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MUST WATCH ~ Psychiatric Documentary

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posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:15 PM
watch it... watch it all.. its a game changer.

Trust me

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Things

I've watched it, and know it to be true, this stuff is still going on today, cleverly covered up through disassociation, been there, done that, trust for others should be earned and not given by means of appeal to authority. In my case it was church folk, devious stuff.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:36 PM

watch it... watch it all.. its a game changer.

Trust me

It is just a stupid $cientology propaganda video, so why should we trust you over a cult's propaganda....

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Maybe it is a Scientology propaganda video. But everything in the video is true/factual with evidence.

So whats your point?

I deal in fact not fiction. Thou i do have my creative crazy side.

"Teh prat aolt of plopee seem to be msinsig "

noun: creativity

the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Things

How about a description of the video, a teaser if you will, so I have an idea if I want to watch a nearly two hour video, thanks.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Yes that was what immediately came to my mind after a few minutes. Scientology hates psychiatry and has produced many anti-psychiatry propaganda that isn't even rationally presented let alone consistent. Note that all human activities and development had roots in dark pasts and even today much is imperfect.

Having said that many advances have been made, psychiatry is really a recent development end of the 18 century. One can't even imagine the situation of people affected by mental problems, their families and society when a few years before most of the deviants where just burnt at the stake. Behaviorism has valid prepositions and Pavlov even if some of his experiments cause us repugnance today, advanced human knowledge (even if the ends often don't justify the means in this type of situations.).

I myself support Eugenics as a valid concept, but only applicable under a high moral standard, the concept is not wrong just the way that is has been often applied. To some different degrees societies (even individuals) continue to apply eugenic principles especially in environments that have eradicated natural selection concepts (that is all that is not natural selection, that is intentionally interfered is a form of Eugenic decision).

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 09:38 PM
A synopsis of the video would be this: Psychiatry has no science to back up the claims that are made by the industry. There are close to 400 mental disorders, and each phsychiatrist that you go to will have a different diagnosis of whatever your symptoms are. The video also points out how modern psychology has its roots in Nazi Germany. The video also touches on one of the most important issues: How the person, even today, who is locked up in a mental ward has no rights to an attorney, and how most of these people are being held against their own will. The video also touches on the fact that 33% of sexual abuse that is done by "doctors" is done by the psychiatric industry.

My personal opinion: I agree with most of what the video says. Mental issues are overdiagnosed in today's world. The emotional and sexual abouse of pshychriatic patients is a crime that needs to be more thoroughly addressed in soceity. Especially in the United States, but also worldwide.
edit on 1/6/2014 by InFriNiTee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Things

scientology 'documentary' xenu xenu

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:38 PM
Ca you give some brief talking points? I work in Psychiatry and would love to know what the video says.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:33 AM

reply to post by hellobruce

But everything in the video is true/factual with evidence.

Actually, that's not quite true. For instance, the video suggests that it was Pavlov, himself, that performed the experiments on children. However, it wasn't Pavlov who performed that research but one of his students--Nikolai Krasnogorsky. Krasnogorsky is the one that is technically responsible for the realization that human beings could be conditioned like an animal--not Pavlov.

Another questionably reported bit was the remarks about BF Skinner and his daughter in the "cage". They could've picked through so much more disturbing stuff from Skinner but they chose the aircrib story instead. What he actually designed was a climate controlled "air crib" that kept the temperature within the crib at a stable and comfortable level. Like all parents, Skinner and his wife were having a hard time with their baby staying asleep. Living in Minnesota, Skinner thought it might have something to do with a change in temperature waking the baby and so the aircrib was born. His daughter wasn't kept in it round the clock. Instead it was used like a traditional crib--for when the baby slept or needed to be set down for a little. The biggest problem that I see with the aircrib is the fact that it sure looks like it relies on a consistent power supply because it is so enclosed. And heck, if conditioning does have an effect, then what's the effect of using a normal crib comprised of bars then?

I actually stopped watching this a bit into the video because of errors/misrepresentations like these plus the choice of doctors. I am actually a victim of psychiatric abuse and it just made me mad.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:58 AM


watch it... watch it all.. its a game changer.

Trust me

It is just a stupid $cientology propaganda video, so why should we trust you over a cult's propaganda....

You just committed an Ad Hominem fallacy
Just because some of what they claim is (most likely) an utter crock of #e does not mean that all the opinions they hold are automatically wrong. But in this case it is almost forgivable

Recently I read Jon Ronson's 'The Psycopath's test' (he's the guy that wrote 'men who stare at goats'. In the book he has some fascinating info on how incredibly fascist the whole psycodiagnostic engine can be. Horror stories of people that get caught in it and spend the rest of their lives drugged and incarcerated without any judge or jury.

It so happens that the only social interest organization that supports and campaigns for these victims are the scientologists. And believe me, the people trapped in that system needs help, and if the only help is from people with an unusually strange invisible friend, that is quite forgivable.

I haven't watched the video (video info density is so low), but if it only covers some of what I read it's ghastly. Psycoincarceration is a classic way to get rid of difficult people if you haven't yet corrupted the courts.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:22 PM

You just committed an Ad Hominem fallacy
Just because some of what they claim is (most likely) an utter crock of #e does not mean that all the opinions they hold are automatically wrong.

That's not an Ad Hom. More like a fallacy of generalization.

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