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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford files to run again

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posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 05:34 AM
The voters were hypnotized by his waddle waggle.

Ho ho ho. Bring me Solo and the Wookie. Everyone kinda likes Jabba. He's entertaining. I liked his Twi'Lek policy as well. Stupid tentacle heads. Rancors get hungry. LOL that Rancor isn't flagged as a spelling issue. Nice. Nice.

Really don't understand how dude got voted in. He's likable in the way a childhood teddybear drunk off it's ass is likable. Awww. It's so sad it's kinda cute. I don't get the logic leap from pity to ballot punches though.

Come on Canada. You're our overachieving (ish) little brother. Don't date Suzy. You saw what her sister did to us.

I need to read up on the guy more. I'm sure he's actually done some things that make him likable. Not just passing out coke and beer to his voters.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 06:04 AM

I need to read up on the guy more. I'm sure he's actually done some things that make him likable. Not just passing out coke and beer to his voters.

Don't bother he looks and behave as a real life Biff Tannen

i wonder if Toronto will end as Hill Valley if he is reelected

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Domo1

The voters were hypnotized by his waddle waggle.

The alleged supporters have being hypnotized by his offers of wares $$$.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Domo1

I was in my first year of J-school when the 2010 Mayoral race went down. I listen to a lot of talk-radio, usually Newstalk1010, which has had a big part in the Ford Saga (they even let the guy have his own show called the "the City").

I never really paid attention to municipal politics, but I was pretty interested in the 2010 election, because things were so tense, and it seemed like every single one of these candidates had some strange skeletons in their closet, if not involved in previous boondoggles.

Adam Giambronie for example. This guy must be shaking his head right now. He had a decent chance at being a main player in the 2010 election... But got caught in a strange affair which really didn't even qualify as a real "affair" because he wasn't even married, and I'm pretty sure he clairfied it was a sort of open relationship anyway. I'm pretty sure the scandal was more about how this might have happened in his office. Anyway, Giambronie dropped out, leaving a scandalous impression on the fresh season.

The main guy Ford went up against, was Slitherman, WOOPS! I mean Smitherman. He represented a lot of the left centre crowd, but like the rest was involved the big waste of money known as the "E-Health Scandal" where over a one billion was wasted due to poor fiscal management (I remember hearing things like people were getting paid $100 an hour to plan christmas parties), this was continually brought up by both the media and his opponent Ford who was pushing a fiscally responsible budget.

There was Rocko Rossi, and others, but the real race was truly between these two.

Both had a dirty past, just one had the right message.

Ford's campaign ran on a series of buzz words, the most notable of which was the constant reference to City Hall as the "Gravy Train." Ford pointed out councillor's abuse of expenses and was determined to trim the "fat" off City Hall. In addition to this, Ford's other buzz word was "Subways, Subways, Subways." With virtually no plan to pay for the subways other than hoping the private sector would pitch in and invest in a subway line the would extend into Scarborough (which was his ward when he was a councillor,). This was a huge vote grab for him as he claimed there was "a war on cars in Toronto."

It was clear Ford was out to grab the bulk of the sub-urban votes, and the downtown councillors didn't like where this was going. Even before he was elected there were constant efforts to make Ford look like the worst person ever, as happens in a lot of political dominance matches. Despite the media and much of City Council thinking Ford would be an easy target, the truth was because our man Ford made so many stupid little mistakes, he was gaining support from people who noticed he was kind of like a normal guy and not the PR machines like the rest of politicians. Was he perfect? No, and that was/is totally fine with the residents of Toronto as long as they have a mayor who wants to keep taxes down and lay down some more subways.

Seriously, this guy is not the easy target that everyone thought he was.

Personally back in 2010 I thought he was the lesser of two evils, and I still believe if Smitherman or Rossi or whoever else won, we'd still have a heap of problems and corruption at City Hall, it just wouldn't be as personal, let alone as exciting.

As for his crack use. I'm one of those people that tries to reserve judgement but I too probably drink more than I should, have gotten piss wasted drunk and made a fool of myself, and yes a couple of times I may have indulged in some substances I woudln't touch while sober (NOT CRACK).

What bugs me and I'm sure a lot of other people too, is that evidently, Mr.Ford has been hanging around some sketchy crowds, and not just your neighbour John who sells a little hash here and there, were talking about Somali drug dealers and community housing gangs.

Will he win again? He totally could do it. As communication experts continue to say - despite his antics, he seems to be pretty resistant to the media fire on his ass, and the more spotlight that gets put on him, the more people feel bad for the guy, winning a little support in the process.

Can't wait until October, though i'm sure we will be kept entertained by the race in general.
edit on 4-1-2014 by tribaltrip because: Grammar

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