very interesting question. A question which has been mulled over by millions and millions over thousands of years, yet it has never truly been
If you have studied FRACTALS and know that rudimentary shapes are made up from smaller pieces of the same rudimentary shape, then I believe that our
quest in life is similar.
We work all week to pay rent, then we buy a house. When we pay off the house, we then think about the kids and their future etc etc etc.
STILL CONFUSED.....So am I.....Anyway I'll try again.
Video games are all about getting to the next level, and when you finish the game your happy, but sad that there is no more challenge left. So you go
out and buy another game to challenge your reflexes and I.Q, then power through each frame, thus appeasing your ego, endorphins flow through body,
just like the athlete who wins their meetings each week, and finally your spent, once again.
Rich and Powerful people are the same.
They challenge each other to see who can manipulate the markets, gain a greater prophet and to hell with the people who loose their jobs as a result.
The more skyscrapers you own, the more envious your enemies become, thus the more their ego is appeased, endorphins etc, blah blah blah, today
Manhattan, tomorrow the world.
This is a total nonsense answer, because humans are not designed to live forever. We are designed to conquer our immediate environment in order for
the next generation to enter safely, then we die. Simple. Then it is their turn to do the same for their offspring.
The problem arises when there are no more challenges left, yet there is still life pumping through your veins.
Yes one day Monsanto will completely OWN the earth and all of it's inhabitants, and I suppose the obvious question arises once again, and my answer is
a simple variation of the previous one, "Today the Earth, tomorrow the Universe".
edit on 3-12-2013 by Trubeeleever because: Grammatical corrections