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How will we know if it's natural weather or weaponized weather warfare?

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posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 11:54 PM

reply to post by luxordelphi

Perhaps you have already seen the latest from Geoengineering Watch, posting just in case you haven't.

I'm watching it now, incredible.

Was finally able to watch the video that you put up from Geoengineering Watch dated Jan. 30, 2014. What a ride!! Totally confronting and very eloquently presented. A friend of mine is already making copies and putting it up on his website. The copies are because on the internet, these days, you never know if anybody really ever gets anything or not. If you hand somebody something, you know they got it. word of mouth: tried and true! Thank you for finding that out and taking the time to put it up here!

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 07:26 PM


Aloysius the Gaul
reply to post by luxordelphi

The ER-2 goes to 70,00 feet? Gosh - I'd never have realised......if it weren't for the fact that it is a version of the U-2 that NASA has been operating since 1981!

Why didn't you just say you have no point?

Why do you gish-gallop public information as if it was meaningful?

You seem condescending and ridiculing hey?

Yep - especially when you deserve it.

It’s very obvious you maybe all over the net.

2 or 3 sites is not "all over the net"!

No normal human can do what you appear do for interest only.

Really - by what measure? Debunking all this nonsense takes little time, and I have a lifelong interest in aviation.

Something about you is fishy to me and you don’t add up.

Of course not - it is obviously impossible that I am simply familiar with all eth usual chemmie arguments that you spout, have sen them before, and can easily find the debunking of such thing could possibly happen....(note the sarcasm....just in case you missed it!)

I’ve read your post and you seem to be knowledgeable about military operations that are weather focussed and experimental. Some on human, plants, water, soil, food (Only God Knows how many times this has happened and is going to happen).

see above.

You think HAARP a weather modification weapon, Interesting?


Would you say Geo engineering using harmful substances in small isolated areas around the planet could be under military operation with military planes and military contracted planes doing the work of aerial substance release in conjunction with HAARPs, navy, air force?
These three alone can do some damage with all their contractors combined.

you cannot do geoengineering in "small isolated areas around the planet" - geo-engineering, BY DEFINITION, is altering the climate OF HET WHOLE PLANET.

If you don't understand that you should probably stop discussing the subject until you improve your knowledge base.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 07:30 PM

Aloysius the Gaul
reply to post by luxordelphi

Adding to the general perception that Erin was nothing of particular interest to New Yorkers in Sept 2001:

Several hundred miles out in the Atlantic, Hurricane Erin—the first Atlantic hurricane of the 2001 season—was weakening as it began to turn toward the north-northeast, away from the East Coast. Though it posed no threat to land, Erin had been producing large swells along local beaches and was one of the main headlines early that morning. In fact, The New York Times weather report on September 11 included a special “Focus” write-up on what it called “Hurricane Day,” explaining how in “9 out of 10 years since 1886, at least one tropical storm or hurricane has raged in the Atlantic on Sept. 11.”

source - emphasis is mine.

Just in case anyone missed it by, say, not bothering to read it, this link shows why Hurricane Erin changed course - a massive high pressure system covering the whole of the Mideast & eastern USA driving eastwards.

I'd be interested in how the people who think that hurricanes are being "steered" by a handful of flights studying them explain how it is that those flights in and around the hurricane created this thousand-mile-wide weather pattern in order to achieve their goal??

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:07 AM
reply to

No normal human can do what you appear do for interest only

post by Aloysius the Gaul
Really - by what measure? Debunking all this nonsense takes little time, and I have a lifelong interest in aviation.


Are your wings clipped? The avatar you use is featherless.
Is that why you are on other debunking chemtrail sites, just curious because I
haven’t notice you on much else

Asking others questions preloading the subject is just your strawman crap.
Go ask the DOD if you really want to know.
But you already do don't you

post by Aloysius the Gaul
you cannot do geoengineering in "small isolated areas around the planet" - geo-engineering, BY DEFINITION, is altering the climate OF HET WHOLE PLANET.

That is ridiculous featherless bird. Just a whole lots woeful words. Hello! The whole planet has been messed with at one time or another.
Anywhere anytime

edit on 20-2-2014 by sunnynights because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by sunnynights

Do you have anything to say about the information provided, or do you just wish to spend the bandwidth on whining about posters you think spend too much time here?

See, you can whine all you want, but when it comes down to it, you have facts. Facts that explain why chemtrails are just contrails. You don't have to like it, but you will have to deal with it. If you have facts that dispute this, please bring them to the discussion and then we can all talk about "Geo-Engineering and Chemtrails" instead of who's avitar has feathers and what that means.

What drives you to keep posting here? Is it just an interest in the subject, or are you getting paid by Carnicon and his group to push their agenda so they can keep getting donations and sell chemtrail detox supplies and t-shirts? Follow the money. It seems to point to you at this time. Are you a shill?

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by luxordelphi

The Vid link was good.

The planes in the beginning, some appeared to be testing for balance or crop set ups with small metal tanks, I’m guessing 1000 litres each some bigger 1500-2000 litres But THEN THE ONES with volumes of 10,00 up to 100,00. Massive tankers, that’s not refuelling, No Way.
I would think they could hold several hundred thousand tonne.
How much would a 747 be able to carry in weight is the question. I will have to go find out.

Climate engineering, that may well be the key search for science and facts.

The Atmospheric Science data that's in the NASA archives (Homer E Newell) Here it is

edit on 20-2-2014 by sunnynights because: Too many 00s but don't know yet

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:26 AM
I966 this was given to NASA.

Regulation and control, Their favourite words

9: There must be regulation and control of weather
modification a c t i v i t i e s , especially as those
a c t i v i t i e s increase i n magnitude and frequency
and become international in scope. This is
required especially to provide a mechanism for
protection a g a i n s t harmful consequences of
weather modification a c t i v i t y b u t a l s e te
permit valid experimentation.

link to Doc

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by sunnynights

Please read carefully:

Over the past twenty years experiments have been conducted on weather modification, particularly on the effects of seedinq clouds with - such materials as silver iodide crystals. The results are limited.

Your own source.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by sunnynights

A document about a budget assessment for cloud seeding, lightning suppression and Hail suppression. From 1966.

Is there something specific you thought was interesting about this report?

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:49 AM

I966 this was given to NASA.

Regulation and control, Their favourite words

9: There must be regulation and control of weather
modification a c t i v i t i e s , especially as those
a c t i v i t i e s increase i n magnitude and frequency
and become international in scope. This is
required especially to provide a mechanism for
protection a g a i n s t harmful consequences of
weather modification a c t i v i t y b u t a l s e te
permit valid experimentation.

link to Doc

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by sunnynights

LOL, we could keep posting the same things over ,and over, but I seriously doubt that would accomplish anything.

The US government established regulations for cloud seeding and now has permits that must be obtained before any seeding happens. The reasons for this are common sense. There should be a paper trail leading back to anything like this so there is a way to know who is doing what, where.

It appears this is done at the State level.

Colorado’s Permitted WM Projects
A permit is required to modify the weather in Colorado. See the Permit Program page for more information about applying for a weather modification permit and the permitting process.

Most of the permitted projects in Colorado are based around ground-based operations with the goal of snowpack augmentation. There also are permits in Weld County and the San Luis Valley for hail cannons for suppression, which uses sound cannons to disrupt cloud processes. More information is available on the Permit Areas page.


Now, is there anything in that document you linked that you feel is important enough to be discussed?

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by network dude

Your just afraid people will read it, That's all.

Nice try but you are take ATS'ers for sheepeople.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by sunnynights

Hell no, I encourage everyone to read it. Perhaps you might try and then you could DISCUSS it instead of discussing me.

Please let me know if you find the mental faculties to talk about what in that report troubles you.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by network dude
You really are gung-ho for a corrupt government that has done more damage to the planet, than it has done good. Actin' like they abide by their own rules. lmfao

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by WonderBoi

How does my understanding of contrails and science mean that I am gung-ho for the government?

Please take a moment to explain that.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 02:10 PM

reply to [url=]

Are your wings clipped? The avatar you use is featherless.

dude it's just an avatar!!

Is that why you are on other debunking chemtrail sites, just curious because I
haven’t notice you on much else

So you're stalking me around the net to see where I'm at??

Asking others questions preloading the subject is just your strawman crap.

Preloading what??

when people post stuff that makes no sense and is proveably BS the motto here is "DENY ignorance" - which means you have to question the basis of the sort of BS that you spout.

Accepting BS is to be a mindless follower - chemise are always telling people to "do their own research" - well guess what? I did.....

Go ask the DOD if you really want to know.
But you already do don't you

Yep - "chemtrails" are a myth.

That is ridiculous featherless bird. Just a whole lots woeful words. Hello! The whole planet has been messed with at one time or another.

So if geo-engineering isn't actually changing the climate of the whole planet - what with those being just "woeful words" - what is it exactly??

edit on 20-2-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: quote tags

edit on 20-2-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: italics

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by sunnynights

The planes in the beginning, some appeared to be testing for balance or crop set ups with small metal tanks, I’m guessing 1000 litres each some bigger 1500-2000 litres But THEN THE ONES with volumes of 10,00 up to 100,00. Massive tankers, that’s not refuelling, No Way. I would think they could hold several hundred thousand tonne. How much would a 747 be able to carry in weight is the question. I will have to go find out.

Any luck in your research?

Please do educate the readers when you do find out, that would be nice fact supplied by you.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by network dude

How does my understanding of contrails and science mean that I am gung-ho for the government?

Isn't a paid shill supposed to be that way?

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

I don't have to like them to cash the check.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

That video is the best compilation of evidence that I have ever seen. Nothing like having the evidence to go along with all of the research we have been doing over the years.

I used to see the occasional photograph of the inside of one of the planes that may or may not have been used, and I tended to back off of them simply because they just didn't have the muscle that I thought was needed to lay the amount of oxides that we see. The photos that were displayed in this video are undeniable.

I like how Radio Free Europe has caught on, and I'm going to try and locate the interview they did with with the Russian scholar.

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