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Had a premonition last night that came true this morning

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 09:48 AM
Last night as I lay down to sleep I did a technique which I have been using since I was a very young child which has always seemed to work for me. let me start with the exercise first.

In a calm state before going to sleep with eyes closed in a dark room start breathing in a relaxed fashion with the focus on the third eye region. Gazing down where the bridge of the nose is without any discomfort in the eyes, just a natural area you see when eyes are closed.

As a child I could always tell what the following day would be like in this technique and as simple as it is to what degree the day would be in my favor either positively or negatively. Later I could use this information to create a better day or be open to the natural flow or rhythm of the potential I saw the night before.

With eyes closed gently I see an abundance of tiny lights the more colorful and bright, clear, the better and positive the day ahead. When I would see a waxy film over the colorful crystal energy, the more negative the following day would be.

Now last night I slipped into this old exercise by nature and saw very little light and instead a thick fog of murky discolored sludge no matter how hard I tried to bring in the light I just couldn't. So I looked into the fog and saw the outline of my son in his seat belt sitting at an odd angle. I cast this off, shook this off only to see it again repeat the same scenario.

Refusing to accept this most negative vision, went into a deep prayer mode asking for the best outcome, protection,in short. To change what is preordained in essence.

I woke this am and got out of bed, went to put wood on the fire and called for my son who was to start his first day of a new job and to tell him to avoid a certain side road on his way into tow, that much was clear from the night before vision, premonition, the location came not as a visual but a strong sense along with the vision which could not be denied.

He had already left.

Since there had been such a lapse in time for him to be at work, I went back to bed and laid down only to wake moments later to a 911 call.

A Mothers worst nightmare!

Verifying my car which had been left abandoned in a ditch on the very same road I had intuited, and no sign of the driver I was sent into an unspeakable shaking terror.

All is well that ends well, the car was towed, my son located at work, a bit frost bit but unharmed.

Anyway, I know that this would have held far more merit had I jumped on last night to make this "Prediction", but that would have felt like giving it too much power if you know what I mean?

We ALL have this ability. In one form or another we all can see the future to differing degree's. Whether you see hundreds of years into the future or only moments it can be as helpless a feeling as one can imagine. Do we change the future by simply observing from another space in time like Schrodinger's cat? Or can we influence events in the future by that very same observation and then forcing another outcome on the situation manipulated from some other and at this point mysterious dimension in an alternate reality?

Once man evolves to the highest potential what will the effects be when all the centers in the brain are activated and we meld into a nature only a different set of physics can comprehend? Is this why politics and religion have always kept a strong hold on science and the alchemy of the inner? Even Albert Einstein was dabbling with meditation at the end of his life, he had discovered a certain key to unlocking realities he alone had the capacity to discover at that time which merged science of the outer with science of the inner.

In this simple technique, which can be expounded upon to any degree one chooses, there are so many frailties of its power for lack of better words that it is understandable why the keys have only been transferred through secret and oral traditions throughout history. Yet is it time for the secrets to be revealed and are we at a point in our evolutionary process where the good of all outweighs the bad? When only a handful of unconscious people control the many, when they have shown utter and complete failure to protect and serve not only man but all life on this rare and majestic planet, could it be that now is the right time to reclaim our heritage, our potential and that of our entire galaxy? The tiniest blade of grass to the brightest star in the heavens, all interconnected, all part of our shared and complete reality as a whole.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:13 AM
Ah thanks for the S@F... yes I know who you are!


Anyway will check back later because I really find this such an inspiring topic and one that has such great conversation, thoughts and shared ideas in potential.

Follow your intuition it will never lead you astray. Trust yourself always.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:17 AM


posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by antar

I'm glad your son is okay.
I do the same mistake sometimes, whenever I get a bad vision, I try to make myself believe that it won't happen, that it's just my mind playing tricks on me.

A couple of months ago I had a vision of my husband sitting at home very early, and had a terrible feeling about this vision all day, when I got home from work, it turned out that he was let go from work, because they were downsizing.

(Thank God he has found a great job since, but boy do I wish I hadn't tried to ignore the vision.)

If we can take the good things that come with it, we also have to acknowledge the bad visions in my humble opinion.

Thanks for sharing your story.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by antar

I believe you. A long, long time ago when I was 13, my mom and I came home to a dark house, which was odd because everyone else should've been home by then. My mom flipped on the foyer light and asked where my sister was to the air. I had a few visions, I guess, of my sister driving on a dark road in the rain with a car pulling into an intersection of the bottom of the hill and hearing screams. Then a little flash of my sister sitting in a police car and upset. Few minutes later, we got a call from my dad saying that my sister had hydroplaned into a car but was okay. My mom was not thrilled with this at all.

Obviously, this wasn't a premonition as it was clearly after the fact (my dad was already there on the scene to get my sister and had located a phone) but there is a commonality in that both of us had visions of family members entering into harm's way that turned out to be accurate. That was my only experience with having any sort of actual vision so it stands out as an anomalous experience for me. There's a theory postulated by Rupert Sheldrake called morphic resonance that could apply. The basic idea behind morphic resonance is where two beings are similar enough that they actually form a preternatural bond, which could be activated in an extreme situation for one. Kind of like the stories of mothers seeing their now deceased child even when they are hundreds of miles away. My thoughts are that perhaps it has something to do with that.

Now how your murky vision came to see the future, I don't know. Could it have been a night terror because you knew your son was going to be on the road this morning in bad road conditions? Maybe but maybe not. It'd be awfully coincidental if that were the case as it was the same road and the same stretch of road to boot. Cases like these fascinate me because they are so counter to how we in Western society view the world. Other cultures have a decidedly different view on such things. Like you, I tend to perceive the world as being rather interconnected, like the planet is covered with a dense web formed out of all the bonds we share with each other.

Thank you for sharing this experience and sorry if I seemed to be rambling. Coffee isn't cutting it this morning, lol.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Rainbowresidue

Last time this intuition came to me I contemplated not saying anything and just letting it fall to the bottom of my memories like a bad dream, instead I told my now ex husband that I saw him driving in a specific location when a red car and black truck come into the scene at the same time and accident happens which he is involved with.

A couple days later, he calls me asking for my help at the exact location I told him about, with the same cars involved. he had no insurance at the time and asked that I come down and help him move his car off the road. he is still paying restitution on the accident which could have been easily avoided if he had taken heed to the warning.

i am not saying anything about myself here other than that we all have this ability and can chose to ignore or utilize it for the gift it is. It has little or nothing to do with me personally but rather a window into possible outcomes that are available to each of us if only we would listen.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by antar

How right you are!
I bet a lot more people could avoid bad situations if they only remembered that bad "dream" they had and took it a little more seriously, if the dream seemed too real, or if they just listened to their intuition.

I wrote dream instead of vision, because I personally tend to get them also while dreaming.

I'm also sure that there are a lot more people here at ATS who have experienced this phenomena, only are too shy/scared to write about it in fear of being laughed at and called insane.

I'm not one of them.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:58 PM
What you (OP) went through was definitely a "predictament."

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

Well actually what you experienced has everything to do with a connectivity to my experiences. I do not see time as some people do, I see it as a reflection which can be like looking into a long row of mirrors at different points along the lines of what we know as time in this moment. In other words when we see something in this moment it can be happening in other time frames both before and after the vision. It is like praying for someone long after the point in time where you are present or in the moment to pray for them. This is the way healing can happen imo and how we can support others even though what we hear that makes us become emotionally involved may not be happening at that time. Like reaching out to hug someone who suffered in the past or to be there for ourselves during particularly difficult times in our childhood. Some of these timeless healing's can seem like a warm presence to the one being affected by the experience. Words tend to complicate the natural.

Thanks for your post.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Rainbowresidue

I have also had dreams that came true too. I pay close attention to some dreams while others I just chalk up to unprocessed thought processes. There is a thin line between seeing into alternate realities and just mind chatter. Mind chatter can get in the way and is one way to try and deny the truth and steer you away from the unknown to the knowable. I did not want to believe it, and made some mistakes this is true, for instance I felt compelled strongly to go wake him up and tell him not to take that side route, to get up and write him a note or something, but as a teenager he usually does what he wants anyway. Now we will never know, but how I forgave myself for not going and waking him to tell him was thinking that perhaps had he taken the main route something even worse could have happened. Something like this is like throwing a rock in a calm pond. It sends ripples out that affect far more than the visionary, or the subject.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by antar

I agree wholeheartedly that time or the perception of time isn't nearly as static as we presume it to be. In some cases, it doesn't even seem to exist such as quantum entanglement where that spooky correlated action at distance kicks in instantaneously regardless of how far away or how long it should take for such a link to be established. It's like space and time are sometimes null. Despite that, we do force time to be in a regimented and static way to simply exist and have a common point of reference (ie. "this is 100 years old", "we'll meet at 2 pm", and "my flight leaves at 5:15"). Instinctively, I don't think that time is as static as we make it out to be.

Guaranteed that I'll catch some flak for this but I was actually tested for possible clairvoyance. After watching a recording of me basically forming detailed accounts of traumatic events/feelings of 9 people in a controlled setting, the staff diagnosed me as being "clairvoyant", which I believe is a bit of a misnomer. Seeming claircognizance would be more like it. As a skeptic, I still have a bit of issue with even that idea as it could be simply that what I sometimes do that attracts attention is cold reading on a subconscious level. I am very analytical by nature but I'll admit that there have been instances that I can't so readily explain--such as my sister's car accident. Other weird events are almost always linked to more extreme levels of emotion.

Those kind of events usually get me pondering the "how" and what could be an explanation for it. One of my best friends, my SO, and I like to come up with theories that could explain the phenomena. Our pet theory at this time is based on the idea that our brains, which are chemical/electrical in nature, actually may generate a field or even a radio wave. Typically, the fields that the human body generates are not really that notable. However, stress and extreme emotional responses probably kick off a whole lot more activity within the brain and body in its responses to a situation or scenario. Basically, we go throughout the day humming at a very low level until a trauma occurs, which theoretically spikes up a field/radiowave or what have you. If a radio wave can travel for a great distance, albeit growing weaker the further it travels, then why not a weak human radio wave?

Taking Sheldrake's morphic resonance idea--a spike in a similar type of field/brain pattern/what have you could end up being translated by the receiver's brain as if it is their own thought, sight, and etc whilst consciously being aware that it is not our thought/feeling/sight but that it belongs to another that we are likely to know. One of my health issues is having too much static and electrical abnormalities of the heart (tachycardia and bradycardia and brain (double brain waves). This little factoid about me it was what led us to think that this might actually be why I seem to be able to pull things out of the air at random. I could be acting as an antenna or an amplifier/receiver.

We could be totally wrong as the three of us are not electricians or neuroscientists so take it with a grain of salt or as our moment of out of the box whimsical attempt at explaining why the odd sometimes occurs.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by antar

yeah once you see it or hear it, don't shrug it off. the energy's must be getting stronger or we are becoming more aware, i have been having between 3 to 5 visuals a day lately.

Some leading me to conclude that a volcano will erupt in Alaska, others have been of an ancient circular built city, and some of a white weatherboard house with a huge wood kitchen stove in a brick arch fireplace and view of inside the bathroom.

I have also seen a bigfoot walking in a tree line and what i could only describe as a bigfoot dragging an injured or dead bigfoot from a mowed field into the treed area a forest/bushland. i was bought to tears by this, it was really sad to see.

i have seen heaps more but these are some of the more recent ones, keep looking Antar and im sure you'll see a lot more further from home.

Love and harmony

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by antar

A 911 call would be really scary! I have had dreams that have to do with world happenings but never any personal ones. Many years ago I used to do a more involved meditation at night and I began to have a person appear and interact with me, he was dressed like a Mayan with a colorful poncho and white pants.
I had reached a state of near out of body experience and just felt halfway out and never made it all the way. At one point I asked this guy why we can leave our body empty anyway, why would it still live?

He said, "Just as a house can be left empty for a time without care so can the body, but like the house if it goes too long empty it falls into disrepair and becomes a ruin." I didn't ask how long we can be out of body before the body is a ruin.

I had major changes in my life soon after and never did meditation again.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:26 PM
When are the aliens coming?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:30 PM

When are the aliens coming?

They are already here

Love and harmony

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Whateva69

Where? I don't see them.. I meant when are they landing!

Just a joke though

edit on 7-1-2014 by Cows11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:35 PM
I have had a couple of dreams experiencing stock losses on company specific bad news. I didn't act and lost my money. I have also have had a couple of terrible dreams that thankfully have not come true. One I am looking out my back patio and I see two airplanes collide in midair over the golf course in my backyard. Pieces are coming towards me and the dream ends. In another there is terrific flooding and I have to swim across the bay in order to reach safety in hurricane winds. Another, the area I live in is occupied by enemy troops and I am forced to use the sewer system to escape. I rarely remember dreams but these have stuck for many years. I also had a dream of being in a large downtown area after collecting a very large check and contemplating my next move in life. Alas, the dream makes it clear that I am still underwater on my home making a move much harder, then it ends. I have a feeling that all these come true before all is said and done.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by sligtlyskeptical

I too had a dream long ago that I still hold onto thinking I may see in my lifetime, it is a true disaster that happens on the California coast but affects the world. As for your twin plane accident, that struck me as plausible, perhaps as mentioned in an earlier post it is like Schrodinger's cat in that once the object is observed it creates a certain outcome, that would be great for what my dream entailed too.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Whateva69

I have had 'openings' where I could see everything about a certain person, from their thoughts as a child to their very genetic code as well as anything else I wanted to look at from phone numbers to just really anything. It can be done. Although these happenings occurred during times of intensity, I just wonder how it happens when one is not looking for it?

One time in particular, I met a man at a friends house, the opening came and I was able to verify to the guy enough casual information to gain his attention, it came to pass that he had been planning to kill himself and to do this by driving down the road and to take out another car head on as he went. In the opening I was able to help him to change his direction and know that the target he would hit head on was not supposed to die and was needed for something in the future. He practically ran screaming from me.

Another time in short I was able to see everything associated with a person from drivers license number, car make and model, really everything about that person. When I told someone involved with her about all of this that person accused me of having an investigation on her. Of having him tailed...

One more time, which I hold in privacy, an opening happened where I discovered a persons every move after they had broken into my home and was a very bad man, I even called the police to say what he was wearing, where he was at the time and even what he had ordered at the truck stop to eat and drink. The evidence in his glove box to tie him to perverse home break ins...This person I did not want to see into past the details to get him arrested. (I had never even laid eyes on him, but saw him in detail )

This list goes on but at the expense of my reputation, or whats left of it here on the forum I will stop. The hardest part is not being able to control it, to use it when I want for the most part, it is something that opens but I do not open. Happened much more when I was young, post menopausal is different I think. So could have to do with our hormone levels, with centers in the brain which normally go unopened?
edit on am131amWed, 08 Jan 2014 08:43:58 -0600 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by antar

oh my gosh, you could be right about receiving more due to hormone changes, ive only recently started menopause and with all the extra time i spend laying on the bed with the air con on just to try and relive the hot flushes,

as i said before ive been having more and more frequent visions some of them i can actually control what direction to look and in some i can even walk around.

i have not been able to choose what i want to see or even when i want to see, they seem rather random. i dont know if an outside persons or entity's are showing me these things or if im actually doing it myself.

Love and harmony

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