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How we're getting smoked on taxes!

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posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Eryiedes

Oh it's just outright crazy isn't it? Tens of thousands of pages of taxes ..but that isn't what I think of as the worst of it.

What I think of as the worst of this? They actually are so far gone with this, they joke AT our expense by laughing *AT* us, right in front of us, and amazingly? We don't even get offended!

I mean, they can stand there with criminals like Charlie Rangel, who wrote and managed the very tax laws he freely violated or we can have the head of the Department which holds the IRS itself both say the code is so complex, even those directly in charge of it cannot follow it...and somehow should be excused from criminal violation of it, while any mere mortal can go through hell and end up homeless from the same process happening to them.

Truly unbelievable how we've come to allow ourselves to be openly mocked and actually tell each other they're still laughing with us, not AT us.

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