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Lazarus Short
Lazarus Short
reply to post by sk0rpi0n
Well said! I'll add that Zionist-Occupied Palestine is a hub for pornography and the human body-parts trade.
I would say everywhere on earth is a hub for pornography, please give me references guys not just speculation.
Easy: Just to start. Kapner is Jewish by birth, and his site is a great resource for getting away from the Zionist idol.
@op, Most of the sources peddling pro-israel theology often never address the issues of Israel gay parades, prostituion and anti-christianity. When questioned about it, they either - a)special plead for Israel making excuses like ''they will repent when Jesus returns'', ''they have this special deal with God'' etc. b)Point at others sins, like you have done or ....c) Call you an anti-semite or a follower of the anti-Christ
There is no arguing with someone who won't even take time to see if they are wrong about that.
This isn't exactly a comparison between Muslim and Jewish states.
So you think if Muslims had the holy land their would be no gays? Oh, and it looks like a muslim country just held its first gay pride parade
@ OP,
Do you think these clips from Israeli TV, are also some kind of a "sign".
Was this anti-Christian behavior prophesied by the Bible to manifest in "Israel"? Do you think God is okay with Israel doing this sort of thing?
And Once again America has anti-Christian shows that come on, however they are a bit more subtle.
Read the whole bible.Israel missed their chance the kingdom of God fell to the Gentiles(anyone who is not Jewish).
Part of the Tribulations purpose is the restoration of Israel.
Lets skip all this, and let me ask you two Questions Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God? Do you believe God can error?
reply to post by ServantOfTheLamb
And Once again America has anti-Christian shows that come on, however they are a bit more subtle.
America is not exactly a good example of a religious society, besides peoples sins are not my primary focus.
This thread was supposed to be about prophecy and signs, right?
Do you believe that Jesus is going to be righteous when he comes?
But a few years from now, if a man comes claiming to be "Jesus" but turns out to be corrupt and evil, will you accept him as the real Jesus?
Similarly, according to the Bible, Israel is supposed to be restored as a Holy God fearing nation. But we see that this Israel is decadent anti-Christian. Why should you consider this as the real Biblical Israel?
edit on 24-12-2013 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)
The problem is that 'Israel' has already been restored, not as a holy nation, but as a nation that opposes Jesus. Nowhere in the bible does it say that Israel would return as a decadent state. hence the logical conclusion is that the current Israel is an imposter, that has been mistaken for the Biblical Israel.
Israel will be restored as a Holy nation,
@Servantofthelamb...The problem is that 'Israel' has already been restored, not as a holy nation, but as a nation that opposes Jesus. Nowhere in the bible does it say that Israel would return as a decadent state. hence the logical conclusion is that the current Israel is an imposter, that has been mistaken for the Biblical Israel.
Israel will be restored as a Holy nation,
The breath that gives them life comes from the four winds, used symbolically to represent a sovereign act of God. This tells us that though they are now living beings, they are not yet possessed of the Spirit of God. That will come later, as we’ll see. The people would first be gathered together in unbelief, a secular nation. This is seen in their status today, brought back after a 2000 year absence by a sovereign act of God, but not yet a covenant people again. This is what God meant when He said it wouldn’t be because they deserved it, but because He promised it.
(In the Hebrew language, this verse reveals an astonishing secret. After the phrase They will look on me … it contains two untranslated letters, an aleph and a tau. They are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. So the verse literally reads, “They will look on me, the Aleph and the Tau …” In Genesis 1:1 the same two Hebrew letters show up after the phrase In the beginning, God … So it reads In the beginning God, the Aleph and the Tau … In Genesis 1 the Father is in view, but in Zechariah 12 it’s the Son. Was God planting little clues that He and the Messiah are one? Well, look at Revelation 1:8; “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” The original language of the Revelation is Greek where the first and last letters of the alphabet are Alpha and Omega. Now let’s read the words of Jesus in Revelation 22:13; I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Aleph and Tau, first and last in Hebrew. Alpha and Omega, first and last in Greek. Both languages referring to both the Father and the Son. Someone’s trying to tell us something.)