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DHS insider gives final warning

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posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

Ya i get it, this is all hypothetical no real source to back it up. But you shouldn't just tell you self that there is no way it could happen... there is. Why start making all these camps every where and sign these deals with the stadiums. By no means am i saying these are tall tale sings that this is evening happening. Just stateing that is plausible to an extent. And figuratively speaking, if the gov was behind this in the first place then why not use some shock and awe method. You send the military rampant out first, then the weak will follow easy to where they are told to go. To think we are to big to have it happen to us is turning a blind eye to the 1% chance they already have a way figured out.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 12:36 PM




Again the US is not capable of nation wide martial law. We have been over this a hundren times. The US would barely be able to put a large city under martial law.

What about what happened in Watertown, MA after the Boston Bombings? The whole city of Boston was shut down.

I don't know if this guy is legit or not (most stories like this don't pan out), but it is also obvious that the DHS is gearing up for something.

The town was shut down for a day with all the resources that could be spared by city, county, state and federal agencies and it was able to be done because people volunteered to do so. It also cost 300,000 million dollars for that one day. And that was only 30 thousand people for a day. Now try 300,000 million spread across an entire continent. You would need at bare minimum about 9 million troops plus all local law enforcement to try and control that. Where is that manpower going to come from? Where would the money come from to pay for that? The logistics just do not work. A city maybe they could pull off for a short but, the cost would still be staggering.

I wonder if this is where in the YouTube clip of obama wanting a civilian security force would come in, though it would take time to get something like that going.

It was a civlian service corps not armed or militant. That fact is the US is not prepared for anything like a large scale martial law scenerio. It is a weakness that is exposed again and again during natutal disasters. We can get the supplies and emergancy workers in fast but, securing the area is always a problem. The military has a job of defending the country so it could not be called away from its job to enforce martial law, the NG is to small and would cost massive amounts of money to keep active the same for the reserves. Local and state police are barely able to do their current duties much less take on a martial law type situation. As I have covered before a large part of DHS are not armed agents and those that are in the border patrol, coast guard, INS customs, air marshals, Secret Service etc. none of whom can be pulled from their current duties. Honestly it is kind of scary how unprepared the US for some nation wide disaster.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 01:04 PM




Again the US is not capable of nation wide martial law. We have been over this a hundren times. The US would barely be able to put a large city under martial law.

What about what happened in Watertown, MA after the Boston Bombings? The whole city of Boston was shut down.

I don't know if this guy is legit or not (most stories like this don't pan out), but it is also obvious that the DHS is gearing up for something.

The town was shut down for a day with all the resources that could be spared by city, county, state and federal agencies and it was able to be done because people volunteered to do so. It also cost 300,000 million dollars for that one day. And that was only 30 thousand people for a day. Now try 300,000 million spread across an entire continent. You would need at bare minimum about 9 million troops plus all local law enforcement to try and control that. Where is that manpower going to come from? Where would the money come from to pay for that? The logistics just do not work. A city maybe they could pull off for a short but, the cost would still be staggering.

I wonder if this is where in the YouTube clip of obama wanting a civilian security force would come in, though it would take time to get something like that going.

Here he is talking about a civilian force that's just as powerful etc....

Makes people wonder what he was talking about eh?

The DHS has been going through a massive build up of personnel and military style equipment.

Uploaded on Jul 17, 2008

Is Obama planning to have a Civilian Security Force in addition to the military?

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

I wonder what his "definition" of *Civilian* is ?

And remember that the DHS is exempt from the Posse Comitatus law !!!


posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 02:50 PM
"To what end?" I think every time the topic of impending martial law pops up. First of all, the corporations wouldn't stand for having their money source shut down, and besides, what could possibly be the next step to such a plan? One popular theory is that of an outrageous Hitleresque depopulation, but once again, the question of 'to what end?' remains.

Maybe someone at the top strives to achieve full world totalitarian dictator status-- Dick Cheney perhaps-- and the US is the prime starting point for some reason.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Exactly.....and little chance of posting up against a civil insurgency should it occur.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by signalfire

Senior citizens and city dwellers?? LOL

On topic:
If this is what it takes to get a revolution going then I say bring it on!! It's just hard to believe anything like this with no proof. I'd say it's mule muffins.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

We are so unprepared for natural disasters because those aren't planned, so if you please stop comparing the two that would be great. And of course police and coast guard plus the others you mention from could be pulled from their current duties because news flash, they don't decide what those "current duties" are. Those in charge of them can change said current duties as they see fit. All military members know this, that at any moment their job,station,billet, ect can change at a moments notice at the word of a higher up and dont question why, pack you stuff and lets go. It IS a possibility, it COULD be done. And when you say those DHS agent aren't armed, you may be right as far as an issued gun. But i bet you go into the parking lot and 5/6 cars have pistols with certs to have them there.
edit on 29-12-2013 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 07:20 PM

reply to post by MrSpad

We are so unprepared for natural disasters because those aren't planned, so if you please stop comparing the two that would be great. And of course police and coast guard plus the others you mention from could be pulled from their current duties because news flash, they don't decide what those "current duties" are. Those in charge of them can change said current duties as they see fit. All military members know this, that at any moment their job,station,billet, ect can change at a moments notice at the word of a higher up and dont question why, pack you stuff and lets go. It IS a possibility, it COULD be done. And when you say those DHS agent aren't armed, you may be right as far as an issued gun. But i bet you go into the parking lot and 5/6 cars have pistols with certs to have them there.
edit on 29-12-2013 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

We do plan for natural disasters FEMA, the Natioal Guard, State Defense forces and many other local, state, federal and civliian agencies make it theit highest priority. National martial law is not possible and it can not be done. Unless the US were create an internal military securty force like say the Russians have and manned it with 10 million men. You can not take a the Coast Guard off their ships give them some guns and say now you are a martial law force control this town. It would be a disaster. Hey TSA agents put down you wands and here are some guns go control the city. Hey Border patrol, forget the border we need you in to take over half of Houston. Hey airforce guys get out of those planes, here are some guns go take over Nevada, Hey Navy get off those ships and subs here are some guns go secure Florida. It would be disaster of epic perportions. Untrained, poorly armed random people trying to enforce martial law is beyond stupid. So lets just end this fantasy.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 08:03 PM


reply to post by MrSpad

We are so unprepared for natural disasters because those aren't planned, so if you please stop comparing the two that would be great. And of course police and coast guard plus the others you mention from could be pulled from their current duties because news flash, they don't decide what those "current duties" are. Those in charge of them can change said current duties as they see fit. All military members know this, that at any moment their job,station,billet, ect can change at a moments notice at the word of a higher up and dont question why, pack you stuff and lets go. It IS a possibility, it COULD be done. And when you say those DHS agent aren't armed, you may be right as far as an issued gun. But i bet you go into the parking lot and 5/6 cars have pistols with certs to have them there.
edit on 29-12-2013 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

We do plan for natural disasters FEMA, the Natioal Guard, State Defense forces and many other local, state, federal and civliian agencies make it theit highest priority. National martial law is not possible and it can not be done. Unless the US were create an internal military securty force like say the Russians have and manned it with 10 million men. You can not take a the Coast Guard off their ships give them some guns and say now you are a martial law force control this town. It would be a disaster. Hey TSA agents put down you wands and here are some guns go control the city. Hey Border patrol, forget the border we need you in to take over half of Houston. Hey airforce guys get out of those planes, here are some guns go take over Nevada, Hey Navy get off those ships and subs here are some guns go secure Florida. It would be disaster of epic perportions. Untrained, poorly armed random people trying to enforce martial law is beyond stupid. So lets just end this fantasy.

Why do you feel we would be out manned 3-1? 10 million men needed? It was 9 million before and guess what, obama wants a civilian security force, he said it him self, that would be just as well funded as our military. So there is a stepping stone. Yes all those agents could be taken from there current post, not in the crude manner you presented which doesn't make it right.But in an coordinated effort, no problem. Hey guys your all going home back to the states! O man they would be happy to go home and do what they are told. Do you remember the rally of patriotism after 9/11? they could feed of something like that to get the masses to what they want willingly. to say that it is in NO way possible, i can not agree that. And you mention the wrong guys to leave there post, piolits and captains will stay put, they are gonna want the young dumb ones

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by wills120

I feel the USA would survive.

It all depends on where you draw the line on the definition of USA and the meaning of survive...

I also question the credibility of this source because containment of something this big would be next to impossible.

Not so, and increasingly less, consider that automation and control measures have also evolved with time. People also have become less patriotic (to the notion of nation state) and more politicized towards a party (a groups of interests, not an ideology). This transformation was clear during the Cold war we witnessed a shift from ideologies toward self interests, especially after Nixon took over (embodied by the ideals of psychopath Henry Kissinger)...

Of course, sometimes the best place to hide something is in plain sight but the problem here is it negates any kind of operational effectiveness when events do swing into action

I was not defending that there is a plot, to me it seems more a convergence of interests that together are working towards similar goals even if not directly aware of each-other. One can even observe times were what you state seem to have occurred, even if the main stream media keeps those away from the general public (they are themselves cooperating).

In economic terms there are no gray areas, no moral dilemmas, there are profits and losses and only those that get above the red survive...

Frankly, the massive Charlie Foxtrot of trying to implement Martial Law would be laughable.

It only depends on the context it would be used, I'm certain that you accept that Martial Law was created to respond to certain situations and so it is intrinsically valid. You just should expect a little abuse towards the situation where it is applied and so seen as justified. But if and when it occurs I doubt it will be called Martial Law...

When I read that ATM’s wouldn’t work and such

This is the less problematic event even if it will have a huge impact on society that is increasingly plastic dependent, it could occur even without governmental interference. Since most of the US utilities are privatized imagine going without electricity, telecommunications or water due to a fast moving economic collapse... The government wouldn't have to dictate anything and we all know how fast the US government is at avoiding going over cliffs...

The only legitimate scenario is one of bringing in the UN to support Martial Law. That presents an obvious problem as there are thousands of us who have been drawing little blue helmets on our gun-range targets. Now that we’ve moved to a military scenario, ongoing operations would be damn-near impossible to sustain. Consider what we attempted to do in Iraq…..the best trained and equipped soldiers in the world operated in constant fear of random and uncoordinated acts of violence.

The UN is a tool of the US government (better yet of the Anglo-American interests), any UN intervention would only occur with US government support and endorsement (there could be situation that would merit such action, like a fragmentation similar to that of the USSR but that would mean a civil war was already afoot). As for comparing the US citizenry to that of Iraq I think you would get a surprise, a normal US citizen has more to lose that an Iraqi, it is also less culturally radicalized (war experience, religion and deep politics) and so less prone to drastic violent actions (the simple fact is that we don't see bomb going of across the nation like in Iraq yet, if the citizenry was such a good national defensive asset we would expect more radical preventive action now).

Initially and especially in urban areas, it’s possible the citizenry would allow mild forms of Martial Law (as we saw in MA) but as things deteriorated you would see them having to shift resources from rural areas to the cities….this invites an even bigger problem as resistance cells would form either home-grown or by proxy. Teams of 3 men could disrupt an entire city very easily.

If and when SHTF people will flee cities whenever possible. Look at what happened in France during the Nazi occupation, partisan technology hasn't evolved much ... in fact newer tech will make dealing with them easier. So I don't agree with your 3 men team effectiveness...

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 12:36 PM
I have been talking about the martial law thing for a long time. Ever sense Obama started his second term. Obama will not want to give up that plush life style he has going. I think he would do just about anything to keep it going.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 06:16 PM
If something like this were to happen then all urban areas and their surrounding areas would be turned into a war zone. These areas are where the government would concentrate it's troop build up.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 07:26 PM
I don't think the government would ever let the state of the economy get much worse than its current state. A failing economy would be seen by the rest of the world as a major weakness. I'm sure our political leaders wouldn't want us to seem weak in the eyes of our enemies. It will never happen. Just wait and see.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 08:16 PM

I don't think the government would ever let the state of the economy get much worse than its current state. A failing economy would be seen by the rest of the world as a major weakness. I'm sure our political leaders wouldn't want us to seem weak in the eyes of our enemies. It will never happen. Just wait and see.

The failing economy *IS* being seen as a major weakness already.

And I think many political "leaders" do in fact want us to seem weak.

It seems we hear the same thing every time the economy gets "weak". It's always never going to happen again.

The NWO is not a myth or wild conspiracy any more.

"Just wait and see" is right.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 08:45 PM


I don't think the government would ever let the state of the economy get much worse than its current state. A failing economy would be seen by the rest of the world as a major weakness. I'm sure our political leaders wouldn't want us to seem weak in the eyes of our enemies. It will never happen. Just wait and see.

The failing economy *IS* being seen as a major weakness already.

And I think many political "leaders" do in fact want us to seem weak.

It seems we hear the same thing every time the economy gets "weak". It's always never going to happen again.

The NWO is not a myth or wild conspiracy any more.

"Just wait and see" is right.

I know I'm probably going to hear a bunch of stuff for my next question, but really, what's wrong with a single world government? I mean where is it written that they are going to be evil? the U.S. does evil stuff everyday and we live under their rule without rioting or being marched into death camps.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

There is indeed a big collapse on the horizon.

Global Capitalism is an experiment constructed on the concept of an Enlightenment Utopia. The dream that has been sold to Americans is not sustainable, Americans are not living in an Enlightened Utopia, and to be perfectly honest, neither is anyone else.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 09:06 PM

reply to post by xuenchen

There is indeed a big collapse on the horizon.

Global Capitalism is an experiment constructed on the concept of an Enlightenment Utopia. The dream that has been sold to Americans is not sustainable, Americans are not living in an Enlightened Utopia, and to be perfectly honest, neither is anyone else.

I'm not sure I'd call Global capitalism an experiment. Capitalism, to me it seems is the natural state of the human economy. People have always built wealth from the blood and sweat of others. I don't think we know another way to create a society.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 09:09 PM

reply to post by Mamatus

The missing logic wouldn't be on how they are gonna pay the military. All those men and women are under contract to carry out orders form up above. And most will gladly take the excuse of your pay is on the way, right now fight for your country. Not saying all will and there wont be service members that dont follow, but a vast majority are ready to fight. Especially if martial law is in affect cause they can get all service members for desertion.

Did most of the military sign up to go against their own people? They believed in serving their country. Most would say it wasn't what they signed up for if asked to kill fellow Americans, which is really treason against your country. It is more likely that mercenaries from another place will be the ones doing the martial law (it explains part of the missing money). I don't see normal military guys from USA going for shooting their neighbor in the head unless he/she is heavily pharma-drugged and/or brainwashed, money isn't the factor for an ordinary soldier, who doesn't make a lot of money until reaching higher ranking levels anyway. The money is going somewhere much more sinister in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by greenday1978

There is a difference between Social Markets and Free Markets. The both are deliberately engineered, naturally the Free Market is sold to us as 'normal' human competition but this is somewhat short of the truth.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 08:29 PM
The economic collapse will happen after they pull out of QE3. It's just like the pump and dump scheme. Everything collapses when the whales pull out.

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