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Regarding 'Souls'; "parasites" and Spirits

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posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 01:49 PM
FIrst off, I have had very lucid, vivid dreams since I can remember.

Second, I've experienced what could be thought of as "kundalini awakening".

I think it's all bogus nonsense. There is a physiological change that happens in some people, and it seems most of these people end up going a bit psychotic.

In my case, my body was all sorts of messed up. I don't care to experience that again, don't believe in "souls" and certainly don't want to listen to someone who thinks they know what they're talking about, aka... a guru

The only guru's I've ever encountered were hardcore wackjobs, that would manipulate people with all the shennanigans they'd try to pull. They're just narcissists and sociopaths.

Don't buy into these fools. If you think you're experiencing a "kundalini awakening", know that everyone's biological makeup is unique, and some of us need to shed our skin, so to speak, to make it into a new chapter in life.

Yea, your mind will go berserk, and yea, you're going to experience some strange phenomena. Doesn't mean you're on a path to enlightenment, it means you need to keep head-strong, ride through the storm, and hopefully come out a better person who doesn't need all these nonsensical terms to feel okay about being messed up.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by webedoomed

Yup. I don't recommend 'kundalini' for anyone and I'm not a guru. Good reply.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

That's good. I would tend to think anyone who would recommend it either doesn't know what they're talking about, else is sado-massochistic.

It was a pretty painful experience.

I think it's kinda like a whole-body flush.

My metrics were all over the charts for a couple of years, then they normalized.

When I came out of it, I did have an expansion in awareness, but attribute this to the fact that I had likely rid my body of the majority of it's toxicity accumulated over two and a half decades of abuse.

It makes sense that you'd be operating more effectively after the fact.

The purge is... intense.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by webedoomed

There are so-called spiritual practices which are similar and far less harmful; but playing with your nervous system is a dangerous crap shoot.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I agree with where this conversation just went.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I tried to PM you, but apparently there's a post requirement first? Well, I've frequented ATS for a while now, but never really felt compelled to post. Just going to copy and paste the PM ...

Hey there.

On page 7 of your topic on parasitic souls, and I have to say -- it's hilarious in the best way possible. Truly a breath of fresh air, which is why I felt compelled to message you despite the "# off" attitude that we both so enjoy.

I'll cut to the chase and just flat out say that it is what it is, and that is a "?" usually perceived as a "."; that seems to be the essence of the information you are trying to convey, up until this point. This congruency in our views as well as other minor details i.e. the nature of love has peaked my interest. While I try not to indulge in most of these extra-dimensional musings, I see truth regarding your insights into the human condition. I'm on my own path and I'm not really interested in making you my guru, but I do recognize knowledge when I see it and I want to be friends.

Anyways, long story short -- I'm a little top full on philosophy, am past the stage of analysis and trying to gain deeper insight. That's why I am asking for the chance to use the same tools that you used i.e. regarding Kundalini. I might not be ready, but I want to be able to decide that for myself -- what I don't want is to start with misinformation, be mislead and then hurt myself. So, will you help me? If not, okay, but I would still be interested in a conversation partner ... there is just something uniquely frustrating about not having anyone to talk to about any of this stuff -- even the odd new-ager seems so entranced with all the hooplah.

Looking forward to your response

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

Wow, a couple pages later and this took a delightful turn. Where the heck do I learn to get this access/insight!?

I've had mystical experiences, I swear it
! But really, mysticism aside, I feel like I've seen past the delusion but haven't yet broken my character (21 years old) -- is there a need before I pursue more mystical ventures?

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
edit on 27-12-2013 by King3x because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-12-2013 by King3x because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by King3x

if you have seen past the delusion, then you realize that you have no character

you dont exist

these are all empty words, and words can never convey the realization, you have to BE it

you are always it though, always, but our normal awareness is caught up in the everyday mundane, and our 5 aggregates

dont worry, death isnt so bad, and it isnt an ending, but a transition, and there is help along the way... there are agents of the matrix which have become corrupted, but you have created an agent for your journey into these realms, this agent acts as a guardian angel, this voice of reason inside your mind, and my is it beautiful, so very very beautiful

but you see, its all you, all of it, god cannot be explained with words, but you want help in realizing it do you?

Keep at it, keep asking, DO NOT BE SATISFIED, for satisfaction is a trap, no you will become empty before you are satisfied for the last time, keep digging

perhaps it takes 5 times, perhaps it takes 100 times, perhaps 10,000 times, but in that one moment, there it is, there it always has been, and now its clicked...

though remember, while here on earth, we have business as humans, and the states of mind that are not mystical, that are not one with god, the everyday mundane, is also brahman

dont get caught in the desire for it, because that in itself becomes a trap, and you will always anticipate, and there you are, caught up in the shadow of the present, never quite realizing it, always one half step behind...

it is in the letting go of all desire, of all being, of all recognition, letting go of all attempts at reconciling it with the mind, that it will happen, it is already happening

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by King3x

Here is a great video (which I just posted on another thread) which may interest you.

Have you ever heard or looked into the subject of 'non duality'?
edit on 28-12-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by preludefanguy

if you have seen past the delusion, then you realize that you have no character

you dont exist

these are all empty words, and words can never convey the realization, you have to BE it

Of course, but I need to have a functional life somehow, don't I? That's why I mention that I haven't broken my character -- there hasn't been an earth shattering transition, although I've never had a strong sense of self anyways. In my learnings, realizations have come quickly and have been integrated easily, as if I have known these truths all along so perhaps there was no need for ego death? A non-dualistic point of view is great to take, quite fun, but seems to be incompatible with the mundane world (or perhaps I am not yet habituated to it -- those states still require 'concentration' to maintain), and perhaps mystical as well. To completely indulge in that is to reject all concept, all love, and bathe in One; seems selfish to me and that is also why I think seeing through delusion is only the first step on my path. It is also why I am generally not philosophically inclined anymore -- analysis is losing its usefulness.

I won't go into much detail here about the nature of my aforementioned mystical experiences, but they were definitely not from a bird's eye view. From these experiences, I've gathered some notions about the situation at hand, and it would be nice to have a greater insight to act on these notions; also, experiencing mysticism (not the "?" state) is quite interesting. I'm alive for a reason, and I am still curious for a reason as well; I've seen truth, but I also want to play in the mud! Also, please forgive my syntax ... it's quite difficult to speak without possessives and first person pronouns since language/thought is mostly a matter of habit anyways, right? Besides, all thought is empty anyways. Appreciate your effort to explain and encourage though
. Now, don't get me wrong, experience does not pretend to know, 'I' do, so if I have something wrong, have at me! Tear it apart! Now, I wonder if this is the parasite talking?
edit on 28-12-2013 by King3x because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-12-2013 by King3x because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 07:03 AM

I've had mystical experiences, I swear it
! But really, mysticism aside, I feel like I've seen past the delusion but haven't yet broken my character (21 years old) -- is there a need before I pursue more mystical ventures?

The character does not need to be broken.
The character is an object that can be witnessed.
When you realize yourself as the witness - the seer of the play of light - you have left the material realm and can delight in the play (entertainment).

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain


Sounds like a story to me though. Experience only is ... ?

Regardless, thanks for your input but I'd rather not continue this philosophical discussion over semantics.
edit on 28-12-2013 by King3x because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 08:23 AM

reply to post by Itisnowagain


Sounds like a story to me though. Experience only is ... ?

Experience is light playing.
Did you watch the video?

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by King3x

You asked if the character has to be broken to continue on with the mystical.
I have provided a video which may help.

There is only ever you holding you back.
Nothing more to discuss regarding semantics.
edit on 28-12-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by King3x

what do you consider to be a 'functioning' life? You see, to someone that might mean going to school, being successful in a career, making lots of money and taking care of their family. To function, is to have a specific activity or role that one is purposed for. So what is YOUR function? Also what are your desires from life that build the road for the functions to arise from.

If you are talking about staying in a mystical state of oneness with everything, good luck doing that, it'll burn you out. However if you're talking about the realized self, in KNOWING that this is maya, and the reality of everything is non-dual, then you can apply this in your everyday life in how you interact with your surroundings. Being aware of this naturally builds empathy, compassion, patience, understanding. However it takes work, concentration, mindfulness, ardency. You're getting into the middle of your thoughts, down to the root, you're getting to know your brain, the neural networks, your habits, and you're having a hand in deconstructing those networks and rebuilding them with whatever purpose you have in mind, happiness or whatnot.

What are you rejecting really when you let go of all desire and 'bathe in oneness' as you put it? It is the opposite of selfishness, because in those subtle states, there is no outward desire for gain to attain satisfaction. You do not reject love, you build and empty the space for love to naturally flow. It fills you up. Analysis will only take you so far. It is a useful tool, but it is not the governor. Analyze for yourself all the things you take in, but use it as a tempered tool, with measure and ease. Put it down when it is no longer needed, and be.

Dependent origination, reason for life. It happens, you happen, give yourself purpose if you want. That is playing in the mud.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by preludefanguy

You see, to someone that might mean going to school, being successful in a career, making lots of money and taking care of their family. To function, is to have a specific activity or role that one is purposed for. So what is YOUR function?

Yes, something along those lines and more. All my life, I've been told that succeeding in the mundane was my function but I also know that there is more. I don't want to limit myself and say I have but one function (within the world of maya) which is why I want to learn more and gain the mystical access to all this hocus pocus. The aforementioned mystical experiences implied a great theological/cosmological drama, and I want to take part; the 'bad' guys seem to really like me but I prefer the 'good' guys although I'm not even sure which side is which.

However if you're talking about the realized self, in KNOWING that this is maya, and the reality of everything is non-dual, then you can apply this in your everyday life

I know, it is a lot of fun for both myself and others. I am trying to integrate the state of non-duality with every day living though by just spending more time in the former state. Even if there are no fruits to be borne, it's still a lot of fun to try.

What are you rejecting really when you let go of all desire and 'bathe in oneness' as you put it? It is the opposite of selfishness, because in those subtle states, there is no outward desire for gain to attain satisfaction.

I call it selfish because I can do more for the others selves that exist instead of just focusing on my own experience. For example, instead of sitting in my room and doing essentially nothing, I can go and make my significant other a nice meal, provide a nice conversation and make her experience a better one. While I'm the kind of guy that cracks up when I cry, not everyone has the ability to take that step back and find the fun in things. I feel compelled to say that I do not take pleasure from other people's misery and I just want to help those who ask to make things happier (fun) in general.

Dependent origination, reason for life. It happens, you happen, give yourself purpose if you want. That is playing in the mud.

Yep, I know. There are different ways to play in the mud though and some games are certainly more fun than others i.e. learning about the mystical, acting within a mystical context. I mean seriously, who never had delusions of grandeur, wanting to be a hero and stuff!? Also, mundane stuff too -- you know, happiness, family, kids ... the whole lot.
edit on 29-12-2013 by King3x because: to avoid sounding crazy; I edit too much, it's a bad habit

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by King3x

Sorry for taking so long to respond.
I've been away.

The 'tools I've used' were shot full of pain and suffering.
I wouldn't wish those tools on anyone.

Now, could I, with my much improved perspective now
hack together a tool set that others might use?

Yes, I think so.

But I haven't done so formally at this time.

Now "Kundalini" --- it's a trap.. a 'honey pot'.

But yes.. there is a path different than.. but similar
to a form of Kundalini which might be useful for a
number of people..

but the ride is SO ROUGH. You have to shed your
sum total of humanity as step 1.. of 10 steps
or so.


posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by King3x

The 'everything is one crowd' are every bit as lost
as the worst reductionist materialist. They have
nothing to give to anyone.

It's in the mud that you learn how to play..
restricting yourself to either water or dirt
and you are lost..

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 03:37 PM
I have been suffering from depression, but I have always felt like it's not really depression. There is something attached to me and feeding off my energy. It's not a ghost...I read about parasitic beings that attach to the souls sometime back and meditated for a few days and it made me better but as soon as I stopped it got worse. I am an Indian and my family has been very spiritual and so I was always very close to my spiritual being. The concepts of Kundalini and such are not foreign to me. I am not getting better and I can't go on at this rate. I don't know how to detach it. Just, please help me.

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 02:35 AM
I feel what you are saying here is that one has to be able to cut through any type of group narrative, I would go so far as tu say most organised groups are infected with lies. a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

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