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posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 12:53 PM

reply to post by leolady

Vibration is the key to the universe. Sound created light...

I don't think so. Light is created a lot of ways, but all light was not created at one time at the beginning of the universe by someone saying "fiat lux".

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

I don't think so.

You don't think so ? And I suppose this is because you took a science class ?
And in that class you were taught to dictate with extreme prejudice, against
certain ideas and views, in the most negative way possible ? Without even
knowing for sure what the truth of the matter really is? You have
no knowledge at all about how light was created, when why or where,
so you can't know how it wasn't done either.

But you don't have to think if you choose not. IDC
edit on 15-12-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 02:50 PM


You don't think so ? And I suppose this is because you took a science class ?
And in that class you were taught to dictate with extreme prejudice, against
certain ideas and views, in the most negative way possible ? Without even
knowing for sure what the truth of the matter really is? You have
no knowledge at all about how light was created, when why or where,
so you can't know how it wasn't done either.

Rather, in that science class I learned how to reason, and what people had done, and what had worked, and what not. And then tried it myself.

I create light all the time. So do you. It's pretty easy - all you need is some sort of chemical reaction, or a process that provides enough heat, or an appropriate transition in an atom's electronic shell. A lit match, for example. Or the backlight in the LCD you're looking at. That's just been created. No beardy guy in a vacuum (where is your sound then?) had to go around muttering fiat lux fiat lux fiat lux like a madman to create all the light that's being created right now.

So, yeah, I have a pretty good idea how light's created. You don't have to interject a god to do it.

PS - even God can't make sound in a vacuum. And nope, no air in space.
edit on 15-12-2013 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Most of my studying is done with steering from the articles on Science Daily and from the research from university hospitals and highly credited medical research institutes. I compare this with Everything from Ayervedic medicine to studying the way Pharmaceuticals work. I read everything, not just what I feel is right.

For instance, I was studying metabolic acidosis causing a lowering of our ability to properly fight bacterial infections. I found that this acidosis actually kills viruses though. We eat more foods that cause acidosis in the beginning of winter.....about the time it is flu season. We have holidays at that time where we eat cake and cookies and all sorts of breads. Our ancestors probably stumbled upon something accidentally and made a tradition out of it. If you eat more acid producing foods, included pickled foods and apple pie, you possibly won't get the flu as bad.

I never expected to find that.....till I found that the flu shot creates acidosis in a lot of people and that viruses like alkaline body chemistry but don't like acidic body chemistry. So our ancestors put an antibiotic on their apple pie, cinnamon is a good natural antibiotic. We eat things that control bacteria in these times. This helps to fight bacteria while our bodies are naturally acidic. Now, my assumptions on this are from analyzing some of the research on these things and the side effects of the flu vaccinations.

This took a lot of research and thinking to figure out and some of the preliminary information came from some natural news article about apple cider vinegar. I read at least twenty articles to figure out how to interpret what I was seeing.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 07:06 PM
Stopping by to add some more material for further reading on this research for those interested

& Thank you for all the wonderful input so far...

I luv this stuff !


posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

I eat a lot of carbs and I get an inflammatory response in minutes. I can eat a piece of pie and I'll be coughing and feeling every bone I ever broke in 15 minutes flat. I love the stuff, just can't have it often.

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