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'Don't Sleep, Olya'

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posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 11:44 AM
There are a lot of horrible things that go on in this world, I feel like I am constantly surrounded by doom and gloom. Let's be honest, it can be exhausting on your soul. I constantly feel like my faith in our species is questioned on a daily basis and let's face it, it's depressing.

Here is a story from a horrible event that has happened in Russia recently, I wont go into it because it's not the point of this thread (no doom and gloom here please). However, from this event has arisen a hero, a human being who may put your faith back in man(and woman)kind!

Our Hero's name? : Yury Frisler

This man, after hearing the blasts and explosions from the train station in Volgograd proceeded to enter the building to help survivors. One of these survivors was little Olya Ivanenko, Olya is a 9 year old, little girl who lungs were badly damaged by the blast. Yury scooped this child in his arms and ran full pelt out of the building toward ambulances. The whole time Olya kept telling Yury that she "wanted to sleep", to which Yury constantly whispered to her "Don't sleep, Olya".

Olya is now in hospital and her condition is "Stable, but serious", needless to say, this man may have saved her life, a random act of kindness with no regard for his own safety.

Yury Fisher you are my hero, the world needs more men like you.

Bravo sir

Full story

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 11:58 AM
Truly a beautiful story. Not many people would of had the courage and dedication to risk his own life for another. It's sad though, that we are at a state where stories like this are rare and applauded. Really, everyone should be acting like this to one another, but unfortunately, most of our naive species will never reach that mindset.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by dissapointedentities

I agree to an extent, there are lots of people who do acts like this, but they always slip under the radar.

No fearmongering? No profit.

I literally can't find this story (because no paper reported it), but there was a man (in pakistan I believe?) who lived on the other side of a big mountain range in a village. The man's wife got sick and died because an ambulance could not reach them. The man spent the next 10 years, moving the mountain chunk by chunk, until there was a pathway leading to the nearest town.

This man will never be heard of and no one will remember his name, what we will remember is Miley Cirrus twerking, sad.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by iRoyalty

It's sad, but remember, virtue is in a sense its own reward, regardless being popularized or not. Ah.. how far this nation has dropped.. with all the media and news these days it kind of just makes me want to just give up.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 12:09 PM
We can all be hero's.

Sometimes all it takes is a smile and a "how ya doin"

then listen......
edit on 4-1-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 06:24 AM

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by iRoyalty

Finding an ambulance for the girl turned out quite a challenge amid the chaos, panic and horror which swept the area following the terror attack.

“I rushed to the ambulances but they told me they were only taking adults and that I had to wait for the children’s emergency services to arrive. I apologize now but at that time I broke down, I started yelling at them, swearing and finally they took her.”

Olya is now undergoing treatment in the Children's Clinic hospital in Moscow, where she was delivered as soon as her transportation from Volgograd became possible.

What happened to 'women and children first'?

Good on Yury. S/F

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