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What does the Fox say? cheers for the food probably.

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posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 07:03 AM
Just saw this vid of a Russian fisherman feeding a wild fox and boy he is lovely

I was on sleep duty at work and was awoken by some odd noises so I went outside and bumped into two foxes in our garden..I never knew they got so big.
Lovely creatures.
Oh and for those who hasn't seen it.

Oh and mods please lets have a animal forum eh?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

I love foxes, tried to see what the reality was of having one as a pet. Apparently they have an inherent fear of humans (with an exception to this dapper looking chap though!).

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 07:44 AM
Some of my string lights fell off the patio door early this morning and when I looked to fix them there was a fox ambling around.

One of my fav frivolous movies, and has a great sound score.

edit on 5-1-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:12 AM
Wonder if the local police force will let me have an ar-15 as we have a fox that runs around during the day with virtually no fear of humans and this is an area with a lot of young families, wouldn't say no to a 10 ton SUV and a free name change to bubba as well just for the lulz

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

i guess he would probably say fool humans in both videos

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:49 AM
I knew what the fox said long before that silly music video.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Fisherr

Looks like firefox is having some trouble with windows

edit: just realised that joke is in the video... fml

edit on 5-1-2014 by iRoyalty because: (no reason given)

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