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Do people check before they post?

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posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:25 PM
There have been a number of Posts creating duplicate threads relating to the heroic action of a Pakistani schoolboy who sacrificed his life ensuring that his friends and school chums survived yet another suicide bombing being carried out in the name of God knows what.

I am truly in awe of this lads bravery, it is selfless and hopefully his actions will be acknowledged world wide. It will hopefully have been noted by the mods and owners of this site that I suggested ATS support this extraordinary act with a push to see recognition given by a major sponsor/s and maybe provision of a scholarship to a US University. Strangely no-one on ATS appears to have supported such a suggestion, whatever!

What grieves me additionally is to be criticised by anyone for daring to mention that the post about this lad had already been instigated. Not that I don't have a thick skin, but unwarranted criticism is a waste, bit like selective ignoring of facts but there you go sh*t happens!

May I simply point out for the sake of clarity that what appears to have been a 4th repeat does not help the cause but simply dilutes the effect that one very good initial OP made, a second might add, but by the time you get to a 4th the effect is diminishing somewhat.

And, no, for the benefit of what appears to be more than one little bête noir, I don't spend 24/7 on ATS, but I do tend to try have a look around before I commit to a thread. No one is perfect though and if I duplicate I would happily accept being pointed in the right direction.

There We Are Then See!

edit on 11-1-2014 by Shuftystick because: Tidying up

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:33 PM

I suggested ATS support this extraordinary act with a push to,see recognition given by a major sponsor/s and maybe provision of a scholarship to a US University.

Whilst this lad 100million% needs some recognition for his self-sacrifice, I'm quite sure he died? I doubt a US scholarship would do him much good...

You should have taken your own advice

edit on 11-1-2014 by iRoyalty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:53 PM
I'm on the threads all day every day and its bad, there will four threads exactly the same all in one day, then 2 more the next day on the same topic, but that's what the mods are for, maybe they need a couple more though??

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:56 PM

There have been a number of Posts creating duplicate threads relating to the heroic action of a Pakistani schoolboy who sacrificed his life ensuring that his friends and school chums survived yet another suicide bombing being carried out in the name of God knows what.

I am truly in awe of this lads bravery, it is selfless and hopefully his actions will be acknowledged world wide. It will hopefully have been noted by the mods and owners of this site that I suggested ATS support this extraordinary act with a push to see recognition given by a major sponsor/s and maybe provision of a scholarship to a US University. Strangely no-one on ATS appears to have supported such a suggestion, whatever!

What grieves me additionally is to be criticised by anyone for daring to mention that the post about this lad had already been instigated. Not that I don't have a thick skin, but unwarranted criticism is a waste, bit like selective ignoring of facts but there you go sh*t happens!

May I simply point out for the sake of clarity that what appears to have been a 4th repeat does not help the cause but simply dilutes the effect that one very good initial OP made, a second might add, but by the time you get to a 4th the effect is diminishing somewhat.

And, no, for the benefit of what appears to be more than one little bête noir, I don't spend 24/7 on ATS, but I do tend to try have a look around before I commit to a thread. No one is perfect though and if I duplicate I would happily accept being pointed in the right direction.

There We Are Then See!

edit on 11-1-2014 by Shuftystick because: Tidying up

The search function does not work. You type in "ufo" and you will get results on miley cirus or apple pie.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:59 PM
As stated the search function sucks especially if the title doesn't have the same keywords also someone may post under current events and another may post under war on terror but most of the time it is because the search function sucks.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by FirePiston

Yes the search is not all that good but it really is not that hard to check the recently made threads before they post the exact same information. All you gotta do is click the little arrows on the right of your browser a few times and voila! there's the post you were gonna post that was authored mere hours and in some cases 10 minutes before.

My suggestion is to click the live tab [looks like this but reversed] on the ATS toolbar and take note of the new threads BEFORE deciding on making a thread. After that you can even hit the new tab up there and get a report by time of recently started threads for a better view.

I wonder if they are working on fixing the search function because it really can be irritating.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Shuftystick

no, BTW there are several related posts already on ATS.

LOL, I agree, and the search engine does suck. S

edit on 11-1-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by iRoyalty

Death from this lads sacrifice having already been acknowledged, unless I missed a miraculous resurrection between post no.1 and post no.4 and your comment a scholarship as suggested and as intimated would be in his memory?

Many scholarships throughout the world exist in somebodies memory, bit like a bench at the seaside or a plank on a pier with a brass plaque in someone's memory. It's usually after the death of the person so remembered, traditionally I believe.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 07:34 PM
sadly, the boy died.

Teen dies stopping suicide bomber at school in Pakistan

And to add;
The old reliable ask.ats works fine.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 10:25 PM

sadly, the boy died.

Teen dies stopping suicide bomber at school in Pakistan

And to add;
The old reliable ask.ats works fine.

Thanks for taking me back

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 07:18 AM
What was the question?
I think I make a post about folks not reading before they post...

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Shuftystick

Sure but you said give him a scholarship.. that's a place at a school?

Unless you're suggesting he gets buried at a school in America? Although that is a very odd suggestion for remembering a hero..

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

Just checked all my posts on 3 or 4 threads and unless I am mistaken I did not suggest awarding the scholarship to him. If you are able to support your contention that I did use the reference to award the scholarship to him rather than as stated in his memory please point out my error and I will happily stand corrected.

Additionally, whilst accepting that the search system has its faults, the Mk1 eyeball still has it's uses and checking what has already been posted regarding such an event isn't that difficult. Having said that in support of others stating the same I am sure if I haven't already done so I will probably place a duplicate post in future and rely upon the support of Observant ATS members to save me from the Ire of moderators.

edit on 14-1-2014 by Shuftystick because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 09:34 AM

There have been a number of Posts creating duplicate threads relating to the heroic action of a Pakistani schoolboy who sacrificed his life ...


I am one of the people who started a thread on this subject. It's not a matter of 'not looking' .... it's a matter of the differnet search functions and people using different titles for their threads and different subject forums. It's no big deal. The mods just close the duplicate threads.

It seems to me that the best search here to use is the old one -
For some reason, the new one doesn't seem to work as well for me.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

See Mk1 eyeball reference above, don't rely totally on the vagaries of search systems.

Relax! What do I want to relax for?

If I relax THEY will not and by the time I realise it, it will be too late...
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