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Congressman busted with Cocaine. Votes for drug testing food stamp recipients....

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+38 more 
posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 02:57 AM
The Lowdown On Shadiness

Is this the height of hypocrisy? Yes. Yes, it is. For all you people who harp and harp that your hard earned tax paying dollars are being used to supplement the pockets of scammers, (via food stamp recipients) here's some good old fashioned yummy crow for you to hopefully chew on for hours.

You Republicans have the gall to want to end this food stamp scammer system, but you want to do so by drug testing...all the while you want to enjoy your own coc aine purchases? Did this guy buy coc aine with tax payer dollars or do you even care? Answer??

No, you do not care. You care about some poor societal deficient getting a few bucks to feed their kids or perhaps make a hundred or two dollars in profit, off of the system, meanwhile your elected Republican official who's every penny of income (save lobbyist bribes and the like) comes from your pocket, he buys coc aine and not one of you Obama haters has one word of outrage to say?

Let go of your precious paradigm. If Bush was evil then Obama is too...ok. Stop bashing the current progressive administration and thinking it is ok to do so, while members of your own party are voting to cut off drug users from the federal food stamp program, while they make their living off of federal tax money dollars...WHILE PURCHASING COCAINE.

Stop it now, this should be the mother of all "Let go of your paradigm" threads, but guess what? Its not. Fellow Americans will use this as a platform to hate on each other. They will defend their "party" just like the Nazi's and Marxists have been doing since time immemorial. They will bash Obama and uphold their own party when the whole system is screwed.

Just Watch.

Personal Discalimer: I voted for NOT A BUSH, and I voted for NOT AN OBAMA. Two sides of the same coin, but rarely has the political hypocrisy game ever been illustrated as this story has highlighted.

Republicans...your moral authority just went out the door for 2016....get used to Obama's predecessor behind stories like this. Don't like it? Vote in a non-cokehead. Its been awhile since I've seen virtually any politician who isn't.

That or worse.

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:06 AM
What, you're new to right wing hypocrisy?

Don't you remember the 'wide stance' family values senator Larry Craig?

+11 more 
posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:11 AM
This is the kind of underhanded hypocrisy I don't understand when it comes to people howling about drug testing the poor being necessary. "It's our tax dollars, dammit!"

Um. So is a public official's salary. Not many people raise holy hell over a junkie in office on their dime, but the insinuation that Maggie Sue looks skinny enough to maybe be an addict is enough to get gaggles of people behind testing food assistance recipients. Is this not a double standard??

Maybe we should make it mandatory to drug test everyone holding public office instead of assistance recipients (besides already knowing recipient testing having thus far been a colossal waste of money and big income boon for some companies)
Honestly, it bugs me far more that we have people in public leadership roles making decisions that have direct impacts on us while they're secretly snorting, swallowing, smoking the same stuff they're iron-fist punishing citizens for without second thought. That's what we call leadership? A coked out hypocrite is good for us?

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by NaturalDizaster

I'm not going to wait for the 10 minutes Huffington Post takes to download -

Trey Randal - republican? of what state?

When america finally realizes that the dems and the repubs are just the same bunch of criminals - lining their own pockets off of illegal drug cartels and lobbyists monies - all meant to destroy and steal from the taxpayers of the usa -

Then, finally, things will change in our country.

Hopefully, before we are completely destroyed.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by Happy1

Brother, not only do I pray that this changes for my namesake and only son's well being, in general, I also pray that this changes for his personal well being. It will effect him personally when I, his father, become some kind of martyr for railing against the current system unto the point blank reality of my own murder. Take that as you will, kind readers and government observers, but I feel there are hundreds of thousands like me. There has to be. Look at the greasy people who respect not the human soul.

I'll gladly die fighting those who serve to strip dignity of any fellow human being. If there is anyone in the house who thinks that it will not come to that, may God, or Jesus, or Allah (etc.) have mercy on your naive soul.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by NaturalDizaster

I truly believe it will be a small bunch of people like you and me that will be left standing in this country.

And for the NSA - I am not a member of a militia - I own no guns, and I do believe in the constitution and the bill of rights.

And for the continuity of law to apply to the highest, and the leastist.

Criminals will eventually pay for their crimes against humanity - in one court, or another.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by NaturalDizaster

Yes. Evil Republicans. Good thing every Democrat is perfect. Even better that they control the government, that's why there has been smooth sailing the past few years. Both parties are hypocrites who say in public what they think the public wants to hear and then do in private whatever they feel like doing.
edit on 21-11-2013 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

I hope you are being sarcastic.

I'll edit my response - I see what you are saying after your edit. OK.
edit on 21-11-2013 by Happy1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by Nyiah

Exactly.Imo those in government should be subjected to Much more scrutiny in all aspects of their lives,than Joe or Jill Average.Joe or Jill after all,to cite just one example,does not have the authority to start wars that use up other people's children as cannon fodder to enrich themselves+their cronies+overlords.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:03 AM

It's not as bad as - "I don't remember using that coc aine, I was way too drunk." - guy.

how that guy is not on the 'award' list of the social darwin club, I have no idea.

Personally, no product should be advertised, no product should be illegal.

Deleterious behaviours, when not impacted by the burden of guilt or pushed forward by propaganda, weed themselves out over time.

*grabs bottle of jacks* Hmm smoooth.
*grabs peter jacksons* Hmm flavour country.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:54 AM
Legalize drugs and save millions of dollars in pretentious "war on drugs. Drug test anyone living on taxpayer dollars. As stated above TPTB have too much power to be running around with muddled brains, and welfare recipients can't afford to buy food(supposedly). Solution for those who test positive: Shoot the politicians, cut back the amount given to welfare recipients(if they can afford drugs they are getting too much).

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:07 AM
I think what is also relative to the hypocrisy is the fact that this guy has to, of his own accord, actually resign from his position as opposed to you or I being entitled to clear out our desk while security waits to walk you to the door. And since he is "in the club" I'm sure he won't have any problem finding a job even as a felon. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit. You can bet he was treated better in court than the average citizen. I believe his fine was only 250.00. I don't personally have a grudge over someone using coc aine on their free time if that is what they choose to do. However, when that same person is suggesting drug testing recipients of public assistance when they themselves are at the top of the welfare chain then it is blatant hypocrisy. Another poster commented that it is saying one thing while doing another. Well, friends, in case you haven't seen the historical rehashing of our country's beginning as portrayed on South Park's Kick Ass 100th episode then you missed where it was decided that the only way to make America work was to be a country that says one thing and does another. I dunno, I thought it was brilliant. That seems to be just what we have done for a long time and now it is a race to the bottom! I gave up on the left/right paradigm a long time ago. I haven't much use for those that still think there is hope politically as I think anyone is naive who can't come to terms with the collusive corruption so blatantly displayed to the American people every day, year after year. The propaganda machines of the left, right and middle do an outstanding job of keeping the faithful pointing fingers at each other. Meanwhile, two teams of overpaid, self entitled goons act as a false liaison to the sheeple. Reality has shown us that the team members will become fabulously wealthy from their inside connections to the fascist ways that are just "how its done" today in the good 'ol USA. I think one of the biggest forms of hypocrisy facing us today is people who term themselves journalists, yet they wouldn't know unbiased if it was skull f)@#!ng them! Hopefully this guy from Florida can go to rehab and re-enter politics with an even bigger vengeance to serve the people!(end of sarcasm)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by NaturalDizaster

Hay at least this guy is paying for his own coc aine. LOL.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:28 AM
drugs are a health related issue, not a criminal related issue and it's probably about time we grow up as a nation and realize this. hypocrisy abounds in our world, mostly the govt. saying do as i say, not as i do, priceless really. i don't buy into the left right thing, more so they are all potentially crooked if you ask me.

so in recap, drugs are a health issue, not criminal and there is no left or right, that's just another facet of the ponzi portrayed on all citizens and hypocrisy abounds in our sick society.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:32 AM

reply to post by NaturalDizaster

Hay at least this guy is paying for his own coc aine. LOL.

Yep! The same way welfare recipients do! With taxpayer dollars!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by colddeadhands

What are you suggesting then? drug tests for politicians? LOL By the way those 44s are nice!
edit on 21-11-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by NaturalDizaster

I do not see hyprocy in it, to be honest, as the congressman is not on foodstamps himself.

Drug usage is a very expensive "addiction" and if you have enough money for drugs, you could use it on food instead, at the end most hard drug addictions cost possibly significantly more than the food stamps. If a person has money for drugs, he has money for food.

I could care less if somebody not on social security, who earns their money, does drugs every once in a while, as long as they do not harm others because of it.

Although I do not see this polici efficient. Drug testing costs a lot, especially at US prices. I doubt large majority of people on foodstamps are drug-users, which leads to majority of costly tests being negative. At the the foodstamps might cost even more. Rather give them to more people, including some who do not "deserve", rather than wasting even more money in order to make sure that no one is on drugs. I would rather have my taxes of let us say 100 dollars given to two people, rather than drug-test both of them for 150 dollars and give the one not on drugs 50-100 dollars. It would cost the same anyways and there is a loser in both situations, either the people not on drugs receive less or government has to spend more to make sure that no one is on drugs...

Instead of trying to cure the symptoms, the root of the problem should be cured - raising drug awareness significantly, while creating more government-run free-of-charge rehab clinics, which would help people overcome their drug addictions. Better for the society in every way, as 1) Costs of locking up the drug users are extreme 2) Many drug-users decide for crime to gain money for the expensive habits - less police resources needed for such crimes and safer environment 3) Future health issues would cost a lot for the economy due to lose productivity 4) After getting over the addiction, back to workforce and paying taxes - additional revenue for the government budget . etc etc etc

PS. I consider myself left-winger, but this is one of the few occasions when I agree with right-wing politicians and see a made-up problem.
edit on 21-11-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-11-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:16 AM


reply to post by NaturalDizaster

Hay at least this guy is paying for his own coc aine. LOL.

Yep! The same way welfare recipients do! With taxpayer dollars!

A leech is a leech is a leech is a leech. But it doesn't matter what you call it, a leech, a rose, poor, rich. It is what it is.

ETA: what a puke he is. Sniveling about his own demise while condemning others for the same issue.

edit on 21-11-2013 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by Cabin

No the congressman is not on food stamps. He is however supported by taxpayer dollars. Here's an example that might help you to see the point(if you care to). Let's suppose you own a company(the taxpayers do it's called USA). Would you want your managers making drug induced decisions on your behalf? That is what is happening when our government officials are hyped up on drugs and making decisions about "What's good for the people". As for welfare recipients I would tend to be a little more lenient just because there are those truly in need(maybe I would allow them one and only one chance to test positive. Only if they agreed to extensive drug rehab effective immediately). I would rather pay a little more to give them a chance to get off drugs than support their drug habit!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:42 AM
i'm disappointed in the first few posters and the OP. we get some solid evidence of a politician involved with hard drug use, see him let off with a slap on the wrist, and all you can think to say is "look how republicans are hypocrites!"

they all are hypocrites.

i support random drug tests for welfare recipients. i've met several who collected unemployment whilst dealing drugs on the side. it happens, and it shouldn't. a drug test won't prevent everything, but it does scare many away.

this representative should do hard time, just as a regular person caught buying hard drugs would. he should also have all of his salary that he has received as a representative taken from him and given to charity. this topic shouldn't devolve into meaningless arguing back and forth between "parties" (there is only one party, and you're not invited), it should be about the corruption that exists in our government and how this rep got off the hook with so little.

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