posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 11:43 AM
I agree that without the knowledge, you're likely to just do the same exact things all over again. Furthermore, if this life sucks for you, then let
it be done when it's done, to hell with living a crappy life all over again when I could live as something new and hopefully "better".
Some believe life is completely random, while others that everything has meaning. I look at it more like we're on a large freeway, going to specific
places. Now we can go there anyway we want and whether it's fast, slow, swerve left or right, do it in a Ford or a Ferrari, you're still going to
end up at those major destinations. So I believe most things are completely of free will and random, while others are almost impossible to avoid, and
probably for good reason. Then you get to mix in what some call "divine intervention" type events when you're going way off the road, ask anyone
that's experienced them, undeniable. So whatever label you use for those events, they're proof for most of "destiny", at least for some things,
but without at least a little randomness, what's the point?
I know it's tempting to daydream of perfect lives without the terrible things that have happened to us, but I truly believe it does have importance
to our spiritual evolution to experience that pain. I also wonder if by avoiding these major signposts of our lives, if we don't somehow incur
penalties or more difficult circumstances because of it. It's been said, making the best of whatever you do have, is probably always good advice.