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I eat raw shellfish.
That behavior, which I freely choose to do, is associated with foodborne illnesses which can cause death.
Is this going to be equated with behaviors such as smoking?
Umm, no. Because eating raw shellfish is more like Russian Roulette. You'll either get off scot free, or die rather quickly, utilizing very little of the medical profession.
Good luck with that. Take pictures when your skin turns yellow and post 'em on Facebook.
but smoking is almost a guaranteed one.
reply to post by signalfire
but smoking is almost a guaranteed one.
The 'almost' that you used there makes it a game of Russian Roulette, does it not?
Obamacare Navigator Tells Applicants to Lie About Smoking, Extra Income
The woman has been caught on hidden camera in Texas. She is asked by an applicant what he should declare in the smoking session, and she advises him to lie about the fact that he smokes. It is common knowledge that the difference would save him a lot in premiums.
Smoker? No problem:
Methinks most of you doth protest too much.
Take a pathology course and get a real good look at what a smoker's lungs look like, then ask yourself while you're 'longboarding to class' if that's going to be you in another short decade or two, and whether it will effect your health once you're out of your 20s.
The fact is, there are lots of ways to crap your body to hell, but smoking is almost a guaranteed one.
And yes, old people cost lots of money in their last few months typically but that's another issue and a good one for a discussion. It's idiotic to spend millions keeping an 85 year old with numerous serious medical issues alive for a few extra weeks or even months, when there's not enough medical care available to children in any given society.
But you chose to be addicted to nicotine, most of you hold to the idea of 'I can quit anytime I want to' and society is not only sick of the smell, but sick of spending a fortune trying to protect you from your own bad choices. Stop whining about the extra cost of insurance while you're paying $50+ a carton for cigarettes.
Same thing for heavy drinkers. And if we're going to treat smoking and heavy drinking as an addiction, the first choice for treatment should be locking you in a facility without the ability to buy your drugs for a good couple of weeks while you get heavy therapy for whatever it is you're nervous about or unable to deal with, like reality.
As far as being a 'nootropic', uh, NO. It's a nervous system poison, you just feel better momentarily when your toxin levels are dropping off and you hit the receptors again with another cigarette. You've long since forgotten what clear thinking without nicotine is like.
Research REAL nootropics, if you feel like enhancing your brain power.
AWESOME!!! If you are going to intentionally give yourself cancer, then guess what? You should be uninsurable! Just die already. To complain about higher rates for smokers is pathetic. Smokers should consider themselves lucky that they can even get insurance. And I say this as a former smoker.edit on 25-11-2013 by LeatherNLace because: (no reason given)
reply to post by IAMTAT
According to the article it says that drug addicts don't have higher than average premiums, just tobacco smokers. Obama apparently singled out tobacco users and only tobacco users for these higher premiums.
One thing everyone overlooks is TAXES.
Suppose everyone quit….your taxes would skyrocket since smokers are subsidizing all manner of things.
Yep, I was going to say smokers finance the SCHIP program in Virginia among other things.
We're talking tens of billions of $ in taxes here, not chump change.
Why are smokers the only group penalized? What about overweight people, people who drink, those who do extreme sports, people who travel a lot? They are all high risk.
As usual smokers are the only group they feel they have a moral superiority to.
So we get the shaft.
Thanks society!!!
I'll even do everyone a favor by dying earlier and costing social security less.
Can I get a thank you?