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Two Boys Were Playing In Their House When They Made a TERRIFYING Discovery

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posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:22 AM

Most people believe that they are safe inside their own homes. This story just proves, though, that even that is rarely true. Two boys were playing rough in their parents room when they made a startling discovery. This could chill any homeowner down to their very core.

The house was built in the early 2000s. There was nothing to suggest there was anything weird about it. Except when the new owners’ two sons were horsing around and dislodged a bookshelf… That movable bookshelf revealed a secret staircase. The tall, spiral staircase seemed to lead downward directly into a wall


For more follow the link with the full set of pictures.

Strange and scary....
edit on 20-11-2013 by Telos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Telos

Not buying it. How could someone live in there and come and go without anyone ever noticing?

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:31 AM
Been posted,

interesting points where brought up, like who uses a banana peel as a measuring tool?

Especially when the candy wrappers give you a clear size comparison in the first place.

So either kids ran and grabbed a banana to eat after finding a "terrifying discovery" or it's a staged scene.
edit on 20-11-2013 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Telos

Those dolls are just too damned creepy

But how did this person get in? The crawlspace, where does it lead to? Have you any further info on this at all?

Will be checking my shelf space when i get home tonight

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Telos

That story smacks of "made up most of it to get more internet views".

I mean look at the banana peel... its fresh. Totally fresh, like it was literally just pealed right before placing it in the crawl space just so for a good shot.

The architecture of the house I dont challenge; but the main focus of the story, that someone has been living in there in total silence and perfect stealth for what I assume they are assuming years, without any alternate entrance/exit, is just ridiculous.

One thing that would NOT go unnoticed, is when the person began to stink after a couple days, because humans, being relatively large primates, tend to do that in short order without regular bathing.
edit on 11/20/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:38 AM
Can't vouch for anything guys. Just brought the story to your attentions. I'm just the messenger.

So refer to the story not to my name.


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:45 AM
A couple points...

This family is the second owner, in the orginal owners filings (filing for building permits for start) the NAMES of both the architect, builder and realtor(s) involved would listed. Why no follow up with ANY of those parties (2000 isn't that long ago). If the "secret passage" was NOT on the blueprints, and a change made while the house was underconstruction, some or all of the workers would remember something about this oddity. If nothing else spiral stair cases are unique.

Another thing I can't understand is the "space" this stairwell accounts for. Today's architecture leaves little "negative" unused) space, so this addition just seems oddly intentional.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:48 AM
The previous owners may have been preppers. It looks like a secret place to hide stuff. I doubt there was someone hiding in there while the new owners are living there.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Glinda

My bet is that it was used as bolt hole by the original owners, somewhere to hide if the house got raided. Reminds me of the priest holes in old Irish homes, where families could hide visiting priests from the protestant army during the penal laws.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Telos

Creepy tale!
Totally reminded me of that vid from a while back-some dude has food missing from fridge night after night,and sets up a camera,only to find:

Creepy or what?
Always check those air ducts!

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:59 AM
I found this story quite intriguing when I read it yesterday, but a few things didn't tie up really...

Obviously the banana peel is still fresh, but if somebody is still occupying the space in the house, does this mean that they could only come and go from the house when they were sure that nobody else was in?....

So if there is a person squatting there, they must have known about the secret passage already, otherwise how would they have known about it in the first place? Surely the person who built the house didn't think that far in advance to think, mmm, I may move in there one day for a bit of free rent....

I think it's just a couple of kids having a bit of a laugh, but not quite thought through well enough. It could have been quite an interesting idea if they had put more creativity and thought into it........

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:00 AM

reply to post by Telos

Not buying it. How could someone live in there and come and go without anyone ever noticing?

Righto. Id say the boys discovered this secret room, maybe with the stuff already in there, and made up a story about some unknown squatter still living there. That key is obviously not a modern key of any kind. Since there is no other way in or out, I'm doubting the story too.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:03 AM

reply to post by Glinda

My bet is that it was used as bolt hole by the original owners, somewhere to hide if the house got raided. Reminds me of the priest holes in old Irish homes, where families could hide visiting priests from the protestant army during the penal laws.

Your idea of some kind of old priest hole in a time of trouble probably makes the most sense.....

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:12 AM

Silcone Synapse
reply to post by Telos

Creepy tale!
Totally reminded me of that vid from a while back-some dude has food missing from fridge night after night,and sets up a camera,only to find:

Creepy or what?
Always check those air ducts!

So if this is true, who the hell was it eating stuff? Surely that's not the end is it? Surely that guy would have come back and told us his findings after he went to all that trouble to find out what was going on...

Where is part 2?...............

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Telos

the only thing either strange or scary is the idea that anyone would believe such a fantasy

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:14 AM
This was on Reddit a few days ago.

Most of their users called hoax on it. People over there are obsessed with their "karma" score and will stage photos to get points.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:20 AM

Silcone Synapse
reply to post by Telos

Creepy tale!
Totally reminded me of that vid from a while back-some dude has food missing from fridge night after night,and sets up a camera,only to find:

Creepy or what?
Always check those air ducts!

This looks completely staged. Girl sees him and hides and within seconds he appears but doesn't see or hear him? That and BOTH of them drinking from the same carton in the same manner....please.

As to the OP...staged as well. What homeowner wouldn't realize there is a HUGE gap between walls? That an what the other posters said...fresh banana peel, etc....

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:23 AM
This a much nicer secret room....................through the wardrobe to Narnia.........

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Telos

I have to admit that the story is very interesting, creepy but too perfect setting to be real, the person that posted the original story is a 15 years old boy, so is possible to be a nice and interesting hoax.

Who say that our youth do not have creativity anymore this days. he, he.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by davethebear

Here is part two the guy answers some questions on a blog.

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