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Pope, Patriarchs to meet in Jerusalem on May 25

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:44 AM

Christians to come together at the Holy Sepulchre on 25 May

The plan for Francis’ pilgrimage to the Holy Land is beginning to take shape. A delegation representing the Community of Sant’Egidio has commemorated the historic meeting between Paul VI and Athenagoras 50 years ago

Pope Francis and (Ecumenical Patriarch) Bartholomew, who are guests of the Orthodox metropolitan in Jerusalem, could enter the Basilica together and embrace one another before meeting the representatives of other rites, for example, Catholics, Orthodox, Armenians, Copts, Ethiopians and Anglicans.

edit on 10-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:57 AM
If you look at the situation in all big churches, they need nothing short of a Second Jerusalem Council after the first one convened by the apostles in 1st century.
edit on 10-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by 2012newstart

There have already been 21 ecuminical councils of the church. Most however were only ecuminical in name because the invited Patriarchs and and Bishops from other denominations were there as observers, they were only sometimes allowed to comment but did not (or rarely) hold a vote.

What we need is a truely ecuminical council were an open, christ-centered discussion would give the opportunity for greater unity.It would need to be held without malice or discussion of past injuries in order to move forward.

edit on 10-1-2014 by palg1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by palg1

out of those 21 "ecumenical" councils, only the first 7 are recognized by the Orthodox churches, only the first 3 are recognized by the churches of the East, and only the first 4 are recognized by the Reformation, if remember correctly.
edit on 12-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 02:40 AM
Another challenge for Rome is the Russian Orthodox Church, the second biggest Christian church on Earth. Although not first in the inter- Orthodox hierarchy, the Russian church may not be willing to line up and to accept decisions by majority or anyway together with the rest.
edit on 12-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 02:55 AM
The well known Malachi prophecy of the last pope reflects in all Christianity. If it happens, it won't be a local event, rather planetary. Patriarchs should not feel "safe" if anything happens to Rome.
edit on 12-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 03:43 AM

reply to post by 2012newstart

...the invited Patriarchs and and Bishops from other denominations were there as observers, they were only sometimes allowed to comment but did not (or rarely) hold a vote.

What is your source for that?


It is a time to go back to the source, to Jerusalem first council of the apostles and fresh start from the roots. Nothing short of that will "save" Christianity in the secular age.
edit on 12-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 05:15 AM
The challenges before the churches are so many that they could not be properly listed in posts, what to say to be offered solutions.

The messianic Jews rise as a vital new part of believers in Jesus Christ. Rabbi Kaduri is the latest example. Whether or not his prophecy of a sooner "appearance" of Jesus to Jews will occur and how exactly, as to so many catholic "seers" for instance? Virgin Mary was seen in Cairo many times over decades of time including recently, seen by thousands both Coptic Christians and Muslims. The latest years' apparition was approved almost immediately by the late Coptic pope Shenuda.

Whether or not Jesus' new, mass appeaance like that of Mary or bigger will occur?

Regardless of it the churches should redefine key moments about Jesus, and most likely should "canonize" books that were thrown out in first centuries. Dead Sea scrolls. The humanity, the Christian part of humanity in 21st century is not only grown up enough to bear that truth of Jesus, it is grown more than its pastors in many cases. We should know the truth of our Lord the way it is. Even if He doesn't come tomorrow.

Actually if He comes anytime soon, we will learn the truth by Himself without the need of interpreters. The question stands as long as He doesn't come. Then His so called representatives on Earth should do their homework. The sooner the better for everyone.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:19 AM
I don't understand how such important news of the spiritual life of the main churches do not get the proper attention and posts of users. Those same users who otherwise would spend time and effort to prove how bad non-canonical gospel is from "christian or catholic" point of view, for example. Here is the new development, the chance of new start for the main old churches! Why not comment that? Why not suggest what changes the leaders should take? Aren't we in the era of free speech, democracy, and without fear of religious persecution (by church institutions as in the past)? Why are you afraid to say what you think? If you wait the meeting to become a past event, you would have missed the opportunity to voice your word before that. Hypothetically your word to reach the ears of those vested in religious authority. Do you care of that?

And please, after posting so many catholic news with the best intention for the catholic church, please stop calling me "anti-catholic"! I do not hold old catholic views centuries ago, neither those of pre-Vatican councils. I appreciate what the modern churches have to offer to the wider world. Let it be a good fruit, finally!
edit on 27-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:51 AM
It is still not known who of the Eastern and Orthodox churches will send representatives and of what rank. I'd like to see the new Coptic Pope Tawadros II, (patriarch chosen by lot ), the Antioch patriarch, or any other patriarch in the region. Let not forget that region gave the birth of Christianity and still holds some of the oldest "sees" older than Rome itself. Such as the see or throne of St Peter in Antioch, before Peter went to Rome. The see of St Mark in Alexandria, who was disciple of Peter too, and may be the first evangelist whose writings passed thru the test of times. Much could be talked about the Jerusalem churches too, composed of all kinds of denominations both old and new. Armenian patriarchate that is one of the custodians of the Holy Sepulcher basilica, together with the Greek Orthodox patriarch and the Franciscan custodian for the catholic church in the Holy land.

On the other side, we have Rabbi Kaduri who publicly confessed the name of the Messiah - Jesus. Reportedly that multiplied the number of the Messianic Jews to three times more than before Kaduri's statement. The messianic Jews must be seen as not only authentic christians, although not in today's structure of churches. They are our "older brothers in faith" as pope John Paul II referred to the Jews in general. Let not forget (as some too "hot catholics" do) that the Old Testament is inseparable part of the Bible and is not something of no concern for a truly devote person, and for the churches. The opposite. Most of the prophecies come exactly thru the Old Testament. We cannot have future of Christians if we do not find our past in the Testament that Jesus Christ Himself honored and followed. And if we somehow still reject God's chosen people as such. For more about their significant importance, please refer the letter of Paul to the Romans. They are as important to us as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, for which event their prior acceptance of the truth is a clear precondition set forth by Jesus Himself.
edit on 27-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

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