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For those in photography - Nikon?

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posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 11:51 AM
My sig other is very big in photos, and as a gift I would like to give her something better than the Nikon point and click. I was looking at the Nikon D7000 and D7100, but don't really know what the main differences are, if any, and how that justifies the rather significant price difference between the two. She won't be doing professional pics, per se - as in magazine submissions, etc. any thoughts on those that shoot pics? Thanks.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes

Woah thats a lot of money if they are not doing pro photos.

My advice.

Get an entry level DLSR, the cameras you mentioned are very good do not get me wrong. And the quality will be immense.

But, I would say go lower….For now.

Maybe something like a D3200 or even D5300

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:12 PM
Is she partial to Nikon?
I'm not a pro, but I love my Cannon Powershot w/50x Zoom!!! Sorry, can remember the full name right now, as I'm at work.

This camera is so easy to use, but has so many features, and with the 50x zoom, I've gotten some amazing wildlife shots.

I only paid about 250.00 for it, and I love it.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:13 PM
Actually the store by me, on black friday (yea I'm cheap) has the D7000 body, two lenses, bag, cards, and a bunch of other stuff cheaper than the D5300 body alone... so thats why I was asking. Its like 65% off... and they said if they run out they will honor the price...
edit on 22-11-2013 by pityocamptes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes

I really like Nikon. Though Canon isn't bad either.

Currently I have a D3100.
It's a perfectly good camera that takes some great pics.

The 7100 just has more megapixels and some more features.
edit on 22-11-2013 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes

I know you asked for nikon...I use an entry level canon dslr for personal pictures/hobby and when I was a swat sniper I used a nikon. I really felt the canon was more user friendly for me. If this is their first camera id go with an entry level dslr with either nikon or canon as both are good and the entry level cameras can really be jazzed up with a couple accessories and lenses. That way if they love it they can upgrade and if they dont you didnt waste so much money...but great gift idea!

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes

Sony A33, is a great camera that is what I have and it has a ton of options and a transparent mirror which no other camera has. Their are better sony DSLR's the price has come way down you can pick up an A33 now for under $600.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:58 PM
Going DSLR is an excellent choice and whether you choose Nikon, or Canon, they're both comparable and both the two main companies professionals use.

The DSLRs have a full automatic setting if the user isn't too partial to getting too technical, but, there's also the flexibility of full manual operation, and several sundry setting options in between with some auto and some manual.

Anyone recommending one of the non-DSLR Powershot line cameras that doesn't give you option to change out lenses, I would pass on. There's a big difference between the zoom quality of these cheap 50x Zoom hypes and a proper lens.

Depending on your price range, you can find some package deals that bundle the camera body with a few different kinds of lenses.

One important thing to consider in looking at the mid-range cameras also is whether the camera body comes with the pop-up flash, or not.
The pop-up flash is crap, but, if the camera doesn't come with one, you're looking at ~$200-$500 for a decent hot shoe flash. Thus, if the person you're getting this for isn't too serious, you may consider getting one of the Canon, or Nikon models with an integrated pop-up flash.

Also, as opposed to taking anyone's advice here, go to a camera shop and talk face to face with the knowledgeable staff in comparing the pros and cons between models and putting together a package that will give you the best use.

I'd select a body that fits your price range with a main 28-130+mm zoom macro lens that give excellent range and flexibility for a wide variety of shooting styles.
I think the kit lens that usually comes with a camera body is in the 18mm - 55mm range, which is okay, but, a little restrictive.
A fixed prime 50mm lens is a good bet too, for any interest in getting technical with portrait style shots.

Hope this helps.

edit on 11/22/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes

One thing to think about is that a DLSR is heavier and bulkier than a point and shoot. A great camera that gets left at home is a definite possibility. OTOH, if she is into photography rather than taking pictures of friends and family at a moment's notice, the DLSR is the way to go.

In the long run, Canon and Nikon are both good. There are enhancements in new models every year, so I wouldn't get too hung up on features and pushing the envelope for someone just getting into using a DLSR. It will probably get upgraded to a new one in a few years no matter which one you buy. So focus on a good deal and adequate for a beginner for a few years. If you want to spend more, buy some lessons for her.

Once extra lenses are purchased, it would be very unusual to change brands. Nor is there generally going to be a need to do that unless one of them stumbles badly or goes out of business. Last hint, never compromise on lens quality. You may change the body every few years, but the lenses will be there forever.
edit on 22-11-2013 by BayesLike because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 06:14 PM
Just my opinion, but I like my Canon DSLR. I have used NIKON, and prefer Canon's. Still, it all comes down to personal choice. A good site for recommendations and knowledge is Ken Rockwell

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by Klassified

I always though Canon's UI were much easier than Nikon. That's why I use them

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 10:47 AM
I've been doing lots of research on Nikon models recently and my advice would be to steer away from the lower resolution (older) 3100, 5100, 7000 models in favor of the 3200, 5200, 5300, 7100 with 24 megapixel capacity. Most of the differences in these Nikon models center around speed (frames-per-second), memory capacity/speed, and on camera programming features. Three years ago 16MP was bumping the limits of professional rigs, today I wouldn't consider anything less than 16MP. Just my 2 cents.


posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 11:20 AM
You may also want to consider a mirrorless camera or even an ultazoom if she will not be taking pro pics. A full on DSLR could become a little intimidating, not to mention expensive. If she is coming from a regular compact, you may want to really just consider a ultrazoom at this point. They offer the ability to use all different settings like a DSLR but without the option or need to switch lenses. She can learn about photography and settings on it and then when comfortable, make the move to a more expensive and involved DSLR

Mirrorless cams offer the settings of a DSLR and interchangeable lenses as well. Priced in between ultrazooms and DSLR's they tend to have larger lenses like a DSLR while being more compact and having a few more limitations. Personally I have sworn by the Panasonic Lumix line of cameras over the last 2 years. I have a compact, and ultrazoom and a mirrorless all from Panasonic. Their automatic settings are the best in the business for when you don't want to manually fool with settings to take a pic. Their other options are top notch as well. They tend to cost a bit more than other cams in the same category but I feel are worth it. However, that may not be the case of you decide to go the DSLR route.

Don't get too caught up in things like the megapixels. Depending on the lense size, a higher megapixel count could cause worse pictures. Ultrazooms for example, still use smaller lenses so you don't need 18-20 megapixels. Once again that would change with a DSLR. I will say this, if she is happy with the pics she has been taking with her current cam, she will be thrilled with anything mentioned here.

Here is a link to a ultrazoom buyers guide and a couple of the best cameras in that category. (I own this and is generally considered the best ultrazoom out)

Here is a link to the mirrorless buyers guide and just a couple of examples.

edit on 23-11-2013 by awhispersecho because: (no reason given)

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