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posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 11:27 AM

edit on (1/5/1414 by loveguy because: just didnt feel right

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 11:44 AM
...........................BEST.......................THREAD.........................EVAAAAAAAAR !!!!

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 11:47 AM
But what if I do mind?

I hate not knowing stuff

EDIT: LMAO, how did a 1 word thread title and a 1 word OP that basically said "I cant be fecked" get a star and Flag

Im never gonna feel good about getting stars and flags ever again

edit on 5/1/2014 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:03 PM
I was just asking if anyone here has the same capacity for love as a dog exhibits.

Is there anyone you love without having them meet any pre-qualifications?

It just blows my mind how devoted to me my dogs are, despite my own personal flaws.

They are always on their best behavior when I let them run free.

Why? Why is it I can do no wrong; in my dog's eye?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:04 PM
Immunity can have many applications. Why did you abandon this topic anyway?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:14 PM
Never minding is definitely immunity from worry!

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:23 PM

Immunity can have many applications. Why did you abandon this topic anyway?

I spend alot of time with my dogs while at home. But when I leave for work, I know how bad they want to go with me, and despite that, I make them stay home- all cooped up.

Despite being locked away all day, why don't they begrudge me for it?

Can humans love unconditionally? I tell myself I do, and catch myself begrudging faults of loved ones I grant a dogs-like immunity to...or so I tell myself.

I'm kinda sad that I ain't got the capacity for love- on the same level as a dog.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:37 PM
4 flags and stars now!!!!

Is this like some performance art piece I dont understand LOL

Are you immune to the worlds woes and the OP


Is you expressing your apathy LOL

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:46 PM


Is this like some performance art piece I dont understand LOL

Someone could be feeling down in the dumps today, LOL.

Thanks for supporting the thread, in whatever way you choose.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:04 PM
You're mistaking love with obedience. They are not one and the same.

Dogs are obedient creatures because they run in packs. If you are the pack master, they will remain loyal no matter how much of a douche you are. That includes hitting and verbal attacks.

Humans are more complicated. The best of us, the ones who truly think on higher levels and expect more from our relationships expect more from those we claim to love. That's not a bad thing, as real love has the highest expectations of all.

If you are blindly obedient to someone without holding them to a higher standard you aren't loving them at all, for they might never reach that higher standard that we all have within us.

The best love is that love which challenges us to be better people.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:17 PM



Is this like some performance art piece I dont understand LOL

Someone could be feeling down in the dumps today, LOL.

Thanks for supporting the thread, in whatever way you choose.

Sorry dude/dudette,

No offence meant just having some fun

If ya need a smile head over here
We need an animal forum
Ignore the 1st post as its a bit downey but as an animal lover Its got a few bits in their youll like and your 2 cents would be good

You still got time edit the OP to what you wanted to say, I read your other posts and it sounds like a topic I would enjoy reading

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by loveguy

I trust too often, I love too much. I hate nothing. I dislike some things, but bare with them. I only seek peace. I am Lynk, the Timeless Poet and enforcer of Light.

There's hope. I strive to try to love everything around me just as my pets adore me. Even when I ignore my cat to work on music all day, she's still magnetized to wherever I am. That's compassion.

We must all pursue this path.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

I haven't trained them to obey me. I brought them home and gave them free reign on my property.

The dog thing is just a scenario anyway. Feeding them nullifies the point I tried to make.

I tell myself that if a loved one has no conditions to meet in order to receive love from me, then they can be whoever they choose and behave any way they like.

I figure if I can love someone like my dogs love me; unconditionally- and can over-look any faults, that person will feel compelled to return such kind of love to the sender...

Wouldn't it cause one (granted immunity; faultless) to just want to start earning the favor they receive freely?

What would compel people to love without prejudice? Having been granted the immunity to be full of flaws, will this cause the person with flaws to try and correct them-self - or continue to take everything for granted?

What does it do to the psyche to know you can do no wrong? Wouldn't it kinda make one want to do what's right?

I grew up with an elder sister who lacks a conscience. It's a hard pill to swallow.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:50 PM




Is this like some performance art piece I dont understand LOL

Someone could be feeling down in the dumps today, LOL.

Thanks for supporting the thread, in whatever way you choose.

Sorry dude/dudette,

No offence meant just having some fun

If ya need a smile head over here
We need an animal forum
Ignore the 1st post as its a bit downey but as an animal lover Its got a few bits in their youll like and your 2 cents would be good

You still got time edit the OP to what you wanted to say, I read your other posts and it sounds like a topic I would enjoy reading

Your apology is accepted, and I thank you for it. Though, it's never necessary to apologize to me, I always try to love without prejudism.

Plus you didn't really deserve for me to go passive-aggressive on you. That's one of my major faults I should try to correct. I owe you an apology. Please accept?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:59 PM

I haven't trained them to obey me. I brought them home and gave them free reign on my property.

You don't have to train dogs to be obedient. It is in their nature to be that way as they are animals that run in packs and are devoted to that pack and the pack leader.

I tell myself that if a loved one has no conditions to meet in order to receive love from me, then they can be whoever they choose and behave any way they like.

In my opinion real love has expectations. Loving for no reason is not true love. If someone is abusive then loving them even if they are hitting you is neither fair to you nor them. Love is a gift given to me by someone because I did something to deserve it, not for no damn reason.

I figure if I can love someone like my dogs love me; unconditionally- and can over-look any faults, that person will feel compelled to return such kind of love to the sender...

If you have expectations of people and want them to have certain qualities to receive your love, they are more likely to try and live up to those expectations. Loving for no damn reason doesn't mean others will do the same.

Wouldn't it cause one (granted immunity; faultless) to just want to start earning the favor they receive freely?


What would compel people to love without prejudice? Having been granted the immunity to be full of flaws, will this cause the person with flaws to try and correct them-self - or continue to take everything for granted?

There is no such thing as love without prejudice. Love IS prejudice. It is admiring a QUALITY in someone. What you are thinking of is obedience. Obedience is not the same as love. It is also not the same as admiration and respect(two things that love consists of).

What does it do to the psyche to know you can do no wrong? Wouldn't it kinda make one want to do what's right?

Knowing that you can do no wrong makes the psyche seek out challenge. The mind cannot grow with a lack of stimulation. All that it does when everyone loves you for no reason is cause you to yearn for someone who will love you for a reason.

I grew up with an elder sister who lacks a conscience. It's a hard pill to swallow.

Then don't.

edit on 5-1-2014 by OrphanApology because: D

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 02:02 PM





Is this like some performance art piece I dont understand LOL

Someone could be feeling down in the dumps today, LOL.

Thanks for supporting the thread, in whatever way you choose.

Sorry dude/dudette,

No offence meant just having some fun

If ya need a smile head over here
We need an animal forum
Ignore the 1st post as its a bit downey but as an animal lover Its got a few bits in their youll like and your 2 cents would be good

You still got time edit the OP to what you wanted to say, I read your other posts and it sounds like a topic I would enjoy reading

Your apology is accepted, and I thank you for it. Though, it's never necessary to apologize to me, I always try to love without prejudism.

Plus you didn't really deserve for me to go passive-aggressive on you. That's one of my major faults I should try to correct. I owe you an apology. Please accept?

Ill accept the apology to keep up the general good humour but honestly didnt see any passive aggressive behaviour or anything else worthy of one, your all good mate

Now rewrite the OP, could use a good animals are awesome type thread

Im a massive animal lover despite the obvious torture I put the kitty in my avatar through to get that shot LOL

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

Loving for no reason is not true love.


I think.

edit on (1/5/1414 by loveguy because: ?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by loveguy

I was wondering the same thing recently. If anyone could love unconditionally. My cats n dogs are always there for me no matter what.
edit on 5-1-2014 by ladybug121 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by loveguy

Can humans love unconditionally?

No, dogs love you like that because they don't think, they just feel; a dog is a relatively simple creature, and its behaviour is always a reaction to external or internal stimuli.

So, when he sees you he doesn't really think "OMGOMGOMG Here's my owner!!! He's awesome!!!!"
The dog has simply linked your sight/smell/sound to something good happening. For example ALL the times that you fed him, that you played with him, that you walked him outside...

At the end of the day they are still social creatures, so they'll generally greet other people as well, but the difference between you and the rest is all the stuff you've done for the dog (even if it's just your constant presence around him).

What about humans...Well, humans are a completely different breed(
): we are self-aware and can also attribute awareness to other people/animals; we've developed language, which we now use even in our own head (Soliloquy); and other stuff. ALL of these things "cloud" our emotions, so that we're able to experience them fully and in all their color only for brief moments.

That's what I think makes it impossible for a human to "love" as a dog, we're just different creatures with different brains.

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