posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by nikkib0421
It really is OK to experience weather, sunny days, cloudy days, rain and even torrential. I know it may seem scary right now, but this too shall
pass... Children are far more resilient and copacetic when it comes to emergencies than adults can be, they have nothing to compare to yet so hold far
less judgement. Sheltering them, helping them feel safe, yes, shielding them from a reality they will have to face one day alone, out on their own
without you is a given.
Teach them through your love how to live in the moment and to feel everything life gives, even goosebumps from a massive weather related event such as
this. Please do not think I am telling you what to do, only you know what is best for your family, it is just not always easy without the love and
support of others who hold reminders from their own experience such as I am passing to you.
Please check back and let us know who won the games!