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posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 03:45 PM
You are sitting out in your back yard and there is nothing going on the wind is calm the sun is out and the leaves are scattered all over.

You imagine a squirrel climbing down a nearby tree and watch it scamper around before it finally takes a walnut back to it's nest.

This never happened yet you saw before your eye that it did happen as you didn't have to close your eyes to see it/imagine it.

You created an alternate story line with your own life that involved your whole life playing out as it has but now a slight change is a squirrel gathering nuts.

The only thing that separates you from alternate endings and stories is your current physical body. And while you can have many slight changes to your life you have now.

Because the body you are in now is in this story line you cannot go there physically.

Now if this is true. Then obviously all you have done is projected an image over the current one you are watching and layered your life with a new fold. ie the squirrel.

Therefore all this reality ever was is a projected thought from the mind anyway.

Shouldn't need anymore hologram threads!

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 05:02 PM
right .. thanks for clearing that all up then ..

also .. can you tell us the answer to everything please .. cheers

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t

Here this is right up the alley your hanging out on at this moment.
Cool little video bit aged but still good. Make you think for sure. The part around 5-7min

Nobody Told Me Anything
(as told by Master Sheng-Yen)
A disciple asked his Dharma Master: "How can I calm my mind?"

The master said, "I am too busy to talk to you right now. Why not consult your First Dharma Brother?"

He did as he was told and asked the same question.

The First Dharma Brother said, "I have a headache. I can't talk now. Why not talk to Second Dharma Brother?"

But the Second Dharma Brother said, "I have a stomach ache, why don't you just go and talk to our Dharma Master?"

So he went back to his master and complained, "Nobody told me anything. Nobody gave me any answers."

But the master said to him reprovingly, "You really are a stupid fool. Everybody has been giving you the answer."

Because of this, the disciple reached enlightenment.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Segenam

Alright I'll do my best.

This universe is created by one word one thought and it doesn't really exist but in the minds and nuclei of any and every atom that makes up the master signal being communicated between nerve cells.

While the most commonly accepted word for creation would be love. It is more appropriate to accept that the whole universe only exists around the idea of survival.

Therefore every and all situations that occur in existence only have one root thought. Survival.

So the answer to everything is reproduce.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 06:02 PM
Art thou the squirrel?

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t

interesting ... i would have thought the word would have been something not confined to our auditory spectrum ... i mean.. the term 'word' signifying that it was indeed sound .. vibration .. but in my mind . not at a frequency range that is limited to verbal words that we can hear .. if the universe was created in this way .. i think it would likely be a frequency range broader than, but encompassing our auditory spectrum .. or outwith our auditory frequency range completely ...

of course this is my crude interpretation of something that was written by, or for, people with a crude intellect

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 07:44 AM

You are sitting out in your back yard and there is nothing going on the wind is calm the sun is out and the leaves are scattered all over.

You imagine a squirrel climbing down a nearby tree and watch it scamper around before it finally takes a walnut back to it's nest.

This never happened yet you saw before your eye that it did happen as you didn't have to close your eyes to see it/imagine it.

You created an alternate story line with your own life that involved your whole life playing out as it has but now a slight change is a squirrel gathering nuts.

The only thing that separates you from alternate endings and stories is your current physical body. And while you can have many slight changes to your life you have now.

Because the body you are in now is in this story line you cannot go there physically.

Now if this is true. Then obviously all you have done is projected an image over the current one you are watching and layered your life with a new fold. ie the squirrel.

Therefore all this reality ever was is a projected thought from the mind anyway.

Shouldn't need anymore hologram threads!

If you imagined the squirrel, then it never existed outside of the physical confines of your own brain-generated intellectual sub-environment. It never physically manifested as a material object in front of you in the yard that actually exists as a material collective of atoms and molecules sharing a common quantum rate of change. The squirrel itself - since you admit to having imagined it - never possessed a factual contextual provenance, which means that it never existed as integral to the material environment before your imagination projected it within the finite confines of your own mind's unique and individual perception interpretation. Conceptually, and even factually (if you're incapable of separating your own generated perceptions from your sensory system fed perceptions), your personal "memory cloud" will contain the squirrel and its activities, but that won't ever make that squirrel's existence an actual part of the contextual history of that yard or the Material Realm's half of physical Reality as a whole.

Yes, your life includes the imagined squirrel, but your life includes all intellectual generations that your mind/brain have produced. Your own life is a change/event trajectory that exists within the whole of Reality. It doesn't define the whole of Reality. Your mind is an informational continuum that is inimitable, indivisible, and impenetrable. Your mind is literally a physical sub-environment that is contextually isolated from the whole of Reality as the externally existent relationship matrix between information holons that it is. Of course, your mind can affect that externally existent relationship matrix, since it's one of the information holons that comprise that relationship matrix. Your mind can't project that relationship matrix, though. All it can ever do is project its own perception interpretation of what that externally existent relationship matrix is as an internally experienced simulation within the confines of its own self as the isolated sub-environment that your mind is.

It can be real for you, but only for you. Your reality experience can't affect Reality as a whole. Your reality experience is limited to the physical confines of your own intellectual sub-environment.
edit on 12/13/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

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