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Naughty or Nice?

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posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:13 PM
Ole St. Nick is making a list and checkin it twice this year. Has your behavior this year warranted a stop by Santa at your house? In 16 days that Jolly old elf will pack up his sleigh and velcro the reindeer to the traces and start this global trip and hand out the toys to those deserving believers.

Most of this year I was able to maintain a pretty much sober attitude and demeanor due to very limited use of outside influences. And only a few traffic violations; no seat belt and a rolling stop. No marital indiscretions though I weill cop to a few Jimmy Carter style "lust in the flesh" moments. So all in all I hope ole Santa Claus can find me and deliver my treats and trinkets.

The over-commercialization of Xmas use to depress me royally and pretty much ruin it for me and those I came in contact with. This year however, you probably won't be hearing me sing "joy to the world" but at least I won't be in a drunken rage throwing the Christmas tree out in the yard, screaming "I'm mad as hell and I'm not goin to take it anymore."


a politically incorrect MERRY CHRISTMAS !

How about you?

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:40 PM

Jolly Ole Nick and his elves will visit our house and give those giftsy packets to all of us. I don´t drink due severe migraine i get instantly.. nor have other bad habits.
One thing which isn´t so bad is that i have punched hubby with a pillow during his sleep and stucked some nice white stuff called snow under his blanket due heavy snoring.. forced him to see a doctor and get help to that snoring ( what is with guys they feel embarrassed about seeing doctor about this matter ?)

I did managed to get one rival here in ATS during this year.. it made me smile as i didn´t see any reason to that other than disagreeing about the subject and not even heavily.. Having a one rival makes me true ATSer LOL

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:27 PM
A lil' bit o' both. Santa might have to toss a coin. I'll butter my chances with extra cookies I think. Congrats on your victory, though. Glad nobunny is getting hurt this year.

edit on 9-12-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:14 PM

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 08:20 PM
When a person crosses from middle age to oldphartism, you become stealthy, which, as everyone knows, trumps BOTH naughty and nice.

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