reply to post by CardiffGiant
We have 5 kids, the oldest is almost 34, the youngest just turned 26.
We've known about this since our oldest was 2.
He started with allergies & ended up in the ER
with hives the size of nickels all over his body!
Our pediatrician used to give lollipops to kids after their visit!
He'd go to hand our kids one & then remember,
"Oh, yeah, your kids are the ones with weird allergies!"
No, ours were just the ones who had a Mom who figured it out before other people!
The dyes in medicines was a big problem.
Even the Benadryl had dye in it!!!
He asked if it was okay to give people my phone number,
when other kids developed weird allergies?
He'd have them call to ask me which products & foods I found that were safe to use,
because I had been through it & he had no clue!
The closest allergist to us was a 3 hour drive away!
The dyes made them very hyper along with corn syrup.
The studies saying sugar doesn't cause hyperactivity are a joke.
Mainly because it's not so much the sugar from what we saw,
but the corn syrup, which is so concentrated too!
Thank goodness after all these years it's finally being addressed!
It was very hard finding things back then
that didn't have corn syrup as an ingredient!
He used to get migraines just from the smell of popcorn cooking,
so you can imagine how something as concentrated as corn syrup affected him!
Easter was a nightmare! Easter Bunny started giving things besides candy!
Even the small amount that we allowed them to have,
left them bouncing off the walls by the end of the day!
One thing we noticed with our daughter which freaked us out,
was when she was in first or second grade.
They had only just started learning how to write in script.
She brought home a paper with her name written backwards perfectly!
When we held it up to a mirror, it was exact!
Figured it showed through from the back & she traced it.
Nope! Nothing on the back & the paper was too thick to see through either!
Then we found out the class she had when she did that paper
was after lunch, so she must have eaten something that did it!
Really scary, when food can affect the brain like that!
What are we doing to our kids, especially giving them all the ADD/ADHD drugs,
when just eliminating all the poisons in our food could be the answer!
The husband of one of my friends is a chemist.
I had read that arsenic & lead among other things, are used to make dyes.
I asked him about it. He said when they titrate it, most should be removed.
Maybe, but how much arsenic do you want,
especially if it accumulates in your body!!!
Some years ago, one of the frozen juice mixes that I bought,
had cochineal extract in it.
When I looked it up, it said it was made from ground beetle wings.
Hmmm...weird, but better than dyes!
I called the company & asked about it.
The lady said it's sterilized & has been used in Europe for a hundred years.
She asked if I was bothered by it? I told her no.
I would much rather they used that than dyes!
But it didn't last long. Other people must not have like the idea!
Because it was replaced soon after!
The grandkids were here yesterday & brought some of those 'fish' crackers.
I looked at the package & it said in holiday colors.
Had a picture of dark red & green fish on it!
I almost freaked out! My granddaughter stared laughing!
She said read it Grammy! It was made with beet juice & something else! Lol!!!
So they are staring to listen a little!
I just hope it isn't too little, too late!
How much irreversible harm has already been done?