posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 04:21 AM
Hi all,
I did a short story for the December short stories.
Now my computer suffers this terrible slowdown when creating a post. None of the fixes work.
So I created it in Word and copied it over three pages at a time. It was 7725 words.
I lost most of the formatting. I had a reasonable amount in Italics and it simply did not make the journey from copy all the way to paste. It got
Several questions then.
Is there a way to avoid formatting getting lost.
Why does ATS have such a clunky archaic system for adding such things as bold and italics.
I also cannot edit page 1 of my story because when I try, it loses a part of the story almost as if the initial post allowed more characters through
than the edit section can handle.
It is a pity because the italics were somewhat important.
Thanks for any help