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New Gas E15 AAA Insurance Alert: DO NOT USE - Destroys engines, Voids Warranties

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posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 04:58 AM
I searched and didn't find anything about this.

This fuel is destroying engines older than 2012. AAA warns this will eat up your engine.
It is cheaper at the pump, but will cost 100s if not 1,000s later to repair the damage. It isn't really cheaper because you get less mileage.[/yvid]

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by misskat1

Wow gas companies will not cover engine damage what so ever..... Kill all 10 year older cars stimulate the economy as you now have to invest in an auto that can tolerate the higher rate of alcohol in petrol.... sort of like a coke dealer using too much baby laxative as a cut.....

How is the public allow this to happen???? Boycott stop buying gas and use public transport two weeks to go to work.... gas companies not selling gas will have to change.... then silently add later in secret back in :'(


PS Replace car go electric screw these oil companies and keep our children home from foreign wars

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by IceHappy

In todays economy some are just lucky to have an old car that works. It makes you wonder what the EPA is really up to. It seems to me that the EPA is one of the agencies that is at the heart of Agenda 21. They weld way too much power. If older model vehicles are removed from service, it would eliminate peoples ability to get out of the cities.
I hope,that if this is true, and our engines are knowingly destroyed by this gas, that there will be a class action law suit against the EPA.
Aren't they the ones who recently decided that a whole town in Wy (I think) should be given back to the Natives? And, I believe the Alaska miners have been targeted with raids and swat teams. Residences in S. California are being forced to live on the grid or get off their land. Its illegal to collect rain water, and burn firewood.
EPA has usurped way too much power.

edit on 12-1-2014 by misskat1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by misskat1

This is sensationalism at it's best. E15 works fine in many cars, but you do need to check yourown vehicles manual or ask the local dealer if it's compatible.

Case in point, I used to own a 1995 passat from volkswagen that operated perfectly on it with little effect to my fuel consumption. I also had an even older 1990 Mitsubishi that ran perfectly okay, although gas mileage did suffer a bit. I had a 1998 Mercedes powered suv that specifically said in the manual not to operate it on alcohol based fuels, so i never used it.
Most newer gasoline engines have been developed with e15 fuels in mind and are fine to run on them. I'd anyone is suspicious odd cars running on alcohol, take a trip to Brazil. They have cars on the road there that run on 100% alcohol and have done so for many years.

*edit* I should probably point out that i am from Australia where e10 and e15 fuels have been available for at least the last 5 years. I have travelled approx 100,000 km in the abovementioned vehicles with no hassles at all using e10 and 15 in the compatible cars.
edit on 12-1-2014 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by markosity1973

I have a hard time believing that AAA Insurance would issue this warning, if it didn't have merit. I cant imagine how they could profit from warning people to stay away from this gas.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by misskat1

To get technical about it, its the cars fuel injection system and the state of wear in the engine that affects the vehicles performance.

The Mercedes powered car i had was incompatible with both alcohol based fuels and propane without a special kit because it had plastic plenum chambers in the intake system that both fuels could cause to deteriorate and crack along with fuel pump and seals that could also deteriorate in the presence of alcohol.

AAA have made this claim because some, not all, manufacturers will state in their warranties that their vehicles are not compatible with e15. This will be for reasons similar to the Mercedes issue. Come to Aussie, its sold everywhere and we don't have broken cars littering the road or people crying foul over voided warranties.

This is pure scare mongering.
edit on 12-1-2014 by markosity1973 because: stupid tablet keyboard

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 07:16 AM
Here's some good myth busting info on using alcohol fuels in old cars

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 08:37 AM
I think we are going the wrong way with this corn gas. The cars usually get worse gas mileage with corn gas. If you need to burn more to get to the same place, how is that good for the environment. They are destroying the soils growing the corn. I think it is a big fake ecofriendly lie.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 08:51 AM
E-15 is fine if your vehicle is less than about 25-30 years old. Automakers have been approving parts to use it since the mid80's at least probably earlier.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 09:47 AM
Alcohol doesn't destroy engines. Older cars with certain plastics or rubber in the fuel system need to be updated to tolerate it, and depending on the amount of alcohol you wish to introduce you may have to rework the carburetor with larger jets, squirters, etc, older fuel injection system may need some computer recalibration since more fuel needs to be burnt by the engine to produce the same work. 100% alcohol requires twice as much volume than standard gasoline.

Racing engines have been using 100 percent alcohol for decades. it's resistance to pre detonation is extremely high, and such compression ratios can be 12 to 15 to one, which improves greatly the volumetric efficiency of the engine.

check out this link, this guy has a ton to say on alcohol as a fuel for the average car...

Alcohol can be a gas

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:21 AM

Here's some good myth busting info on using alcohol fuels in old cars

Using a mechanic (who depends upon cars failing so he has a job tomorrow) isn't the best route to take. He is minimizing it down past preventative maintenance issues...

"Just bring it in and we'll bring everything up to date for you." Average shops charge $85.00 an hour; to fix something that should not be an issue from the manufacturer down.

Not a nice way to nickel and dime consumers pensions is it?

all aboard!

General Motors had already done the same for all of its newer vehicles, going back to 2012 model year Buicks, Cadillacs, Chevys and GMCs. In a letter to EPM last week, GM said, “When EPA changed its regulations to allow the use of E15, we made the necessary hardware and control changes to ensure our non-FlexFuel vehicles will run effectively on the higher-ethanol E15 blend fuel as it potentially becomes more available in the marketplace. We’re focused on securing a safe and trouble-free driving experience for our customers and this modification prepares vehicles for the introduction of E15.”

Autos older than the 2012 models should be recalled to implement this "standard" at the manufacturers expense, not the consumer.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:28 AM

reply to post by misskat1

Wow gas companies will not cover engine damage what so ever..... Kill all 10 year older cars stimulate the economy as you now have to invest in an auto that can tolerate the higher rate of alcohol in petrol.... sort of like a coke dealer using too much baby laxative as a cut.....

How is the public allow this to happen???? Boycott stop buying gas and use public transport two weeks to go to work.... gas companies not selling gas will have to change.... then silently add later in secret back in :'(


PS Replace car go electric screw these oil companies and keep our children home from foreign wars

How about an additive that removes the Ethanol?

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:32 AM

Alcohol doesn't destroy engines. Older cars with certain plastics or rubber in the fuel system need to be updated to tolerate it, and depending on the amount of alcohol you wish to introduce you may have to rework the carburetor with larger jets, squirters, etc, older fuel injection system may need some computer recalibration since more fuel needs to be burnt by the engine to produce the same work. 100% alcohol requires twice as much volume than standard gasoline.

Racing engines have been using 100 percent alcohol for decades. it's resistance to pre detonation is extremely high, and such compression ratios can be 12 to 15 to one, which improves greatly the volumetric efficiency of the engine.

check out this link, this guy has a ton to say on alcohol as a fuel for the average car...

Alcohol can be a gas

BS it eats up the brass jets in your Carburetor. It also causes your engine to run hotter not cooler.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:34 AM

I think we are going the wrong way with this corn gas. The cars usually get worse gas mileage with corn gas. If you need to burn more to get to the same place, how is that good for the environment. They are destroying the soils growing the corn. I think it is a big fake ecofriendly lie.

Bio-fuels made form corn cause more carbon build-up in your engine, sooner ring and piston wear, and tailpipe build-up too. May be cleaner on the air but your engine takes a toll for it.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by caterpillage

It seems that I am hearing a defense for the new gas, and we should just change the technical parts that are effected in our personal vehicles. What if you don't have the technical ability to change the parts or the financial ability to pay someone to change the parts?

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

They produce more nitric oxides also, those are ten times as bad as CO2

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:56 AM


Alcohol doesn't destroy engines. Older cars with certain plastics or rubber in the fuel system need to be updated to tolerate it, and depending on the amount of alcohol you wish to introduce you may have to rework the carburetor with larger jets, squirters, etc, older fuel injection system may need some computer recalibration since more fuel needs to be burnt by the engine to produce the same work. 100% alcohol requires twice as much volume than standard gasoline.

Racing engines have been using 100 percent alcohol for decades. it's resistance to pre detonation is extremely high, and such compression ratios can be 12 to 15 to one, which improves greatly the volumetric efficiency of the engine.

check out this link, this guy has a ton to say on alcohol as a fuel for the average car...

Alcohol can be a gas

BS it eats up the brass jets in your Carburetor. It also causes your engine to run hotter not cooler.

Alcohol is corrosive yes, there you are correct. As I said a fuel system needs to be modified to run it. It's not really a big deal.

Alcohol causes an Engine to run hotter. Do some research on that then get back to me there. As you will find you are incorrect.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:58 AM

reply to post by caterpillage

It seems that I am hearing a defense for the new gas, and we should just change the technical parts that are effected in our personal vehicles. What if you don't have the technical ability to change the parts or the financial ability to pay someone to change the parts?

Then I would say leave 'er be. Use regular gas.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:59 AM


I think we are going the wrong way with this corn gas. The cars usually get worse gas mileage with corn gas. If you need to burn more to get to the same place, how is that good for the environment. They are destroying the soils growing the corn. I think it is a big fake ecofriendly lie.

Bio-fuels made form corn cause more carbon build-up in your engine, sooner ring and piston wear, and tailpipe build-up too. May be cleaner on the air but your engine takes a toll for it.

Once again, more learning is needed.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 04:33 PM

I think we are going the wrong way with this corn gas. The cars usually get worse gas mileage with corn gas. If you need to burn more to get to the same place, how is that good for the environment. They are destroying the soils growing the corn. I think it is a big fake ecofriendly lie.

While it's true that some cars do get less mileage from alcohol fuels, they also emit less emissions because alcohol actually has oxygen in it's chemical makeup, so burning it releases the oxygen and allows the petroleum part to burn more completely.

The actual reason for using alcohol in fuels is not about eco friendliness at all though, it's about making fossil oil go a bit further. People can deny it all they want, but we are just about at peak oil production around the world, with no new major oil fields having been found for a little while now. As demand keeps rising, our next option is to make the oil we have go further, and voila e10 and e15 makes it's debut.

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