make everyone unable to read.

Let me know when your book comes out, it sounds like it will be interesting.

edit on 13-1-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:48 PM
I had a friend who was a dyslexic agnostic insomniac.

He'd lie awake all night wondering if there was a dog.

edit on 13-1-2014 by ScientiaFortisDefendit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:50 PM
I wasn't aware dyslexics spoke backwards. I though it was just when spelling words. Or reading.

I like to eat Chish & Fips

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by cloudwatcher

Well I've never been diagnosed dyslexic, but after I fell a few years back and has traumatic brain injury, I speak a sentence before I think.
Example: I need tire in my air.

I said that the other day, so it's fresh in my memory. I shall start writing down other phrases as the days come along and share on here... Since you are sharing yours in all... That is..if I remember as well.

And that's the extent of on how I speak some sentences, not all. I just get the two words in the wrong place. I say it before I think it through..

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by natalia

I remember those days well, the delay in thinking, the placing of wrong words in the sentences. I had a TBI in 02. I have recovered most things except for still having the TLE. Learning to use the TLE has made it easier to think in an array pattern. Sucks when you get stressed out though. I went from dealing with stress all day long to not being able to deal with stress much at all.

The meds used to treat the temperal lobe epilepsy were much worse than the epilepsy. I can control it as long as there isn't a lot of stress or I get too much to do. No cure I guess, but it is just a new way of life.

I hope you recover well, If not, look for good points to focus on.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:23 PM
Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!

I have a friend with dyslexia and he's constantly misspelling things.
I always tell him to just blame auto correct.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:28 PM

Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!

I have a friend with dyslexia and he's constantly misspelling things.
I always tell him to just blame auto correct.

Good joke, and I have some dsylexci jokes of my own. However, isn't what the OP describes a case of Spoonerism, rather than dyslexia?

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:45 PM

Lazarus Short

Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!

I have a friend with dyslexia and he's constantly misspelling things.
I always tell him to just blame auto correct.

Good joke, and I have some dsylexci jokes of my own. However, isn't what the OP describes a case of Spoonerism, rather than dyslexia?

KO...what is Spoonerism? And I assure you, D is for lysdexia.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:51 PM

Don't worry about being dyslexic, most of what the MSM and government write isn't worth reading anyway. Just stick to what our ancestors did, go have a cup of coffee with people you know and talk about trivial things. Beats going to college, and maybe you will get a good job someday since you will be sane because you didn't read those instructions written in china when you want to put something together.

Dyslexia is an inconvenience, it isn't a disability. A person can be super intelligent and still have this problem. Society considers it a problem, but maybe society is the problem. Everyone is different, so what if it takes a little longer to learn. Not everyone needs to be a rocket scientist. Geese, nobody can read the fine print on a cell phone or cable contract properly, soon the complications of society will make everyone unable to read.

Let me know when your book comes out, it sounds like it will be interesting.

edit on 13-1-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

Forgive me for being crass...but I LMAO when I read your reply. I have no learning disability. I just talk backwards, write backwards, think wackbards and all that other good stuff that comes with being a dyslexic. Einstein was a dyslexic. As far as growing up someday and getting a good job because I avoided China, and remained sane...giggles

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:53 PM

reply to post by abe froman


That's an anagram.

Thanks for the smile! I shall return the kind in favor.

Wife white beater

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 04:11 PM
I worked at a clinic where we worked with kids who had phonemic awareness problems which is where the brain tends to lose the information for letters between either the auditory or visual processing centers of the brain and the frontal lobes where language is processed. So a person who reads "Black" and sees all the letters, might only get the information for "back." The "l" gets lost.

Anyhow, one of the groups we saw a lot of were kids with dyslexia.

I was working with one bright little guy with whom everybody loved working and he was such a precocious little character. He could also be a bit of turkey at times, too. Well, anyhow, we were doing an exercise where you have three to four letter tiles and make words and switch the word by changing out one tile at a time.

I had down the following:


Without really thinking, I stuck an "R" in there.


Little guy looked right at me and announced very brightly:


posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by cloudwatcher

What you are describing as your dyslexic symptoms is something I do on purpose for fun. Because it IS funny to switch up the first letter of the words. My wife loves it, and we laugh often about some of the classics. The funniest ever: we had a dirt driveway, and she parked where when I got out I would get out into a pothole full of water (it had rained earlier in the day). I opened the door and said, "Good job. You parked right in the middle of the mucking pud fuddle".

You say those things and it takes people a minute to "get it", understand you, then they typically start laughing. If they aren't paying attention, they don't even notice.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:00 PM


Lazarus Short

Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!

I have a friend with dyslexia and he's constantly misspelling things.
I always tell him to just blame auto correct.

Good joke, and I have some dsylexci jokes of my own. However, isn't what the OP describes a case of Spoonerism, rather than dyslexia?

KO...what is Spoonerism? And I assure you, D is for lysdexia.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 06:15 AM

Lazarus Short


Lazarus Short

Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!

I have a friend with dyslexia and he's constantly misspelling things.
I always tell him to just blame auto correct.

Good joke, and I have some dsylexci jokes of my own. However, isn't what the OP describes a case of Spoonerism, rather than dyslexia?

KO...what is Spoonerism? And I assure you, D is for lysdexia.

Well, I must admit I learned something NEW on ATS. I am a diagnosed dyslexic. Have been since I was a child. It definitely has its advantages. My step son when he was in 2nd grade was getting terrible grades in school. I went to one of his teachers meetings and I picked up on it right away. He had a big fat F on his math paper, but he had them ALL right. They were only backwards. Being dyslexic, I think, is rather cool. I don't just say things backwards as mentioned in another post. I have been able to write as easily backwards as I can forwards, in beautiful handwriting I might add.

When I look at a word, I see it forwards and backwards. I also see numbers, addresses and such the same way too. I tend to think that my brain works too fast for my mouth sometimes. And I have a lot of fun with it. Those who spend much time around me, sometimes pick up on it subconciously and start doing it themselves...wonder why that is? Attributed to my Jaders...Are there anymore dirshes ditty?

I must admit that if ADD or ADHD were around when I was a child, I would have been the first one on medication. LOL
I have noticed that a lot of dyslexics also happen to be hyper. I can't sit still for nothing and I am in my 40's. Hence, this is something that cannot be cured. Rather, I believe, one needs to let it blossom.

I have noticed over the years, that there are certain medications out there that make this condition worse. Oddly enough, one of those drugs is xanax. Same forwards and backwards.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Howdy BFFT!
I love my avatar, thank you very much!
The people around me do the same thing on purpose. We have lots of fun with it too. My father, the Marine that he will always be, is the one responsible for me being able to cope with it as a child. He would tell me funny sayings or stories that he learned as a Marine that were all I'm not as think as you drunk I am.

We write the good ones down. We all get a big laugh out of it. AND that was the purpose of this thread. To have nuf with it! It can be quite entertaining. These are those little things in life, that count! That you will remember.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 08:28 AM
When you have something a little wrong, it is important not to let it bother you and make you feel damaged. This dislexia is just an inconvenience. Some people with this condition think they are inferior when they have this, and even more often others think these dislexic people are inferior. This is not the case, it is just a new challenge to overcome. I think that a person can live a normal life with this and they shouldn't be looked at as defective in anyway. I know all sorts of people, nobody in my mind is better than others unless you judge by their honesty and truthfulness. Also how they treat others is important. I actually find it more fun and interesting when we all have our different ways.

In society today, the christmas trees in houses need to be perfect. I like the scrawney trees from the woods myself. They are real, they aren't something that has been pruned to what many think is perfect. To me, a tree with flaws looks better with decorations hung on it.

Nature is perfect. Little differences make us who we are. I do not want to be like someone else, I want to be me. Society as a whole is getting a little loopy, looking for the flaws in people thanks to medicine. I like looking for the good in people myself, I guess I am just a little nuts.
edit on 14-1-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by cloudwatcher

My partner who is also a member of ATS has dyslexia.. He gets me to proof read his posts lol... Also because I sometimes watch when he types I have noticed his dyslexia seems to be affecting me too....!

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