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Do tptb use us as a means to keep the masses away from thinking outside the box???

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posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 12:42 AM
I was thinking about this lately. Look on here, I see a lot of people who think a little outside the box. But most people I know are not even close. There just sheep threw and threw. But I think tptb kinda use us as a means to keep those sheep from thinking for themselves. They almost toat us as: "what not to be like, or think like". that way main stream sheep sort of keep to thinking in terms of the 6 oclock news as the gosple truth of life. As if you don't then you'll be one of those crazy CTists. Like even in movies, remember "conspiracy theory" with Mel Gibson? He was the wack job!

I don't know, you think I'm wrong??? I don't even raise the subject with most people. It's a waste of time. People are just so locked in. It's sad.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 01:16 AM
Absolutely. Back before spoonfed news and when people had a modicum of healthy doubt for anything told to them, they thought for themselves and analytically weight the most reasonable explanation based on who stood to gain what... those guys were able to organize revolutions. TPTB definitely don't want THAT type of freethought!!

The world is complicated these days, but people become overwhelmed and thing it's even MORE complicated than it is, and so they turn to media decipher it for them. Just like people turning to priests to translate the Bible not too long ago (and still in many places), this is very dangerous thing.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 01:28 AM

Absolutely. Back before spoonfed news and when people had a modicum of healthy doubt for anything told to them, they thought for themselves and analytically weight the most reasonable explanation based on who stood to gain what... those guys were able to organize revolutions. TPTB definitely don't want THAT type of freethought!!

The world is complicated these days, but people become overwhelmed and thing it's even MORE complicated than it is, and so they turn to media decipher it for them. Just like people turning to priests to translate the Bible not too long ago (and still in many places), this is very dangerous thing.

ah yes back in the days when there were actual investigative journalists who sought the truth,as opposed to paparazzi star seekers of today...i will never forget an interview on the radio here in Australia with a well known reporter who quit because he didn't like where journalism was headed,he basically implied he was no longer allowed to report what mattered

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

I don't know, you think I'm wrong??? I don't even raise the subject with most people. It's a waste of time. People are just so locked in. It's sad.

But people that read your reply to someone else then see both sides and can make a better informed decision. If you just let the Main Stream post stand, then thats all that percolates inside questioning minds.

Can't do it all the time, but sometimes when it moves you…

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 01:39 AM
Everybody's lied to from the very first days of their lives; about religion, about the nation they live in, about the news, about how the world works.

Most of the planet still adheres to Bronze-Age thinking (aka the bible and the koran); you have to dodge an awful lot of societal shrapnel to even so much as think your way out of that, much less the other stuff.

Add in that it's been my conclusion that most people simply aren't that curious about anything.

No curiosity = no learning.

The upshot of it is, we have a 'breakaway civilization' (see Richard Dolan for more on that) that is technologically savvy but still needs help, and several decades' time, overcoming all the mixed signals and lies; and another black budget, black project breakaway civilization that's had 60 years of unlimited funding to reverse engineer alien technology. They left us in the dust a long time ago.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

If you'll remember. At the end of the movie, the conspiracy theorist turned out to be right.

There are many methods and tactics used to herd the mindset of the masses in a given direction. Using scapegoats and straw men, are just one method among many. The big three are religion, politics, and media. These three in unison keep the "matrix" intact.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 07:46 AM
One of the most pervasive and viciously effective tactics that is used to keep the masses from 'thinking too much' is the strategy of divide and conquer.
How many times have you seen a conversation on here turn from a discussion about a topic of great importance, or a topic that should generate outrage across the general population, into a finger-pointing frenzy about who's fault it is - It's Obama's fault! No, it's Bush's fault! Blah blah blah... Then it degrades even further into personal attacks, further masking the importance of the issue itself.
It's kind of like a thread that was started recently about how the OBL administration has been accused of inciting a civil war in Greece. People are so busy arguing the point about who's team is better "Well what about what Bush did in Iraq?" that they lose sight of the fact that yes, this is what we do! Regardless of which team's puppet is at the helm - yes, it's what we do. All of the anger that should be directed by We The People at the real source of the problem is diverted away and redirected towards each other.
The public is bombarded with this kind of thinking and the populous has sunk into this pithy "Broncos vs Raiders" kind of attitude. How many times have you seen people beat the snot out of each other over a football team? Or even worse overseas, a soccer (I know my Brit friends, football) team? We're practically talking tribal warfare over a friggin sports team!

It's not me against you my fellow ATSers...

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 10:45 AM
You're right. Most definitely. At least I think so, and in many ways. The most obvious way is by mocking and deriding any and all conspiracy theorists (and therefore anyone who questions the official story) and giving them a bad name. This alone keeps many people from doing their own research, finding their own answers, and thinking outside the box. But I think the lies and propaganda have reached the point that everyone has personally experienced that moment when they knew the govt was lying about something, so more and more people are looking beyond the traditional mainstream news sources for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Consequently, the PTB have had to expand their efforts, including on the internet and within the internet discussion communities, and especially on the conspiracy websites. There is no doubt a coordinated effort to control the message.

Including posters with an agenda, many probably paid one way or another, but all intent on trying to misinform and dis-inform the public, steering the conversation away from the ugly truth in various ways, some very seemingly very reasonable and logical and some starting fights and pitting the people against each other, or otherwise disrupting the national dialogue. Apparently, sometimes it even requires introducing a theory so vile and repulsive to most people, and to run with it in the ugliest way possible, that the mainstream media can use it to totally discredit ANY questioning of the official story and even forums will declare a subject taboo or a hoax, thus shutting down any reasonable and necessary examination of the issue.

The problem (for the PTB) is that the longer you follow conspiracy theories, the more you often you see a few that are ultimately proven to be true, and the better we become at connecting the dots -- as well as learning which trails are worth following. We're winning the war on information, and this has to be scaring the bejeezus out of the PTB. I think our next step is to declare a whistleblower's holiday -- stop all persecution of those who would dare tell us the truth about the atrocities being committed by our government, in our name, with tax dollars paid by the sweat of our labor -- and let the chips fall where they may.

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