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CNN: President will delay expiration notices for 1 year

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posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by thesaneone

The man is finished.

Nope. He's not finished yet. Like a panicking "swimmer", he is more than willing to drown those around him, that he can easily grab, in an effort to get just one more breath ...

See ya,

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:25 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

You do know there is a difference between Congress legislating a bill and Obama coming out and just telling insurance companies they have his OK to break the law (that he pushed through)? Right?

As for the rest of your rant, I give you this, which I posted in another thread:

Obama and democrats: "Well here is your fix for the healthcare problem nation"
Detractors: "But it's just a steaming pile of dog poo..."
Obama and democrats: "Yes but did you see what you had before? The dog poo wasn't steaming before."

edit on 14-11-2013 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

And here's an update and I'll be Damned if I understand it!
WTF,,, Obama is and Idiot!

President Obama said Thursday that what’s good for illegal immigrants is also good for people who are losing their health insurance because of Obamacare, saying he’ll use prosecutorial discretion to let companies continue to offer health plans that violate his law.
It’s the latest example of the White House trying to work around Congress and instead take action on its own, and in this case it comes as Mr. Obama seeks to stop a wholesale abandonment of his health law by Democrats who have watched the rocky rollout.
If only they'd listened and not let Reid run Sh*t.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:30 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

You do know there is a difference between Congress legislating a bill and Obama coming out and just telling insurance companies they have his OK to break the law (that he pushed through)? Right?

And so your discontent is centered on the distinction between legislation and enforcement?

That seems disingenuous, a convenient rhetorical retreat ...and certainly conflicts with the contents of this thread.


In other words, stop making it sound like Obamacare is somehow better than what we had before. Just because it is something different and has a few new benefits for people who didn't have them before doesn't automatically make it better than what we had before.

It is better than what we had before...and better than what we would have now absent reform. The trend lines were dramatic and consistent...thousands of employers each year scaling back on benefits, increasing costs to employees or dropping plans altogether. Insurers denying coverage over the most mundane of things and dropping folks over the slightest technicality the moment they were diagnosed with cancer or other serious diseases. #1 cause of bankruptcy in the USA...even during the housing crisis!...#1 driver of federal debt...#1 driver of personal debt...#1 in cost in the world...and #37 in healthcare service outcome. For effs sake, just paying for an anti-biotic could cost you 600 dollars.

We either fix the boat or sink...but going back is not, nor ever was an option. If the GOP over-reaches and achieves repeal...then what? Millions un-insured and growing?

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:42 PM

It is better than what we had before...

Try telling that to the 5 million who have already lost the insurance that they were happy with.
Try telling that to the estimated 80 million who are likely to lose their insurance.
Then try telling yourself that in the mirror ... and keep a straight face.

The health care system in the USA worked for 80% of Americans.
Obama broke the entire system to try (he failed) to get affordable insurance to 20%.

Gallup Poll from 2009

Americans are broadly satisfied with the quality of their own medical care and healthcare costs, but of the two, satisfaction with costs lags. Overall, 80% are satisfied with the quality of medical care available to them, including 39% who are very satisfied. Sixty-one percent are satisfied with the cost of their medical care, including 20% who are very satisfied.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by beezzer

That's hilarious.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Oh good lord. A "Shoe on the other foot" defense?????

Hey, 0bama pushed it, jacked it up royally, the law is a shinning turd on Capital Hill and the Dems own it all.

You should be very very proud to back the Assclown formally known as Barack 0bama.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Repairing the boat would be easier if folks worked together rather than spend their time beating each other over the head.


Unfortunately, our "Captain's" order to abandon that "leaky lifeboat" has been in effect for about six weeks. Some of us are already "swimming with the sharks", and that "leaky lifeboat" is, now, too far away.

See ya,
edit on 913America/Chicago11RAmerica/Chicago2013-11-14T14:55:19-06:00Thursdayu19America/Chicago by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

"Ii is better then what we had before"....Sounds very much like "Without the stimulus, jobs would be lost".

Or, " You have to pass the bill, to find out what is in the bill".

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by BenReclused

Trying to repair a rotting boat, with sponges, while at sea, is the correct analogy. With people trying to fix it that were schooled in unicorn counseling and star gazing.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:55 PM


Basically, he broke a "window". If someone cuts themself on the glass, he can blame the glass-maker for the product.

The window was already broken...and a hurricane is approaching. He is trying to board up the window with ply-wood and duct tape while his nagging wife bitches about how it looks.

Healthcare was broken. That is just simple fact.

Has the roll-out been effed up? Are there problems with ACA? Hell yes to both.

But the GOP can either get on board with fixing the life boat or swim with the sharks alongside everyone else.

They have a chance to be a hero...think they will take it? Or over-reach and work hard to keep millions of Americans un-insured and defend outrageous premiums, denials and folks getting dropped?

Here is something interesting....These are all after the fumbled roll-out and cancellations.

Look at the polls. In a CBS News survey taken Oct. 1–2, a majority of Americans—51 to 43 percent—disapproved of the Affordable Care Act.

Only 43 percent, however, said the law went “too far in changing the U.S. health care system.”
Thirty percent said the law was about right, and 20 percent said it didn’t go far enough.
The plurality supported the law or an extension of it.

In an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll taken Oct. 7–9, 43 percent of respondents said the law was a bad idea. Only 38 percent called it a good idea.
But 50 percent opposed “totally eliminating federal funding” for it, compared with 39 percent who favored cutting off funds.

Twenty-one percent of Americans in a Gallup poll conducted Oct. 12–13 said they’d like major changes to the law. Ninteen percent said they’d like minor changes.
But only 29 percent said they’d like the law to be repealed entirely—less than the 32 percent who took that position three years ago, and not much more than the 24 percent who said they’d like to keep the law as it is.

When Gallup pressed further, asking respondents whether the changes they had in mind would scale the law back or expand it, 40 percent of those who wanted changes (and who answered the question either way) said they preferred to expand the law.

A CNN/ORC survey taken Oct. 18–20 found that respondents opposed the law, 56 to 41 percent.
But when pressed further, 12 percent—nearly a quarter of those who opposed the law—said it wasn’t liberal enough.
Only 38 percent of the entire sample—less than the number who favored the law—said it was too liberal.

In a CBS News poll taken Oct. 18–21, a majority disapproved of the law, 51 to 43 percent.
But when pressed as to why, the numbers turned upside-down. The percentage who said the law went too far dropped to 43.
Twenty-nine percent said the law was about right, and 22 percent—nearly all of them Democrats and independents—said it didn’t go far enough.

Now comes a second NBC/Journal poll, conducted Oct. 25–28.
The numbers look grim: Forty-seven percent say Obamacare is a bad idea, up from 43 percent in early October.

When they’re asked whether the law “is working well the way it is,” “needs minor modifications to improve it,” “needs a major overhaul,” or “should be totally eliminated,” only 6 percent say it’s working well as is.
But among the remaining options, 38 percent of respondents say the law needs minor modifications, 28 percent say it needs a major overhaul, and only 24 percent say it should be completely eliminated.

The poll doesn’t ask those who favor a major overhaul whether the law should go further or be scaled back, so we don’t know whether, as in the other surveys, what looks like a majority for repeal or major rollback is really a minority. But the poll does ask whether Obamacare’s website problems “are short-term technical issues that happen in large projects like this and can be corrected” or “point to longer-term issues with the new health care law and its overall design that cannot be corrected.” On that question, 31 percent say the law’s faults can’t be corrected. Thirty-seven percent say they can, and 30 percent say it’s too soon to tell. There’s a majority for fixing or revising the program, but not for purging it.

Frankly this is an opportunity for the GOP to take the Whitehouse in 2016.

All they need to do is swoop in and FIX a major law and be the hero's and ride that through the elections while hammering home how the Democrats bungled ACA reform.

But what I suspect is over-reach, which the GOP has down to a science lately.

They will drive hard for repeal...and demanding Americans lose coverage and a return to our utterly broken healthcare system.

Americans want the law fixed, not repealed.

And that simple truth is where the GOP's future pivots right now.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:57 PM
It seems pretty clear that Obama and Obamacare have both failed more miserably than anyone could have imagined. The other posters in this thread have done an outstanding job of pointing out his folly and mendacity, I wouldn't even try to add to it.

I have a different question, which may be off-topic. What's the Republican's best move now? Support the one year delay, or just let the whole mess continue sinking? They'll take heat either way, but my own opinion is to blow it up and start over.

No one thinks the previous system was excellent, but the House provided a plan of their own through amendments to the bill. Those amendments were not considered by the Senate, perhaps now, they should be.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

The bankruptcies will remain the same.

Some will be able to survive with the insurance.

And many will still go broke after paying the initial deductibles.

The deductibles have gone up on many "new" policies.

Massachusetts has not noticed any changes.

edit on Nov-14-2013 by xuenchen because: forgot link....

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Sure why not? One is an enumerated Constitutional authority, the other is breaking the law. I would have thought it was pretty obvious what is wrong with this. In either case, whether through legislation or crony enforcement, the insurance companies won't be giving people their already canceled insurances back.

Also again, just because the bill improves the conditions of one group of people, doesn't automatically make the bill a better answer to our healthcare system. In fact it just displaces the hardship to another group of people.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:59 PM

reply to post by BenReclused

Trying to repair a rotting boat, with sponges, while at sea, is the correct analogy. With people trying to fix it that were schooled in unicorn counseling and star gazing.

The mentality running our Country....


posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:00 PM

Healthcare was broken. That is just simple fact.

Um ... no. I gave the information showing that 80% of Americans were just fine with it.
Obama blew the entire system up for 20% ... instead of just fixing the 20%.

But the GOP can either get on board with fixing ...

Oh stop it. This isn't the republicans fault. It's OBAMA's fault. It's his administrations fault.
He caused this entire thing to happen. It could have been much easier and much less messy
but he just had to destroy the entire system. His own ego drove this train right off the cliff.

Americans want the law fixed, not repealed.

I don't think so.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Dear Indigo5,

The situation must be worse than I thought if even you are saying that Obamacare needs to be fixed. I doubt that it can be, but why should the Republicans cooperate in keeping the monstrosity afloat? It goes against their principles of single payer health care and government control of our lives.

And I find it difficult to believe that you really think the Republicans will get wild applause from the President or the press for their efforts, thus sweeping to victory.

It is more likely the President will say "Thanks to my outreach and powers of persuasion the Republicans finally gave up their extreme and radical obstructionism and aided me in fixing the few flaws in this law. Now Obamacare will work just as I envisioned it and America can thank me for my work."

Sorry, Indigo5, your plan sounds like a trap. But maybe I misunderstood.

With respect,

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:04 PM
As predicted, the Obama administration has it's online force trying to drum up support for a single payer system.
You already hear things like "the repukes need to do something" "they don't have anything better to offer" "ACA has problems, so there must be something else we can do".
Also, Obama committed outright fraud when he said he didn't know this would happen. Emmnuel said that the seven million needed to make this thing work included the ones that they know would lose coverage. We also know that many more people will lose coverage over the next year. Estimates are now showing that up to half of the US will lose coverage.
You will be forced to sign up for ACA because you will be left without any insurance. Then everyone will come back and say "see! everyone signed up!".

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

It is better than what we had before...

Tell this woman that and a thousand others like her and the Children.

WFTV in Florida reports that a woman with cancer has been dropped from her insurance plan due to Obamacare:
Nothing is Better, When you were Perfectly Happy With Your Doctors and Your Health Care Plan.
you can't tell me, she'll be Happy starting over with new Doctors.
Now obama thinks he can Wave his Wand and change or correct his mistakes! Not Going To Happen!

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:17 PM


Healthcare was broken. That is just simple fact.

Um ... no. I gave the information showing that 80% of Americans were just fine with it. cherry picked one part of one poll asking about the "Quality" of perceived healthcare...not the COST.

Obama blew the entire system up for 20% ... instead of just fixing the 20%.

A bad website and the individual market? Not the "Entire system"...and not "blown up"...

Like I said this is where the GOP has opportunity, but squanders it for over-reach.

This isn't the republicans fault. It's OBAMA's fault. It's his administrations fault.
He caused this entire thing to happen.

Yes...and what you are seeing is a huge cluster-eff of destruction, when in reality...this will get fixed with or without the GOP...cuz Americans want it fixed, not repealed. God help me...if the GOP was just a little more in-touch with reality they would crush in 2016.

You guys are talking about how the system has been "destroyed"? You do realize that 80+% of Americans have seen no change in their costs? But at the same time gotten better plans through their employers? The Cluster-eff here is with people who were either un-insured, or on the verge of being un-insured in the individual market by rising costs.

Your answer is to screw them...going back to the old system.

FlyersFanIt could have been much easier and much less messy
but he just had to destroy the entire system. His own ego drove this train right off the cliff.

Hyperbolic over-reach, but in keeping with the rhetorical theme from the right.

Indigo5 Wrote: Americans want the law fixed, not repealed.
FF: I don't think so.

I gave you a dozen recent polls...think what you like.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:17 PM

Lemmie guess... exactly 1 year? Just after voting day to the Mid Term Elections. Whoda guessed this was coming?

There you go....

Now you see why Bill Clinton publicly challenged and 'advised' this pretender-in-charge
to revisit his 'promise' about the 'You Can Keep Your Plan..." promise

i didn't like slick-wiilly...but he's smart as a whip compared to the guy in the oval office now

the Øbama press conference speech was a good facsimile of a man that had his stuff together but we know the missing elements that were circumvented with his leftist. bleeding heart fluff

democracy is turned uoside down... it is no longer what's best for the many... this PC BS now requires the few 10% to to dictate a lower & costlier standard for the other 90%
Øbama's goal is to lower-the-bar for everyone but the elite top 1% who can excape the system
edit on 14-11-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

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