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Growing up unvaccinated: This is what happens when your parents refuse

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:14 AM

reply to post by hudsonhawk69

I stopped all conventional training 8 years ago.

I am now 45 , 73kg and 12% body fat. All the body parts I broke sprinting and lifting weights are now fixed. All my mates who could not evolve, are broken beyond repair.

I walk the walk and talk the talk. It gives me my confidence. I am educated by experience and a willingness to be better. Not silly fears or stories.

Proof is in the pudding. Right ?

Excellent. I'm happy for you.

Go and find a thread on unconventional medicine. There you will be able to confidently claim that you are smarter than everyone else.

In this thread you have by your own admission NO more medical training than me and a lot LESS medical training than many others who have commented on this tread.

Surely someone who is a INTELLIGENT as you claim to be would have wondered if i was simply winding you up for my own entertainment OR if your intelligent time is so valuable. Why would you waste it on people who are clearly NOT interested in what YOU have to say.

UNLESS, your not really as smart as you claim...

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

No medical qualification.

But yet I have academics, people with PhD's and even a health / life insurance company that endorses my work.

Go figure.

Staying on topic. Like you suggested, you do not need to be a Doctor to make a decision for your children. Hell I love to break convention and the mold. But you cant let fear of the unknown dictate your decisions.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

I literally wrote the book on online engagement. This conversation gave me an opportunity to make a point to any unbiased person reading this thread. It was not an attempt to change your mind.

The point..... That the illusion of choice is dangerous and often signifies a lack of real understanding.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:56 AM

reply to post by hudsonhawk69

No medical qualification.

But yet I have academics, people with PhD's and even a health / life insurance company that endorses my work.

Go figure.

Staying on topic. Like you suggested, you do not need to be a Doctor to make a decision for your children. Hell I love to break convention and the mold. But you cant let fear of the unknown dictate your decisions.

GOOD. Than like you say I am clearly able to decide for myself if my children should be vaccinated. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:02 AM

reply to post by hudsonhawk69

I literally wrote the book on online engagement. This conversation gave me an opportunity to make a point to any unbiased person reading this thread. It was not an attempt to change your mind.

The point..... That the illusion of choice is dangerous and often signifies a lack of real understanding.

Yes. Well said. So does the mistaken belief that people are not entitled to make their own choices and live with the consequences of them.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:48 AM
It should be pointed out that the decision to not vaccinate can and has affected others and it is measurable in many different ways. Here is one.

The Cost of Not Vaccinating

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Thank you for sharing. That was an interesting and informative article that does raise some fascinating questions about the possible economic impact of non vaccination.

If I have some time later I will read your thread again and offer you my point of view. Please accept my apologies for my Behavior over these past couple of pages.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

Thanks for taking the time to check it out.

Don't worry about the thread all of them drift it is the nature of the beast.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 05:26 AM
I have been reading up on recent outbreak cases and think I have come across a good compromise.

It seems most of the outbreaks are tied to people who haven't been vaccinated leaving the safety of our country and coming into contact with these diseases in other countries then carrying them back.

At first I thought there should be a law that anyone traveling out of the country should be vaccinated however some may want to leave and never come back so instead I think it should be law that before anyone is allowed into the country they have to have proof they are up to date on vaccinations with exceptions to those who cannot for medical reasons.

That would greatly cut down on the risks of exposure in the US. You still have your freedom and it is your choice to leave but an all encompassing law for everyone who wants to enter the US is plenty fair. No one has to leave the US and no one has to come back.

There would still be a danger from illegals but last I read they pretty much agree with vaccinations as the mortality rates in other countries from vaccine preventable illnesses are much higher than in the US. It isn't a fix but a pretty good patch.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

At first I thought there should be a law that anyone traveling out of the country should be vaccinated however some may want to leave and never come back so instead I think it should be law that before anyone is allowed into the country they have to have proof they are up to date on vaccinations with exceptions to those who cannot for medical reasons.

Ask and ye shall receive:

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Yeah I knew you need to get vaccinated for some countries as I travel frequently but I noticed as I was looking up recent measles outbreaks that they almost always originate from someone who was not vaccinated traveling out of the country bringing it back. So while its good that they have that I don't think it covers enough.

In 2008 there was an outbreak attributed to an unvaccinated 7 year old coming back from Switzerland. The outbreak last year in Texas was from a visitor who’d traveled to Indonesia. Anyway it is a pattern that could easily be remedied.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 04:13 AM


Do you drive? Do you blow through stop lights because you won't be FORCED to drive the way you want to? Do you assert your FREEDOM to drive the wrong way on the on ramp to the freeway? The key to freedom is that you accept responsibility for your choices. Sometimes the consequences are natural, sometimes they are imposed by society for the benefit of its members. Not acknowledging this is not freedom, it is sociopathy.

You are trying to compare apples with oranges and on top of that calling me a sociopath for not wanting to be forced to be vaccinated...

if you want to go that way then you must have a narcissistic personality disorder in which you want power over other people since you want to force your point of view on vaccines on people...

BTW, you caught a mistake, I meant to write "bacteria and viruses are becoming resistant to vaccines". I was even talking about vaccines in that same post, but made the mistake of writing antibiotics.

edit on 12-1-2014 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 04:22 AM

It should be pointed out that the decision to not vaccinate can and has affected others and it is measurable in many different ways. Here is one.

The Cost of Not Vaccinating

More people die from car accidents than from a virus, maybe we should also have a law forcing people not to drive or even to buy cars...

In the U.S. alone 40,000+ people die a year from car accidents...
edit on 12-1-2014 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Or maybe we should have laws that increase their survivabilty in accidents.

Oh wait ..... We already do they are called seatbelts.

That's actually a great analogy. Seatbelts don't save everyone but your odds of surviving with one is greatly increased.

In fact there have been dozens of laws passed to increase the survivabilty from accidents.

Click it or ticket.

BTW nice attempt at a straw man however you didn't think it through and it shows.
edit on 12-1-2014 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

You are trying to compare apples with oranges and on top of that calling me a sociopath for not wanting to be forced to be vaccinated...

No-one is forcing you to be vaccinated. Has anyone ever been arrested for not getting a flu shot? People are asked to get vaccinated to slow the spread of potentially lethal diseases. Since not everyone can be vaccinated, whether because of medical or economic reasons, getting vaccinated is an act of compassion for others. It is also an act of enlightened self interest, as it will also prevent you from getting ill. Consciously choosing not to do something that would not only benefit others, but yourself, is perverse.

if you want to go that way then you must have a narcissistic personality disorder in which you want power over other people since you want to force your point of view on vaccines on people...

I am not trying to force you to do anything. I am trying to explain to you why getting vaccinated is in your own (and others') best interest.

BTW, you caught a mistake, I meant to write "bacteria and viruses are becoming resistant to vaccines". I was even talking about vaccines in that same post, but made the mistake of writing antibiotics.

Vaccination does not place the same sort of stress on a population that antibiotics do. Remember, vaccination is all about training your immune system, not poisoning germs.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:07 AM

reply to post by ElectricUniverse

You are trying to compare apples with oranges and on top of that calling me a sociopath for not wanting to be forced to be vaccinated...

No-one is forcing you to be vaccinated. Has anyone ever been arrested for not getting a flu shot? People are asked to get vaccinated to slow the spread of potentially lethal diseases. Since not everyone can be vaccinated, whether because of medical or economic reasons, getting vaccinated is an act of compassion for others. It is also an act of enlightened self interest, as it will also prevent you from getting ill. Consciously choosing not to do something that would not only benefit others, but yourself, is perverse.

if you want to go that way then you must have a narcissistic personality disorder in which you want power over other people since you want to force your point of view on vaccines on people...

I am not trying to force you to do anything. I am trying to explain to you why getting vaccinated is in your own (and others') best interest.

BTW, you caught a mistake, I meant to write "bacteria and viruses are becoming resistant to vaccines". I was even talking about vaccines in that same post, but made the mistake of writing antibiotics.

Vaccination does not place the same sort of stress on a population that antibiotics do. Remember, vaccination is all about training your immune system, not poisoning germs.

Look up the Robert Kennedy msnbc interview
He went over how they inject infants with more mercury than a 270lb man could safely absorb in the hep b shot and how mercury in particular, compared to other heavy metals like cadmium, rapidly crossed the blood brain barrier and ate away at neurological tendrils viciously causing massive severe damage. Also linked to lower immune function, how's that for profit motivation

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:34 AM


reply to post by ElectricUniverse

You are trying to compare apples with oranges and on top of that calling me a sociopath for not wanting to be forced to be vaccinated...

No-one is forcing you to be vaccinated. Has anyone ever been arrested for not getting a flu shot? People are asked to get vaccinated to slow the spread of potentially lethal diseases. Since not everyone can be vaccinated, whether because of medical or economic reasons, getting vaccinated is an act of compassion for others. It is also an act of enlightened self interest, as it will also prevent you from getting ill. Consciously choosing not to do something that would not only benefit others, but yourself, is perverse.

if you want to go that way then you must have a narcissistic personality disorder in which you want power over other people since you want to force your point of view on vaccines on people...

I am not trying to force you to do anything. I am trying to explain to you why getting vaccinated is in your own (and others') best interest.

BTW, you caught a mistake, I meant to write "bacteria and viruses are becoming resistant to vaccines". I was even talking about vaccines in that same post, but made the mistake of writing antibiotics.

Vaccination does not place the same sort of stress on a population that antibiotics do. Remember, vaccination is all about training your immune system, not poisoning germs.

Look up the Robert Kennedy msnbc interview
He went over how they inject infants with more mercury than a 270lb man could safely absorb in the hep b shot and how mercury in particular, compared to other heavy metals like cadmium, rapidly crossed the blood brain barrier and ate away at neurological tendrils viciously causing massive severe damage. Also linked to lower immune function, how's that for profit motivation

What medical research organization is Dr. Kennedy affiliated with?

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:52 AM



reply to post by ElectricUniverse

You are trying to compare apples with oranges and on top of that calling me a sociopath for not wanting to be forced to be vaccinated...

No-one is forcing you to be vaccinated. Has anyone ever been arrested for not getting a flu shot? People are asked to get vaccinated to slow the spread of potentially lethal diseases. Since not everyone can be vaccinated, whether because of medical or economic reasons, getting vaccinated is an act of compassion for others. It is also an act of enlightened self interest, as it will also prevent you from getting ill. Consciously choosing not to do something that would not only benefit others, but yourself, is perverse.

if you want to go that way then you must have a narcissistic personality disorder in which you want power over other people since you want to force your point of view on vaccines on people...

I am not trying to force you to do anything. I am trying to explain to you why getting vaccinated is in your own (and others') best interest.

BTW, you caught a mistake, I meant to write "bacteria and viruses are becoming resistant to vaccines". I was even talking about vaccines in that same post, but made the mistake of writing antibiotics.

Vaccination does not place the same sort of stress on a population that antibiotics do. Remember, vaccination is all about training your immune system, not poisoning germs.

Look up the Robert Kennedy msnbc interview
He went over how they inject infants with more mercury than a 270lb man could safely absorb in the hep b shot and how mercury in particular, compared to other heavy metals like cadmium, rapidly crossed the blood brain barrier and ate away at neurological tendrils viciously causing massive severe damage. Also linked to lower immune function, how's that for profit motivation

What medical research organization is Dr. Kennedy affiliated with?

says he's an attorney for natural resources defense Institute
Or some #
Watch the video
He looks scared for his life to tell It like it is

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by MOSTwanted

says he's an attorney for natural resources defense Institute
Or some #
Watch the video
He looks scared for his life to tell It like it is

So he is not a medical researcher, but a politician. In your opinion, would a politician ever lie about something in order to advance their agenda? I think you need to read this.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:27 AM

says he's an attorney for natural resources defense Institute
Or some #
Watch the video
He looks scared for his life to tell It like it is

National Resources Defense Council. MSNBC spelled it wrong. But whatever. He's a hired gun, is what you're saying. Senior attorney for a special interest group. He might not even believe what he's saying. It's his job to advance his employer's agenda.
edit on 13-1-2014 by FurvusRexCaeli because: (no reason given)

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