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There is still hope, more people are awake than we think

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posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:13 AM
I had a very different Christmas than usual.

Instead of spending it with family and friends I ended up in a bar in Thailand run by 2 Aussies surrounded by about 30 expats from all over the world.
Beer was flowing and the mood was fantastic, there must have been 3 or 4 different conversations happening around a few tables but my ears pricked up when when I heard someone say Rothschild.

The Fed was being discussed and from there the discussion moved onto 9/11, Vaccines, media manipulation etc etc

Every now and then you get a nutter or 2 (myself included) that likes to bring this stuff up but what really surprised me was the fact that every single person in the bar knew exactly what was happening!!!!
Not 1 person there was unaware that the elites are bending us over and doing us roughly without lube.

It was a very diverse group, Aussies, Poms, Yanks, Sth Africans, Germans, Kiwis, Frenchies, Japanese and a few others.

The only thing that people were in disagreement about in a 3 hour discussion was whether it was planes or missiles that hit the twin towers, everything else everyone already knew and all there were able to add to the discussion.

We use the term sheeple alot and wonder when others will "wake up", I think more people than we can imagine are "awake" but due to fear of being ridiculed or considered a conspiracy nut its not something that is discussed openly.

So what Im wondering is how we can make these discussions more mainstream and show others out there that they are not alone in their awareness and then what can we do about the state of affairs short of armed revolution (which I do not advocate) to change things?

It was a great Christmas and gave me a sincere feeling of "Its not too late"

What do we think?

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:19 AM
I think keywords/buzzwords like "Rothschild, vaccines, illuminati, sheeple, 911, etc…" are just indicative how truly "asleep" you really are. Acting like a bunch of sheeple hearing blither blather and thinking it means something without actually spending the time to see the whole picture.

My two extremely deflated pennies.

Transference of emotions. "Yeah man, I'm totally bogged down by chemtrails, and the fed makes it so hard for me to buy bread, vaccines infecting my head, the towers went down with control, alex jones isn't a mole… I just wanna get back at the powers that be, since they keep trotting down on me."

"Didn't you just sleep on your buddies couch mooching for three months?"

"Yeah man, and that guy kicked me on the street. Like his some big shot banker or something, violating my rights cause Im a freeman fighting for cause xyz. Namaste brother. I vibrate on high frequencies."
edit on 26-12-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

We all need to "wake up" but what when we wake up to afterwards is what I believe is what scares the sheople, that's why when you discuss this matter to most folk they get that blank glaring stare in their eye's knowing it does not fit with their original indoctrination they was taught.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by proob4

I think most people realize there's something extremely wrong in the world, and, like you said - can't seem to think what will happen when the house of cards does fall.

But, most people do realize it is about to fall.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I hate to say it, but it's too late to change any of it. There's not much point in trying to educate more people to make it mainstream chatter. The slower ones will learn soon enough. The stages have all even accomplished, one by one. They would know who the outspoken ones are. Those people and their conversations would be monitored for tips on any action being plotted against them. They would have contingency plans ready to carry out to deter any action. Don't assume they haven't thought of every possibility that can stop them, and what can be done about it.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Not too far from the latter avoided, you found friends anyway.
F/S for a good OP. Now I'll pare down my post so it doesn't drag like a tannenbaum and nasty fruitcake more like a wheel chock.

Glad you got to a place that was packed with the aware, they're few and far between in the Midwest unless we're all over 50 and sufficiently stepped on individually. In short, there's more than hope if there's more we do than just that.

I personally feel hope is done quietly-- those guys trying to steer the narrative know we're not steers or other cattle. The Internet clamps or the attempts are getting too obvious as a control measure. When they fear discussion out here there must be a good reason. We may arrive at a place they don't at all want, knowledge of the truth.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

A bar in Thailand fantastic! reminds me of my days in the army stationed in Schwienfurt Germany. How i loved getting lost in the culture and the unique conversations and traditions the world had. It was lonely but oddly comforting. I miss that, how fortunate you are. I was too young though to really appreciate it i wish i had joined at my age now. I'm glad many people are aware of the dire situation our species is in. However i'd like to think that perhaps true malevolence dosent exist and that the world is just as stupid as it seems. That offers alot more hope than a dark evil malevolent force manipulating pawns for some type of evil endeavor.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I'm glad there are so many awake there in Thailand, able to freely travel the world, drinking in a bar in a foreign country, all the while being awake to being down trodden by the PTB.

It's not like there are thousands of Thai citizens that are actually down trodden, working in sweat shops so the 'awake' westerners can wear cheap shirts and drink cheap beer on a Christmas night...

Oh wait...

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 04:23 AM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I hate to say it, but it's too late to change any of it. There's not much point in trying to educate more people to make it mainstream chatter. The slower ones will learn soon enough. The stages have all even accomplished, one by one. They would know who the outspoken ones are. Those people and their conversations would be monitored for tips on any action being plotted against them. They would have contingency plans ready to carry out to deter any action. Don't assume they haven't thought of every possibility that can stop them, and what can be done about it.

Why should I agonize over the inevitable? If all the stages have been mulled, permutated to every possible outcome on supercomputers run by evil geniuses and wargamed to perfection all they can do in a worst case scenario is achieving also the inevitable and kill us all. The slow ones might not even get it after the short ride to the long ditch, who cares?

What really does matter is how much out of control the little antisocial experiment has been for the last couple of generations. Don't think for a nanosecond there's an end to this, evil is that which men do, and we're evolving. The inevitable outcome is somebody much more evil than them taking over the party who really knows how to...

It's an old saw, "All that can destroy evil is a greater evil."
Evil always wins, and a worse one. I mean, how cool is that?
Barney Fife meet Caligula BWAHAHAhaaaaaa. Wow I may have both dark sides: maybe I should run for orifice.
edit on 26-12-2013 by derfreebie because: Deranted by shortening

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Drinking beer in a pub somewhere in Thailand on 2013 Xmas day.

I bet it wasnt Bangkok or Southern area, else, you are very lucky not to to get involved with the situation.

Stay away from Bangkok or Southern area, for now and next 2 month.

In post least they have the balls to stand up to their government.
edit on 26-12-2013 by NullVoid because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 04:44 AM

I think keywords/buzzwords like "Rothschild, vaccines, illuminati, sheeple, 911, etc…" are just indicative how truly "asleep" you really are. Acting like a bunch of sheeple hearing blither blather and thinking it means something without actually spending the time to see the whole picture.

My two extremely deflated pennies.

Transference of emotions. "Yeah man, I'm totally bogged down by chemtrails, and the fed makes it so hard for me to buy bread, vaccines infecting my head, the towers went down with control, alex jones isn't a mole… I just wanna get back at the powers that be, since they keep trotting down on me."

"Didn't you just sleep on your buddies couch mooching for three months?"

"Yeah man, and that guy kicked me on the street. Like his some big shot banker or something, violating my rights cause Im a freeman fighting for cause xyz. Namaste brother. I vibrate on high frequencies."
edit on 26-12-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

LOL you negative nancy

These people werent hippie backpackers they were all professionals, teachers, engineers, architects, business owners.

No one was saying how they were getting screwed infact quite the opposite, foreign workers in Asia live like kings, if anything over here we are the "elites" in terms of how well we live compared to the general population.

It was an intelligent discussion in which no one used the words "sheeple" or "asleep".

I also disagree with your premise that the whole picture was missed, everyone there was well aware of how it all ties in together.

So whats your opinion Boncho? you saying there is no issue and were all a bunch of paranoids or you just imagining a bunch of highschool/uni students sitting around talking BS?

From your posts on here I get the impression you would have enjoyed the discussion

P.s bring back the happy Gaddafi Avatar, that was awesome

EDIT: just reread the OP, when I said "WE use the terms sheeple and asleep" I was refering the ATS not the people in the bar. I understand your tone now, no one was thinking they were better or more aware than the average person which is I think the impression you may have gotten
edit on 26/12/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 04:47 AM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I hate to say it, but it's too late to change any of it. There's not much point in trying to educate more people to make it mainstream chatter. The slower ones will learn soon enough. The stages have all even accomplished, one by one. They would know who the outspoken ones are. Those people and their conversations would be monitored for tips on any action being plotted against them. They would have contingency plans ready to carry out to deter any action. Don't assume they haven't thought of every possibility that can stop them, and what can be done about it.

Thats exactly my point, these people werent the outspoken ones they were just normal people who happened to get into a discussion related to "conspiracy" type stuff. No one was preaching or ranting, it was actually an enlightening experience

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 04:54 AM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I'm glad there are so many awake there in Thailand, able to freely travel the world, drinking in a bar in a foreign country, all the while being awake to being down trodden by the PTB.

It's not like there are thousands of Thai citizens that are actually down trodden, working in sweat shops so the 'awake' westerners can wear cheap shirts and drink cheap beer on a Christmas night...

Oh wait...

I hear ya and these people know very well how things here are.
Alot of them do volunteer work in one form or another, where I am in Hat Yai Sth Thailand there isnt much in the way of entertainment for foreigners. This is not really a tourist place like Phuket or Koh Samui.

No ones perfect and Im not saying these people are saints but I would guess alot of them are doing more to make the world a better place via educating people (academic education not "how screwed the world is") to better there position and cirumstances

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 04:58 AM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Drinking beer in a pub somewhere in Thailand on 2013 Xmas day.

I bet it wasnt Bangkok or Southern area, else, you are very lucky not to to get involved with the situation.

Stay away from Bangkok or Southern area, for now and next 2 month.

In post least they have the balls to stand up to their government.
edit on 26-12-2013 by NullVoid because: (no reason given)

Im in Sth Thailand only 200KM from the Malaysian border and we had a bomb go off 20 KM away in Songkhla.

Ill be in Bangkok from Jan 8th and have no concerns, as long as Im not political or critical of the Police, Army or Royals I would have to be unlucky and be in the wrong place at the wrong time to be in harms way.

Its not as bad as you would think reading the limited news that talks about the area

As for standing upto the Gov, there was only 1 Thai in the convo and he is active politically, the rest of the foreigners if anything left their respective countries instead of facing or standing up to their Gov.
They were armchair warriors at best andI didnt for a second think the people there or the convo would change the world, I was just surprised how any people were aware of some of the underlying causes of the problems
edit on 26/12/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 05:54 AM


reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Drinking beer in a pub somewhere in Thailand on 2013 Xmas day.

I bet it wasnt Bangkok or Southern area, else, you are very lucky not to to get involved with the situation.

Stay away from Bangkok or Southern area, for now and next 2 month.

In post least they have the balls to stand up to their government.
edit on 26-12-2013 by NullVoid because: (no reason given)

Im in Sth Thailand only 200KM from the Malaysian border and we had a bomb go off 20 KM away in Songkhla.

Ill be in Bangkok from Jan 8th and have no concerns, as long as Im not political or critical of the Police, Army or Royals I would have to be unlucky and be in the wrong place at the wrong time to be in harms way.

Its not as bad as you would think reading the limited news that talks about the area

As for standing upto the Gov, there was only 1 Thai in the convo and he is active politically, the rest of the foreigners if anything left their respective countries instead of facing or standing up to their Gov.
They were armchair warriors at best andI didnt for a second think the people there or the convo would change the world, I was just surprised how any people were aware of some of the underlying causes of the problems
edit on 26/12/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

I don't know what the Thai's are going to do about the problems down south; they seem to capture or stop the wrong doers on a regular basic but there seems to be an inexhaustible supply of the radical religion of peace who want their own laws an land taken from Thailand . We called them communist in 1973 same bullets and bombs killing people who did not have a dog in the fight..

Thai's have been allot nicer than I would have been but they are known for their tolerance of different cultures and ways of thinking... I think they are very secure in their belief system and customs.... I do like they way they get united and throw out (in their opinion) a corrupt government every thirty years or so... The last protest was a big one and seemed to have worked... New elections in February (I think?)
Funny about the conversation you listened to. I have found most of the X-Pats I come across hardly ever hesitate to talk the politics of their home country or world (both good and bad) and once they find you are not an ugly American ( if it ain't American it can't be good kinda person) can tell you pretty much what they feel the yanks are screwing up around the world; always in an informed polite way..

I just mostly listen and nod my head every now and then... I was paired with a retired (30 years) NSA type during a golf tournament.. Nothing has changed they still try to talk without moving their lips and are very guarded about what they say and who is possibly listening ...

Anyway glad you had a pleasant experience; it has been cool to cold (for Thailand) in Udon... Have not used the air conditioners in the last two months! I have been looking for some electric heaters; imagine that ?

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:03 AM
Could have been all that beer that you say was flowing. Intoxication can make strange bed fellows.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I love kiwis. Sweet and crunchy with those tiny seeds. But I never had a conversation with one.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:09 AM

I think keywords/buzzwords like "Rothschild, vaccines, illuminati, sheeple, 911, etc…" are just indicative how truly "asleep" you really are. Acting like a bunch of sheeple hearing blither blather and thinking it means something without actually spending the time to see the whole picture.

My two extremely deflated pennies.

Transference of emotions. "Yeah man, I'm totally bogged down by chemtrails, and the fed makes it so hard for me to buy bread, vaccines infecting my head, the towers went down with control, alex jones isn't a mole… I just wanna get back at the powers that be, since they keep trotting down on me."

"Didn't you just sleep on your buddies couch mooching for three months?"

"Yeah man, and that guy kicked me on the street. Like his some big shot banker or something, violating my rights cause Im a freeman fighting for cause xyz. Namaste brother. I vibrate on high frequencies."
edit on 26-12-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

We don't need to figure out how to spread this. We need a vaccine to halt it.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:21 AM

reply to post by proob4

I think most people realize there's something extremely wrong in the world, and, like you said - can't seem to think what will happen when the house of cards does fall.

But, most people do realize it is about to fall.

Actually it's not. We live in a time where we for the first time are becoming a global community caring for each other in ways we never were able to before. We are not on the brink of destruction. A handful of drunks in a bar not withstanding.
Of course we still have our differences but we are realizing more and more just how much we have in common and are forming strong bonds across cultural boundaries.

It's a world of laughter a world of tears
It's a world of hopes and a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all.

That song is almost fifty years old and its truer now than ever.

Look for the good

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:26 AM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I hate to say it, but it's too late to change any of it. There's not much point in trying to educate more people to make it mainstream chatter. The slower ones will learn soon enough. The stages have all even accomplished, one by one. They would know who the outspoken ones are. Those people and their conversations would be monitored for tips on any action being plotted against them. They would have contingency plans ready to carry out to deter any action. Don't assume they haven't thought of every possibility that can stop them, and what can be done about it.

Yeah yeah just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.
Has anyone ever tried to halt a conversation you were having on any conspiracy ?
Has a government agent knocked on your door demanding you turn over your computer?
Nope didn't think so.

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