Channel Fireball
When I have kids, I am going to hand them some booster packs and let them knock themselves out. I was lucky my parents did the same with me. I
recommend you do the same for your kids.
We are extremely lucky to have this game. My involvement in Magic: the Gathering has given me innumerable benefits. It's taught me lessons well ahead
of my time—lessons that some non-gamers will unfortunately never learn.
As an MTGer, you are lucky and you should be proud. I want you to be certain that what you are doing IS productive, that it IS valuable, that it IS
enriching your life, that you ARE better for having this game.
Today we share. I am going to go over some of the most important lessons I have learned from MTG, and how I have applied them to my life.
As a society, we need to get rid of the gamer stereotyping. I help run a Magic: The Gathering club in the hometown of Magic, and stereotypes of gamers
are just like any other stereotype - like ones of women, Hispanics, Christians or what have you - generalizations and wrong.
Magic: The Gathering has playgroups in almost every city nationwide that are as diverse as you would expect, even more so. The one great thing about a
FNM group is it is a way to network. Network? You say.
Well - in our current playgroup, we have a few high school teachers, a cycist in his 40's (and I'm not sure what his job is). We have a Hispanic guy
who works at K-Mart and goes to Community College, and we have a few college graduates, as well as the younger brothers and in a lot of cases, kids of
the adults who game there.
Everyone is polite, and most have jobs and even houses and families. What is more, outside of FNM, many of the people are willing to participate in
other games, or even life events together.
Now, gaming gets a lot of smack, but I think that is because people either don't understand the benefits, or do understand the benefits and are
hostile towards anything in life that is beneficial. Let's look at some of them.
First: Imagine the best things that can happen to you in life
Next: Figure out how to get there
Magic teaches you a lot of things - like planning and problem solving skills and math. There is nothing, I repeat, absolutely nothing wrong with you
or your kids getting smarter. If you think that, or your wife thinks that, or your parents think that, or your husband thinks that - they need to be
smacked across the face and wake up.
It Doesn’t Matter If You Are Being Watched
That's right, a lot of people do Magic - and a lot of them are smart, and a lot of them don't do drugs - it is a way to belong to a group and learn
to socialize without being in a gang. Also, it helps get one comfortable with things like leadership, social situations and even stage fright.
Long Term Relationships
That's right - Magic teaches you to have friends for life, but not only that, how to organize with them, how to even conduct business with them
through trading - how to look out for them and one another, and a lot more.
Go ahead and check out the article for their take. Now, let's take a look at some pictures of Magic players to stop generalizations.
Okay - that rat was just left over from another post I made.
List of Professional Magic: The Gathering Players
Magic: The Gathering is becoming more like chess at the moment than most other games because of how entrenched the tournament system is - with amateur
tournaments in every town, casual nights in people's homes, harder weekly tournaments in the major cities like at Card Kingdom in Seattle -
And then there are the bigger tournaments, like the Pro Tour Qualifiers and the Grand Prix. I made it to day two in a Portland Grand Prix one time,
which meant that I began drafting against professional players and famous reporters for Magic blogs and news outlets. I only made it into the top 100
(out of more than 1,000) but I won $100. Top prizes were over $2,000 for 1st place, I believe - and in Pro Tours, like the one in Paris, top prize can
be upwards of $200,000.
As a bonus: Those of you who play Magic, check out
Channel Fireball: Theros Draft Picks