posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 07:46 AM
I just learned of this group last night on the world news.
News article
I was fascinated by the story, because of all the bad things you normally hear about biker "gangs". Hubby and I ride, with a group, not a gang. As
it seems that this is a "group" as well.
So I went and did some digging on them. They really have been doing good for children, not just here in the US, but in several other countries as
It seems to be a member, you are well vetted, including a background check, and have to receive some training.
They don't appear to actually be confrontational with the abuser, just security and comfort for the victim, and a "show of force" if you will.
Honestly, I think this is a very nice idea, and anything to help the victim of abuse, by building their self confidence, and helping them over come
their fear, is a great thing.
B.A.C.A. Website
They are in most states here in the US, but unfortunately not mine.
Have you heard of them? What do you think?