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Honey Boo Boo gets A boo boo

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:38 PM

I can't believe I am actually posting this. The reason I am is because I feel somehow guilty that I am happy that this happened. I was wondering when this cancer on American society would finally be taken out but I guess my joy was premature.
Its not like I wanted them to be killed or maimed or something just so you know
.just not be able to appear on tv anymore. Well there you go that's what happened there's the facts
I'm a bad person

edit on 7-1-2014 by dashen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:42 PM

I'm a bad person

They are worse.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Biigs

Just a few more mphs and it wouldve been done.
Oh well. Theres always diabetes.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:22 PM
WTF, Honey Boo Boo on ATS, freaking really? No one here gives a rats ass about the fat, uneducated, turd buckets on that show. They define the term worthless eater.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Mamatus

Forgive meeee!

I posted out of guilt for rejoicing.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by dashen

I could live the rest of my life and never see those three words ever again. That being said I don't wish them dead, I wish them all neutered. Sadly these low life losers will likely sue whoever hit them, using a free attorney and asking for way to much money.

I want to puke.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:44 PM
What's honey boo boo?

I have to look this up now...

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:45 PM

What's honey boo boo?

I have to look this up now...


You're gonna be upset that somebody exposed you to that.

Sorry in advance.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

No! don't! !!!
¿¡What have i done?!

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:48 PM

I am happy that this happened.

A family was injured in a car accident. A child was injured.
So no matter how stupid I think their show is, I'm not happy about it.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:49 PM


posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:51 PM
After watching one youtube video on this, I have decided I have had my honey boo boo qouta filled for one lifetime.

Also what is two girls and one cup? LOL.


posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You should not just care about the child. You should care about the car. Can you imagine 10 tons of boo boo slamming into the poor poor interior of that already overloaded car?

I don't wish them ill. I just want them to go away.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:56 PM
If I wanted to watch obese people, uneducated women, unintelligible people ramble on about inane things that don't concern me. . . . . .

I'll watch a Hillary Clinton/Christie debate.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 05:00 PM

reply to post by OrphanApology

No! don't! !!!
¿¡What have i done?!

Proof that cultural cancer spreads everywhere.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 05:29 PM
I thought honey boo was slang for NAZI built flying saucers?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:19 PM
Who the hell flagged this thread?
What is going on here?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:30 PM
As an aside I feel that in American culture at least the honeymooners or you know the Flinstones or Homer Simpson there's always been a dullard of an obese man who's been the main character/protagonist.
It just seems that they keep pushing people to be fat and stupid and that somehow everything is going to work out okay.
Oh don't worry you'll have a hot wife and everything's going to work out despite your inane stupidity
Those duck guys ,Larry the Cable Guy have all contributed to literally the whole mid section of our country being a bunch of morons who deny evolution and the basic tenets of science including that the moon revolves around the earth for the love of God
For the first time in the history of man we are actually de evolving.
Also the new emoticons are kinda okay

edit on 7-1-2014 by dashen because: fat and stupid!

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:14 PM
All I know is people have been talking and complaining about it for a long time, so why do they watch it? Why not ignore it?

As it was explained to me, Honey booboo is a little fat kid followed by a camera, along with her family. She's not cute; she's not clever. She has nothing more to offer than any other kid. Even less, as it was explained to me.

So what is the show about??! A little kid eating junk food while the family applauds? There just has to be a reason people find some entertainment value in the show!

No; I won't watch youtube. I like words.

Does any body know what the draw is?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by nugget1

The whole draw of the show was that this honey boo boo mutant Was competing in Little Miss beauty pageants. And her mother was one of these aggressive beauty pageant moms who coached her with this is ridiculous faces and just was utter stupidity.

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