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Was Eisenhower the Last President to Know the Truth About UFOs?

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posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 02:40 PM

I think Obama is having fun with the Alien thing and doubt that he has access to that information or at least care to know. He seems to busy with his agenda and golfing than worrying about space aliens. I'd say, no president has had much evidence in regards to alien lifeforms other than illegal immigrants lol. I believe the whole "can neither confirm or deny" thing is more of a joke or a card to be used for the future or perhaps it's just that not matter what the president says, there's not going to be a way for them to prove it either way.

Just out of curiosity, is the US the only country valid in this thread or can any other country be a part of it? I'd say Hitler was very interested in Alien tech from what I've read but I cannot confirm or deny his actions involving it.
To take it a step further, what if the Nazi were the humans trying to save the earth from Aliens and the Aliens won, so now we have Aliens governing us and they are turning us into slaves? >woah.jpg Jokes aside, this thread seems like it'll be a lot of fun.

Obama could well be having a bit of fun just as Reagan possibly was. There is a very persuasive argument that because of the transient nature of each Administration that they are only told what they need to be told and the UFO secrets are above their normal level of clearance. This ultimately protects them as they can honestly say they have no knowledge when asked awkward questions.

As for the US being the only nation involved or not is a very good point. Logically if there is a conspiracy then it seems certain that many other countries are involved. The US has many allies in Europe, the Americas and parts of Asia and the Pacific but there are a number of other nations whose view of the Western powers is less than amicable and in the case of others like North Korea bordering on hostile. It's hard to make a case for a global secret held for over half century with that in mind. But who knows?

Perhaps the governments of the world know that UFOs are real , that they do penetrate our airspace but have no idea what they are. So quietly let the US and it's allies deal with the problem?

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by mirageman

Firstly let me say that i do not believe that ET's have or are visiting Earth.

However if they were, they would certainly not be having meetings with Presidents of The US. If they were to have meetings with anyone on Earth it would be with someone like The Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama represents peace and tranquility. The Office of President Of The US represents anything but that. I would assume that if ET's ever did travel the vastness of space it would be on a mission of peace and enlightenment. Why would they want to meet a US President?

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by signalfire

Carter was known for being kind hearted. Maybe those sobs were due to him being briefed and what he was told tore him apart. (Humans are unwitting slaves with no hope, etc.).

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

I would assume that if ET's ever did travel the vastness of space it would be on a mission of peace and enlightenment.

Why would you assume that?

edit on 2-12-2013 by demonhauntedworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 03:59 PM

reply to post by alldaylong

I would assume that if ET's ever did travel the vastness of space it would be on a mission of peace and enlightenment.

Why would you assume that?

edit on 2-12-2013 by demonhauntedworld because: (no reason given)

Why would you assume differently if that is what you are implying?

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 04:08 PM


This guy tells his story before he dies...

His story takes place under Eisenhower in 58'.

What do you make of this?

edit on 2013-12-01T19:04:53-06:00201312bpm3112pm5331 by combatmaster because: (no reason given)

Ive seen this video the man had nothing to loose and reviled of what he has known before his death..

he sounds legit ! very detailed ! of the knowledge...

much like Corso ..

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 04:42 PM
Well these Early Alien Invasion Scifi Movies basically have the same Elements

Saucer shape ,, UN destructible metal material ,, Humanoid like aliens ,,
Alien control implants ( invasion from mars ) Electronic Magnetic Pulse .. TDTESS

Tho there was Claims that the CIA was involved with The DAY the Earth Stood Still

as in 1951 was a great year for Alien invasion movies just 5 years after Roswell incident
Hmm interesting ...

*During the Time of Truman*

The DAY the Earth Stood Still (1951)

When Worlds Collide (1951)

The Man from Planet X (1951)

The Thing from Another World (1951)

Invasion of Mars (1953)

The War of the Worlds (1953)

*Time of Eisenhower*

It Came From Outer Space (1955)

This Island Earth (1955)

"Earth vs. the Flying Saucers" (1956)

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956)

So was the Government giving out Visual Hints ??

Or Something Like Government just wanted to see the Public reaction

just in case of a real alien invasion ! ???

pretty much like the 1938 scare of Mercury Theater Orson Wells Radio Version of War of the Worlds

But one Movie in mind that bothers me is

Invasion from mars with the implants

then Eisenhower

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 04:46 PM
Great thread - good story - entertaining.

Love stuff like this.

I can certainly understand why people would think he was the last completely "in the know" official regarding such subjects and theories, and how every president since is mostly a face and voice for "them".

The idea that the general populace of this country (or the world even) could be laboring and paying for a literal break-away civilization that has harbored and/or developed/back-engineered alien tech for their own means at the expense of the majority is pretty fascinating.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 04:52 PM
Great thread indeed! What caught my attention first was the Carter sobbing story...I never heard that one. But then what grabbed me was the "Temporary President" and "signing a treaty" with ET comments. It just became crystal clear in my mind that had a treaty been signed, it couldn't be done by a President alone. Presidents and parties come and go. It would have to have been agreed to by someone, or some group much bigger that could speak for the entire country (or the world) forever. Otherwise it would be worthless.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 04:53 PM


Well these Early Alien Invasion Scifi Movies basically have the same Elements

Saucer shape ,, UN destructible metal material ,, Humanoid like aliens ,,
Alien control implants ( invasion from mars ) Electronic Magnetic Pulse .. TDTESS

Tho there was Claims that the CIA was involved with The DAY the Earth Stood Still

as in 1951 was a great year for Alien invasion movies just 5 years after Roswell incident
Hmm interesting ...

*During the Time of Truman*

The DAY the Earth Stood Still (1951)

When Worlds Collide (1951)

The Man from Planet X (1951)

The Thing from Another World (1951)

Invasion of Mars (1953)

The War of the Worlds (1953)

*Time of Eisenhower*

It Came From Outer Space (1955)

This Island Earth (1955)

"Earth vs. the Flying Saucers" (1956)

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956)

So was the Government giving out Visual Hints ??

Or Something Like Government just wanted to see the Public reaction

just in case of a real alien invasion ! ???

pretty much like the 1938 scare of Mercury Theater Orson Wells Radio Version of War of the Worlds

But one Movie in mind that bothers me is

Invasion from mars with the implants

then Eisenhower

This is just silly.

H.G. Wells wrote "War Of The Worlds" in 1898

In fact Voltaire's Micromégas written in 1752 has aliens visiting Earth from Saturn.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

Why would you think aliens care for our spiritual well being? First logical thought would be for resources. That doesn't make them malevolent but most stories even some in the first written cuneiform doesn't speak too kind of them. Made us slaves to mine resources etc.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 05:55 PM

reply to post by mirageman

Firstly let me say that i do not believe that ET's have or are visiting Earth.

However if they were, they would certainly not be having meetings with Presidents of The US. If they were to have meetings with anyone on Earth it would be with someone like The Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama represents peace and tranquility. The Office of President Of The US represents anything but that. I would assume that if ET's ever did travel the vastness of space it would be on a mission of peace and enlightenment. Why would they want to meet a US President?

ET may well have chosen a number of people to contact down the centuries, from kings and emperors to scientists and artists?

But how can we predict that ET would decide to traverse the vast distances of space on a mission of peace and enlightenment? They may be so advanced that they have discovered that there really is no god, no afterlife, other dimensions or anything beyond and the universe is simply chaos. We have no way of knowing what they may think nor actions they would take.

So far there is only one species we know of capable of space travel and it is capable of many things from kindness and benevolence to pure evil. Maybe another alien race is exactly the same or vastly different.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

I youtubed and found a bunch of those. Watching one now

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 06:25 PM
Excellent thread.

I think perhaps, that most U.S. Presidents have some knowledge as to what exactly is going on with regards to ET visitation of our World. I think the truth of the matter, is what keeps their silence. I don't believe it is as simple as some hippie minded Aliens coming to Earth to study us.

I fear the reality of the situation is very complicated. Not an easy topic to explain to the average person.

I believe there most likely is a very very good reason they are keeping the public in the dark and they really are protecting us. Helping us hold on to our innocence as long as possible. I know every one would love to have official disclosure from the World governing bodies. But what if we don't like what we hear, one bit. One must consider this possibility.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 06:31 PM
Very interesting topic and amazingly well put together! Perhaps the "treaty" was nothing more than a notice to us humans as to what was going on and we really didn't have any say. It may not have been anything we agreed to, but he just got a talking-to. I agree I don't think any one president would be able to agree on anything on behalf of humankind or even on behalf of our country.

The most interesting part is it sounds like Clinton was certainly not told anything. I remember seeing a picture some years ago of Hillary Clinton reading a book about UFO's or aliens. Anyone know what I'm talking about and if she may have her own independent knowledge of things outside of her husband? Maybe she would be trusted with more information than Billy.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 07:01 PM
excellent thread indeed. also curious is Laura Eisenhower - his grand grand daughter. she claims that "they" tried to enlist her to the secret mars colony program when she was a teenager. also Obama already traveled to the the mars colony as a youngster... according to her. pretty far out stuff- but interesting.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 08:37 PM
I've done so much reading on this topic, I wish I had footnotes for this stuff, but here's some random thoughts:

The 'treaty' was supposedly with one species of alien, against the recommendations of another species who knew better; it was a trade of technology information for 'genetic material' and the abduction of a limited number of humans who were supposed to not be harmed and have no recollection of their abduction for the purposes of medical experimentation or education. Turns out that species didn't exactly keep their word and far more humans were abducted and harmed than was initially agreed to and the situation has gotten steadily worse. Now, it's a nightmare from which there's no apparent escape, being overseen by only the second generation of military men with clearances 17 levels above 'President'.

Then there's the reports of reptilians who like to eat humans and may be responsible for the thousands of missing persons every year, especially would you tell civilians about that little doozy?

And the reports about underground facilities and horrific prisons of abducted persons, genetic experiments, etc.

It's not out of the question that we're being visited by dozens of different species on and off, that some are benign, some are benevolent, and some are malevolent; all would be by definition light years ahead of us and we'd be helpless to fight back more than minimally.

As far as the 'other countries' issue, the Disclosure Hearing this spring was pretty clear on that; there were high-up people from Argentina and China stating without a shadow of a doubt that their governments were open with the people about visitation and were ready to disclose their files globally (many have, but it's been hushed in American media); Uruguay is another one that is working openly between the military and the civilians to gather information.

Why everyone is waiting for the US to come clean, I dunno, unless we're the ones most involved with the alien presence, and with the most alien technology to admit to. Then there's our rank military superiority and willingness to use it on a whim...

Someone asked why the aliens would visit and not talk to humans; hey, if I'd come all that way, it wouldn't be to sit down with a cup of coffee; it'd be to take advantage of local and presumably rare resources, like liquid water, chlorophyll or unique animal life. Humans are just another curiosity, and a shamelessly violent one at that. We're slightly more intelligent than crocodiles with the same propensities, unfortunately.

If anyone is just starting their research, I highly recommend Richard Dolan's books on UFOs and the National Security State; they read like Tom Clancy thrillers and will give you a great historical background. His conjecture about a 'breakaway civilization' is right on the money, IMHO.

Finally, the Disclosure people keep harping about how 'free energy' derived from alien sources would be great for humankind. Trouble is, do you know ANYbody who could be trusted with an unlimited free energy source? I don't. I think within a week, we'd kill ourselves off.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 08:37 PM
I thought it should be obvious to anyone when they actually think about it...

We have a WORLD government which is run by either Aliens or Ancient Humans. I've come to the conclusion that there must be survivors of the Ancient Human civilizations which lived on Earth thousands and maybe even millions of years ago.

They are still here and THEY control our and every other country on this planet.

I'll submit some questions which should get you to thinking soon...

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Why would a small handful of project Mogul balloon
wreckage need to be powered by anti-gravity

Why would a gray alien happen to be in the process
of being interviewed when this gentleman happened
to be walking by a random warehouse guarded by one
incompetent guard (bit of humor)?

People often say that I'm a skeptic. Well I'm not.
Not even close. But if this isn't a custom-made
psyop then I don't know what is.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 11:23 PM
I'd be willing to bet my balls OweBama doesn't know one damn thing about not only ufo's, aliens or anything else his handlers don't tell him. He's a moron.

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