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Father sentenced to 6 months in jail for paying too much child support

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posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 08:57 PM
Another illustration of the broken machine called America.

Walking out of court? Was he under arrest? Seems like the court session was a waste anyway.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 09:19 PM

reply to post by LeatherNLace

Well if people go to jail over a plant or get assaulted by the Swat team for selling milk this isn't surprising.
edit on 11-1-2014 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

I agree 100%!
I don't know how true this is but it seems nothing surprises me anymore!
Which is truly sad because there was a time I would be outraged by such
a thing but today I have come to the conclusion that we the people have
given up on being outraged unless it's something that effects ourselves or
what we really care about!

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 09:38 PM
This is why its not worth it to have children. To a man in this sick society, a child is a liability!!!! Feminist pigs and their grip on the system have made the male vulnerable to the point where reproduction is a mistake!!!!

Low birth rates will become a normality all across western society soon. Watch. And you feminists will share a piece of the blame

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:45 PM
Well, I was outraged when I first read the OP article. But, it seemed like there was something missing...

Then citizen hellobruce, in this post, provided a link to this Snopes Entry. Which provided a link to the Harris County District Clerk.

The court records regarding this case are quite interesting.

It appears to me that the father wasn't paying his support, thus the original contempt finding in April. And he didn't show up for court on a couple of occasions. And there was a warrant for his arrest that goes back to November.

When the court sends out a document, if there is no attorney of record, the document is sent to the address on file. If the father has moved, and no forwarding address is active, then he wouldn't receive the paper. So, if he claims that he didn't know about what was going on, it's his own fault for not maintaining a proper address with the courts.

As far as the visitation issue is concerned, I suspect that the father was not following the court order and showing up whenever he chose to visit with his son.


posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:58 AM
Perfect example of how broken the judicial system is. How the mother modified the visitation without the father knowing is a serious issue. Just because the boy is with his mother doesn't mean she can do what she pleases. The visitation change has to go back to court and the father should have a say in court. The court, judge and state allowed her to modify a court agreement and turned the father into a criminal to boot.

What should happen here is the Judge be disbarred, the state pay restitution to the father equal to one year of his income, the mothers attorney loses his/her license, the mother loses her custody of the child and she serves 180 days in jail. Now that is how law suppose to work.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:16 AM
I call bs on this. I pay child support and ANYTHING that gets changed, I get notified by certified mail or phone call. They can't NOT notify you, unless you don't have an address on record. If they didn't have his current address, then it was on him to get it to social services.
As far as attys fees go, since mom hired the atty, she should be responsible for paying the fees, not dad?

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:29 AM

Perfect example of how broken the judicial system is. How the mother modified the visitation without the father knowing is a serious issue. Just because the boy is with his mother doesn't mean she can do what she pleases. The visitation change has to go back to court and the father should have a say in court. The court, judge and state allowed her to modify a court agreement and turned the father into a criminal to boot.

What should happen here is the Judge be disbarred, the state pay restitution to the father equal to one year of his income, the mothers attorney loses his/her license, the mother loses her custody of the child and she serves 180 days in jail. Now that is how law suppose to work.

You can decide all that from an article that doesn't give you the full story?


posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by AK907ICECOLD

That judge could and should get suspension for not recusing herself the second you did that. Also technically speaking you just admitted to blackmailing a judge. I'd be careful with that. If you are telling the truth.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by LeatherNLace

Thank you for posting this, it's the most absurd legal ruling I heard for a long time. It seems to be an opportunity to open up the debate about the purpose of the law, punitive, rehabilitative, social order or social control, perhaps all of them.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 09:27 AM
1...the guy came up with the 3,000 dollars in back child support, claimed in the video, he therefore didn't pay it before this
2...he disobeyed a court order on visitations, also claimed in the video
3...after being given a contempt order by the judge (for what I did not hear), he walked out of the courtroom, in front of the judge, also in the video's now in appeal, so the jail sentence is "stayed"
judges don't put up with disrespect, nor should they have to. people that come into a court need to cut out the sarcasm, interruptions, loud voices, name calling, etc...and be polite. these types of behaviors are all too prevalent in normal day to day interactions.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 09:42 AM


Every little change in a court order gets sent to both affected parties. I get notified if there is the smallest change to my child support order. Saying he was unaware doesn't fly because odds are, they were legally bound to notify him of those changes. Saying "I didn't know" doesn't fly because it's his responsibility to make sure he knows. It's like that saying about ignorance of the law.

Court orders get changed plenty of times in divorce cases, without the other parties knowledge, they purposely get sent to incorrect addresses and this is result.

This isn't ignorance of the law, because these are not laws, they are legal agreements between two parties.

Many times if one side is scorned and takes a childish mentality, they will do everything in their power to use the child as a pawn and the system, which IMO, is reprehensible, and bad Karma to boot.

The childish party will do everything in their power to do what is in their interest and not the child's interest, thus producing a situation like this one.

When legal agreements are changed the other party should legal have a certified delivery to them, that they acknowledge by signature, which most likely didn't happen in this case.

I'm glad this guy did what he did because the pendulum has not only swung to right to the other side, but into complete insanity these days with the issues of using child support as a means to emasculate men.

If this man get 6 months for contempt in this situation, then our entire system needs to be over-hauled.

The only thing our current laws on child support is to allow for one side to make the other side miserable whenever they choose.

This must end.

edit on 13-1-2014 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

I actually disagree. You see, I have this really, really thick file folder containing every change that has occurred over the last 5 years. It's about an inch thick. There are also rules to what one must do to notify the other party. If he, as my own ex is wont to do so often, dropped off the face of the earth with no address for a bit and was called to appear then I can understand why he did not receive notification. In that sort of situation, an ad gets put in the paper and it's hit or miss if the other party sees it or not. If his location is known, then it's as you said...the orders are given to him by an outside third party. The article makes no attempt to clarify why he was not informed but considering there is no remark on the matter whatsoever, it would not appear that the fault was in the actions of his ex-wife's attorney or the judge.

It's his responsibility to keep a current address available so that he can receive notifications on such an important thing as this. It's not her responsibility and it's not the court's either. It is solely HIS responsibility. Period.

While I do agree that divorce and children can frequently be used as a tool to torture each other because of a lack of maturity on either one or both parties, I wouldn't go so far to say that it is like this all the time. I'd tell you what my relationship with my ex is like and what all I've done to try to make things so easy for my ex because I knew from the start that he had issues and would have a tendency of dropping our child like a hot rock. There's really no point though because people will believe what they want to believe--that dads get the raw deal every time. Nothing I say is going to change that and articles like these are deliberately written with things omitted to specifically feed just such sentiments.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:26 PM
I once owned a small construction company and one of my employee's was paying child support for two children.
One day the police show up on the job and arrest him for non-payment.
I always deducted child support from his paychecks and sent it in every month.

Upon contacting children's services, they claimed to have never received the payments. After locating the canceled checks and informing them of such they insisted I bring the canceled checks so they could confirm. At the expense of missing a half days work, I took the checks to their office. They insisted that the payments were not made in time to go into the account. "This was 6 months of weekly paycheck deductions and 6 canceled checks to children's services.

After more than two hours of total b.s. they told me someone had credited the payments to the wrong account. Meaning someone was getting double payments. They had the nerve to ask if I could make the back payments until the missing funds were located. I informed them that no back payments would be forthcoming and all future payments would be placed in escrow in the children's name until all payments were made.
To make a long story short, by Monday of the following week all payments were up to date.

The crux of the story is after my employee and myself missed a days work and I had to pay his 65 dollars court costs.
I never received an apology of any sort.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by hoss53

What a bunch of crooks.

The whole system is ridiculous.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by phoenixrisesfromflame

I plead the Fifth!

I just like telling stories.... it's a conspiracy.

Trust me when I say that I would never incriminate myself on the internet.

There is no way of proving that what I said is of any truth besides a story. Just a story.

Although, thank you for your thoughts, I was waiting for this response, LOL

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:44 PM
Ok reading the article on fox is nothing like the one you quoted he was being taken to court for non payment of child support. Then when he realized according to him that his employer wasnt paying child support he runs down and pays 3 grand before court. Then gets in front of the judge and argues hes paid. At which time the Judge makes him pay for his wife's attorney since his lack of payment caused her to file suit. Now im betting there is a restraining order in here somewhere the article doesnt mention it but id his wife took out a restraining order. Then he is obliged to follow it like no showing up at the residence except to pick up your child for scheduled visitation. That is probably why hes in jail. If someone is more curious then me im sure they will find exactly that.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:50 PM
When a man goes before a female judge, he is screwed. I have witnessed this time and again first hand. Not just with family courts and child support issues either. Female judges just can't wait to put it to men.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:59 PM

When a man goes before a female judge, he is screwed. I have witnessed this time and again first hand. Not just with family courts and child support issues either. Female judges just can't wait to put it to men.

Do you think she laughed like "MWAHAHAHA" when she gave him a jail term too?

Grow up.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 04:04 PM
I seemed to have found their case. The defendant's name "Clifford Hall" and his lawyer, "Tyesha Elam" are attached to the case.

This is my best guess in this regard: Case pertaining to the topic on hand

I think there is a lot more to this than what Mr. Hall is letting on. My guess is that his ex-wife filled at one point and he ignored or didn't show.
edit on 13-1-2014 by ownbestenemy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by LeatherNLace

This is simply baffling to me.

What's baffling about it?

Trying to be a part of your childs life is contemptable in the eyes of the law....

Seems pretty clear to me.

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