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St. Charles sheriff nixes more voluntary traffic checkpoints (DNA Checkpoint Requests - again)

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posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:26 AM
St. Charles sheriff nixes more voluntary traffic checkpoints

St. Charles County drivers pulled over at several recent safety checkpoints received something other than the usual verbal warnings, traffic citations or even tickets for drunken driving tickets.

Government subcontractors working on behalf of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration instead asked motorists to voluntarily submit blood and saliva samples in exchange for cash. Two off-duty county sheriff's deputies in marked patrol cars initially flagged down the drivers.

The St. Charles County Sheriff's Department now says it will no longer participate in future surveys. Lt. Dave Tiefenbrunn acknowledges some motorists may have thought participation was mandatory, though no action was taken against drivers who refused to stop.

Impaired drivers were not arrested. Instead, survey takers were supposed to make sure such drivers got home safely.

Be heard people.. Contact your reps and demand they stop participating in these idiotic (and illegal) actions.

For those who want to ask - Angencies have been taken to court over pulling over good drivers and giving them Hams, Turkeys etc for good behavior. The issue is there is no lawful reason for the contact since no crime was committed.

Whether this was voluntary or not is not the point. The question has to be what would a reasonable person do when confronted with this situation.

When you have the Sheriff stating motorists possibly did not know this was voluntary should have been a massive red flag to stop participating in it.

United States Senate
United States House of Representatives


Do you think its appropriate that NHTSA engage in this method of collecting information?
Any thoughts on Law Enforcement standby (at least in this case)?

Would you support the Surveys if they were conducted in a manner that is something other than a "vehicle checkpoint"?
edit on 13-12-2013 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Do you think its appropriate that NHTSA engage in this method of collecting information?
Any thoughts on Law Enforcement standby (at least in this case)?

Would you support the Surveys if they were conducted in a manner that is something other than a "vehicle checkpoint"?

I don't favor it nor see it as appropriate but rather invasive. Locally to me it's illegal for these traffic checkpoints and am happy for that. If they were conducted by let's say people responding to an ad to come down to the police offer for blood , saliva, samples, etc., it still boarders on invasive.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

I think that there is a twofold issue going on here.
1.The government is trying to find out just how far they can go with people's rights and not be called out.
Shame on them,they need to be stopped each and every time they pull this stuff.
2.The people need to wake up to they're rights and 'enforce' them.I'm suprized at just how ignorant and compliant people are when it comes to ANY authority.They just nod they're head and say yep, and go along with whatever they are told instead of asking questions or challenging anything.Each time they comply to gov. steps further into our space.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 05:06 AM

St. Charles sheriff nixes more voluntary traffic checkpoints

ST. Two off-duty county sheriff's deputies in marked patrol cars initially flagged down the drivers.

How can two off duty cops use patrol cars to stop people ? This has to be illegal .
If this happened in New Zealand those cops would be in prison .

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 05:12 AM
I'm surprised the sheriffs are not continuing this program, MO is a huge butt kisser to the federal government.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 06:38 AM
If you aren't doing anything wrong, there is zero reason to be stopped, much less asked for samples of your bodily fluids.

There was a woman on the news the other night telling her story of being stopped. She was doing nothing wrong, got directed off of the road into a parking lot, and was asked to give samples (she declined). She said something along the lines of "This is all supposedly voluntary but nothing about it felt voluntary at all, and it just doesn't seem right".

We all need to be writing our representatives about these types of stories.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 07:26 AM

I think that there is a twofold issue going on here.
1.The government is trying to find out just how far they can go with people's rights and not be called out.
Shame on them,they need to be stopped each and every time they pull this stuff.
2.The people need to wake up to they're rights and 'enforce' them.I'm suprized at just how ignorant and compliant people are when it comes to ANY authority.They just nod they're head and say yep, and go along with whatever they are told instead of asking questions or challenging anything.Each time they comply to gov. steps further into our space.

Frog, water, boil. The federals are masters at this. Just look at the drug war.

In 1990, local police had a checkpoint on Hiway 26 east of Gainesville, Florida. The cops were asking the drivers where they originated their trip from. That's all. Seems they have graduated to samples of bodily fluids. What's next?

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