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Right Wing Evangelicals Claim 'Good Christians' Can't Get PTSD

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posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:09 AM


I answered your question with a question.

No you didn't. You avoided it and deflected. Answer it straight out.

Your quote -

good Christians and good Muslims who really believe that they would return to their Creator can coexist.

I had a 'good muslim' call me a 'piece of garbage atheist' because I"m a Christian and he doesn't think I"m the right kind of Christian even though he has been educated enough to know that my Christian beliefs mirror most other Christians. He also said that he can't wait for Christianity to die. So, according to your theory, would someone who says that be a 'good muslim' or not?

That 'good muslim' can't coexist. Your theory is blown.

There is a truth! Yes you haven't yet found it.

Neither have you

edit on 1/29/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

My theory does not get blown when haters hate and claim to be good in the same breath!!!

Let God decide who is good and who is not. good people are not self-righteous.

I have found parts of truth and searching for more and for you to claim that I haven't found the truth also ends up implying that you know what it is or is not!!

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by logical7

You said this:

Nothing can unite people better than knowing that they have One Creator to Whom all will return.

And then two posts later you said this:

I never said religions can unify.

Was someone else using your keyboard?
Or did you lose track of which thread you were on?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:34 AM

reply to post by logical7

You said this:

Nothing can unite people better than knowing that they have One Creator to Whom all will return.

And then two posts later you said this:

I never said religions can unify.

Was someone else using your keyboard?
Or did you lose track of which thread you were on?

Isn't there a difference between a belief that can unite people and religions(plural) that I do agree cannot.

Maybe I should frame it better, "people who know that they all will return to the same One God/Creator find it easy to be patient and tolerant of each other and the differences in their beliefs"

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by logical7

"people who know that they all will return to the same One God/Creator find it easy to be patient and tolerant of each other and the differences in their beliefs"

That's better.

I happen to believe that is the case. No "religion" is needed. But even if one does NOT "know" or "believe" they will be returning to the same "Creator" - they can still implement The Golden Rule. No harm, no foul.

Religion isn't needed to learn patience and tolerance of other beliefs.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

I don't really mind what beliefs you or FF have as the responsibility to keep searching sincerely is on you as much as its on me and ultimately it's God who knows how well or badly we are doing it and it would become apparent when we all return to our Maker.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:48 AM

reply to post by logical7

"people who know that they all will return to the same One God/Creator find it easy to be patient and tolerant of each other and the differences in their beliefs"

That's better.

I happen to believe that is the case. No "religion" is needed. But even if one does NOT "know" or "believe" they will be returning to the same "Creator" - they can still implement The Golden Rule. No harm, no foul.

Religion isn't needed to learn patience and tolerance of other beliefs.

You have been on my thread about Deen. Everyone has a Deen and Islam is a Deen not a just religion as you think.
Ideally I should be as conscious of God when I am involved in worldly affairs as I am while praying.

Yes I completely agree with golden rule and I state that if the Golden rule is taken as a template to make rules and laws then it would resemble the Islamic teachings.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:49 AM

for you to claim that I haven't found the truth also ends up implying that you know what it is or is not!!

Sometimes It is easy to see when things are not the truth. When something can be debunked ... it's not the truth. Noahs Ark = Debunked = Not the truth. Adam and Eve = Debunked = Not the truth. Muhammads claims of heavenly visions = debunked = Not the truth. Joseph Smith claims of heavenly visions = debunked = Not the truth. See here . Creation myths from around the world = debunked - Not the truth. Catholic belief in Onanism = debunked = not the truth. etc etc

"people who know that they all will return to the same One God/Creator find it easy to be patient and tolerant of each other and the differences in their beliefs"

... and yet I quoted a 'good muslim' who believes that and isn't in the least bit tolerant. I could quote a pile of his Christian counterparts who all know they must return to the Creator, and they are just as hateful and arrogant.

Religion doesn't unify. It causes conflict.
Spirituality can unify. Religion does not.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by logical7

I state that if the Golden rule is taken as a template to make rules and laws then it would resemble the Islamic teachings.

It would also resemble Christ's teachings, and Buddha's, and Krishna's, and Confucius's, the Unitarian Universalists', and the atheist's teachings.

The FACT is that in action, Islam is no longer a "Golden Age" beacon. Neither is Christianity, nor Judaism.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:02 AM

PTSD isn't just for soldiers in war. It can happen to anyone at anytime in their life.
It's more common then people think. And it can last for the rest of a persons life.

US Military Frequent Questions about PTSD

Most people who are exposed to a traumatic, stressful event experience some of the symptoms of PTSD in the days and weeks following exposure. Available data suggest that about 8% of men and 20% of women go on to develop PTSD, and roughly 30% of these individuals develop a chronic form that persists throughout their lifetimes...

Who is most likely to develop PTSD ...

1. Those who experience greater stressor magnitude and intensity, unpredictability, uncontrollability, sexual (as opposed to nonsexual) victimization, real or perceived responsibility, and betrayal
2. Those with prior vulnerability factors such as genetics, early age of onset and longer-lasting childhood trauma, lack of functional social support, and concurrent stressful life events
3. Those who report greater perceived threat or danger, suffering, upset, terror, and horror or fear
4. Those with a social environment that produces shame, guilt, stigmatization, or self-hatred

Check out #4 .... those with a social environment that produces shame, guilt, stigmatization, or self-hatred. Geee ... sounds an awful lot like organized religions around the world. Hard core Catholics ... fundamentalist Christians ... Islam ... Judaism ... lots and lots of guilt if people don't do things exactly right according to the religion. Lots of stigmatization if a person dares to be born homosexual. Lots of self-hatred when people fall short of the demands of the religion.

Perhaps those who said that real Christians wouldn't get PTSD should take a long hard look ...

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:06 AM
Give them a break, they are just humans after all, broken people without a clue.

As a Christian I dislike other Christians more than those of the world

Its obvious why

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 03:28 PM


for you to claim that I haven't found the truth also ends up implying that you know what it is or is not!!

Sometimes It is easy to see when things are not the truth. When something can be debunked ... it's not the truth. Noahs Ark = Debunked = Not the truth. Adam and Eve = Debunked = Not the truth. Muhammads claims of heavenly visions = debunked = Not the truth. Joseph Smith claims of heavenly visions = debunked = Not the truth. See here . Creation myths from around the world = debunked - Not the truth. Catholic belief in Onanism = debunked = not the truth. etc etc

"people who know that they all will return to the same One God/Creator find it easy to be patient and tolerant of each other and the differences in their beliefs"

... and yet I quoted a 'good muslim' who believes that and isn't in the least bit tolerant. I could quote a pile of his Christian counterparts who all know they must return to the Creator, and they are just as hateful and arrogant.

Religion doesn't unify. It causes conflict.
Spirituality can unify. Religion does not.

Why are you stuck on this?

About the debunked things I have already pointed out many points that raise doubts on your debunk theory.
1)absence of proof is not proof of absence
2)nothing that happened in prehistoric times can be proven one way or other in absolute sense.
3)or those things have the same explanation as you give to wiggle out when pinned down about the parts in NT where Jesus pbuh acknowledged Moses pbuh and Abraham pbuh.

You gave me a self proclaimed "good" believer to blow my theory.

It's ridiculous that you are stuck on a general statement I made.

Quran calls on muslims to deal with Christians as people of the book and interact with them in a good way even while debating theology.

So a good Muslim is one who follows that teaching.

How do you hold the proclamation of anyone to be good as a fact and then use it to question my statement?

Let me invert my statement. People who can coexist are good muslims/christians.

So FF would you be fine to have some Muslim neighbours??

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 03:34 PM

reply to post by logical7

I state that if the Golden rule is taken as a template to make rules and laws then it would resemble the Islamic teachings.

It would also resemble Christ's teachings, and Buddha's, and Krishna's, and Confucius's, the Unitarian Universalists', and the atheist's teachings.

The FACT is that in action, Islam is no longer a "Golden Age" beacon. Neither is Christianity, nor Judaism.

Yes many people spoke the same truth and I find that great.

So you are fine if Islamic teachings are promoted to help make a better world?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 05:14 PM
My impression is that there's only one kind of person who is incapable of PTSD, and such a personality isn't worth being coveted by anyone, much less followers of the Christian doctrines. The latter's perception of being unaffected by the world's negativity must make them think they're all the more holy and Spirit-filled. It's sad to think about.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by EllaMarina

only one kind of person who is incapable of PTSD, and such a personality isn't worth being coveted by anyone, much less followers of the Christian doctrines

Hiya, Ella. Thanks for chiming in.

What you said.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by logical7

So you are fine if Islamic teachings are promoted to help make a better world?

Not if it's the only 'teachings' that are offered, NO.

I'm fine with any teaching that helps make a better world. Islam does not fit the bill. It's too oppressive.

Sharia would NOT make a better world.

The thing that Islam has in common with the other religions - "The Golden Rule"- is fine. Anything condemning others as "blasphemers" or "apostates" is NOT OKAY. Anything telling youths they will have 72 virgins if they blow themselves up and kill some other people is NOT OKAY. Forcing women to wear tents is NOT OKAY. Stoning people is NOT OKAY.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

The recent wars were not just wars and had no justification because the 9/11 event was an abominable lie and a murderous hoax.

There's been nothing Christian at all about recent modern American history.

The thing with these Christians is that for some reason they don't seem to understand that Jesus was also a revolutionary in a clash with evil empire and a corrupted temple.

It's the same reason that his forerunner and initiator John the Baptist was baptizing in the wilderness.

Those two really gave them the gears and held their feet to the fire.

There's absolutely nothing "Christian" about modern American history, nothing, nada, zip, zilch.

Even the excessive support of Israel as the expense of the Palestinians isn't a Christian policy.

I wish Jesus was around today to just BLAST them all, not with bullets or bombs but a type of rhetoric more powerful than the US Military.

Of course the "authorities" would come and take him away on trumped up charged, again..

edit on 29-1-2014 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

There's been nothing Christian at all about recent modern American history.


What does that have to with the Evangelicals saying that "Good Christians" don't get PTSD?

What is your opinion on that statement?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Good Christians are MORE likely to get PTSD, because of the incongruity with Jesus' teaching and spirit.

It's the psycho losers who don't care that aren't as bothered by death, destruction and mayhem.

Spiritually sensitive people are obviously going to be way more susceptible, although at the same time, through meditation and prayer they ought to be able to heal faster than the faithless person with the same thing.

The whole mess is at the feet of American authorities who ought not be honored as St. Paul subscribed because if their authority it tied to wickedness and lies then that's no real authority at all. Instead they should placed in a double-bind or a series of double-binds (chains of logic and reason) and thrust into the predicament of "kicking against the goads" as Paul was when he was Saul, at best, or at worst bound and thrown into the abyss which means oblivion, but yet the height of God's Justice is matched only by His Mercy.

edit on 29-1-2014 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Your idea of Islam is oppressive. Things are very relative when it comes to opinions. What you call as tent is just an idea of modesty. You have your own idea for it. You judging a muslimah as oppressed is the same if some Muslim judges your dressing as revealing. You do know how your react to that and you would consider that individual as ignorant/judgemental etc. How about using some golden rule here??

It's easy to talk about golden rule not so easy to implement it at every moment of life.

Anyways back to the topic. I do see that the level of faith is directly related to the ease with which an individual can cope with troubles.

When some calamity befalls a Muslim he/she says "from God we come and to God we will return"
If it's really internalized then it really makes a difference.

Didn't Buddha teach the same? In this world suffering is inevitable and the more one accept that reality the more easy life becomes.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

meditation and prayer they ought to be able to heal

First of all, I agree with you that "good" Christians would be more likely to suffer PTSD.

Second, I agree with you that the administration/govt has made a mess of things.

I do not, however, agree that meditation and prayer alone can "heal" those emotional wounds. But at least you aren't saying that they're pussies and that if they'd prayed harder or been 'better Christians', they wouldn't suffer.

I honestly have trouble understanding why anyone with that sort of sensitivity would enlist. We don't have the draft anymore - and the military is voluntary - I believe it is the so-called 'perks' - like college tuition, travel, that suck people in (plus some inane idea of "hero" added in).

It messes those kids up - and there's no arguing with that.
I think if Congress or the POTUS/JSOC want to "fight" and "kill" people, they should go over there and ruck up themselves - not send our strongest youths over there to have their lives ruined.

Thanks for explaining, though.
PTSD requires professional treatment - prayer alone doesn't do it. IMO.

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