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US Military, Monsanto Targeting GMO Activists and Independent Scientists, New Investigation Alleges

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posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 01:49 PM

A highly concerning new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany alleges that Monsanto, the US Military and the US government have colluded to track and disrupt both anti-GMOactivists and independent scientists who study the adverse effects of genetically modified food.

The report titled, "The Sinister Monsanto Group: 'Agent Orange' to Genetically Modified Corn," described a 'new fangled cyber war' being waged against both eco-activists and independent scientists by supporters and former employees of Monsanto, who are described as "operationally powerful assistants" and who have taken up sometimes high ranking posts in the US administration, regulatory authorities, and some of whom have connections deep within the military industrial establishment, including the CIA.

"For example, in 2007, the former US ambassador in Paris, Craig Stapleton, suggested the US government should create a penalties list for EU states which wanted to forbid the cultivation of genetically engineered plants from American companies. The wording of the secret dispatch: "Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU." Pain, retaliation: not exactly the language of diplomacy."

If this report is accurate, we can assume that Monsanto has so thoroughly populated both the government and military industrial complex with its own supporters that any remaining illusion of there being a division of Corporation and State has now been dispelled. Worse, we are bearing witness to the preeminence of the Corporation over State, the very definition of a corpocracy.

I don't even know what to say about this. I knew the State Department acted largly on behalf of big business but this is beyond the pale.

Then the is the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Atlantic equivalent that will make Corporate Profit the universal law.

What are we to do?

I guess that's the whole point - keep the majority desparate for work and personal security and we won't notice or care about the crimes our country is committing against others, in our name.

Corporate hegemony doesn't help any one (maybe that invisible 1-8% and I would argue that).

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 02:02 PM
This is one US business. Our government would jeopardize the sustainability of most other businesses to protect Monsanto. I think there is something wrong here, most other businesses get no protection from the government. Monsanto's products are not tested for many interactions with the body. This not only jeopardizes consumers health, it jeopardizes the health of every businessman and his family in the USA. It jeopardizes their good customers as well as the normal joe. Well it isn't discrimination anyway. The only ones who aren't in our boat are the Monsanto crew.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 02:15 PM
With China doing whatever like to rake in the foreign debt and the US megacorps making INSANE profit for basically no gain for the average joe.

A 0.1% on a profit that big, would make any one man so rich they wouldnt really care what happens.

And that is the problem, the people making the cash at the expensive of the planet, humans, animals, plants - who cares, im getting paid.

China and Russia as corruption, the USA just calls it business.

edit on 13-11-2013 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 02:41 PM
Why does this not surprise me at all? Our government: for the corporations, by the corporations.

"For example, in 2007, the former US ambassador in Paris, Craig Stapleton, suggested the US government should create a penalties list for EU states which wanted to forbid the cultivation of genetically engineered plants from American companies. The wording of the secret dispatch: "Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU." Pain, retaliation: not exactly the language of diplomacy."

I'm guessing this was done immediately after it was suggested.

Our Government does love their lists, don't they?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by FyreByrd

Disturbing news? YES!

Surprising? NO!

Crony Capitalism and government corruption where those we elect would rather pocket the money of Corporations such as Monsanto, versus doing their job to protect the people whom elected them into office is a fairytale of what should be done, versus what is actually being done!

From Agent Orange to producing the food we eat??? Plus NOT allowing us to know what we eat???

Sorry, but reality is becoming extinct! Those whom question this NEW fiction being portrayed at the truth, are becoming criminals!

Follow the money!

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by FyreByrd


this evil goes all the way to the UN

Attacks on Health Reporters and Their Readers Are Escalating

GMO-Labeling Supporters Now Accused of Supporting Eco-Terrorism. What’s Next?
Truth becomes treason in an empire of lies. Attacks against health web sites like yours truly and others, and our readers—yes, that would be you—are rapidly escalating.

Thinly veiled threats are issued not just by industry spokespersons (many of whom hide their industry ties from their readers), but also international organizations like UNICEF. It’s become very evident, very quickly, that now more than ever, we need your support to counter the increasingly dirty tactics of these industry players.

Simply by reporting the scientific evidence—which is published in peer-reviewed journals, mind you—I’ve been labeled as a top “anti-vaccine influencer” for my pro-safety stance on vaccines, and a “media supporter of domestic eco-terrorists” for my reporting on the hazards of Roundup and genetically engineered foods.

Another recent article, published in Forbes Magazine,6 really ups the ante of the attack on health journalists and their readers with the headline: “ Domestic Eco-Terrorism Has Deep Pockets. And Many Enablers.” The article, written by Jay Byme and Henry I.Miller, reads in part:

“In recent years, [eco]terrorists have attempted to gain sympathy and “justification” for their actions by means of disinformation campaigns that relentlessly smear the safety and utility of genetic engineering applied to agriculture… “Frankenfood” headlines may sell newspapers and organic food, but this kind of “black marketing” — enhancing the perceived value of your products by disparaging those of your competitors – can also encourage serious criminal acts.

…There exists in this country a vast, well-established, highly professional, protest industry fueled by special interest groups seeking to line their own pockets… Anti-genetic engineering campaigns are openly funded and promoted by mainstream organic food marketers like Gary Hirshberg, the chairman of Stonyfield Organic, and alternative health and food-supplement hucksters Joe Mercola and Mike Adams — all cynical fear-profiteers who benefit from increased consumer mistrust in their competitors’ products… The ultimate objective, of course, is to sell more overpriced, overrated organic food…

One result of the widely disseminated disinformation effort is an environment that provides encouragement to extremists who commit criminal acts. It comes from the Facebook and Twitter followers of the genetic engineering conspiracy theorists, organic marketers and “right to know” labeling activists… Against the backdrop of this fear-mongering, hate-speech and support for acts of terror toward legal, highly regulated, safe and societally valuable R&D, we should condemn not only the perpetrators themselves but also their corporate and media enablers.”

take note that the MSM is keeping reeeaaalllyy quiet about farmers in Colombia, Mexico, the Philippines, Etc., being sick and tired of having their organic crops contaminated are banding together and BURNING any GMO they can find.

because, of course, these be the 1st to be killed as "terrorists".
edit on 13-11-2013 by Metaphysique because: added edit & comment

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:02 PM
Hrm. Oh yea it's called facism!

So much for that revolving door. Oh wait that door is spinning faster than ever.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

This is one US business.

Monsanto is NOT a US business - it's a global corporation and has NO national loyalty.


posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Yeah, I stated that kind of wrong. They do have a big office and some labs here in the states though, otherwise they wouldn't be able to contribute to politicians.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

They do have a big office and some labs here in the states though, otherwise they wouldn't be able to contribute to politicians.


posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Biigs

It's surprising how people will talk others into taking risks when they actually gain very little of the profit off of the action. This happens with stock brokers, bank execs, and some big corporations. They take risk with others money and sometimes are even not allowed to participate in the gamble. They get good salaries and bonuses and will risk a million times this amount to make a buck. They will do what it takes to make their tenth of a percent.

Someone should start a thread on this. I'm studying other things but did about a week of researching this tactic. I can't figure it out, these people don't even seem to have a conscience at all. It is a legal tactic. Even salesmen in an appliance store use the same tactic, steering you to something they make a little more money on which costs the buyer lots more to buy.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 06:11 AM

Someone should start a thread on this. I'm studying other things but did about a week of researching this tactic. I can't figure it out, these people don't even seem to have a conscience at all. It is a legal tactic.

Its the same as a solider shooting "war targets", police shooting "criminals" they distance themselves from the reality that they are killing. Humans have the capacity to kill from evolution, for defense for food for resources.

Bankers, stock brokers and hedge fund managers - it doesn't matter who might lose what, as long as they gain their "food" from the hunt it is "necessary".

The morality side of it aster the deed is done? Thats where the pay check saves the day with lavish entertainment and holidays.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Biigs

Actually people need to be trained & conditioned to kill others - it is not instinctual (except for defence against an immediate threat).

I refer you to for more on the subject.

Psychopaths are another thing (3 to 5% or less depending on sources) and frankly - they are running the world.

Psychopathic behavior are being romantisized in media much as greed was in the 1980s. Note this book title:

"The Wisdom of Psychopaths"

When psychologists talk about psychopaths, what we’re referring to are people who have a distinct set of personality characteristics, which include things like ruthlessness, fearlessness, mental toughness, charm, persuasiveness and a lack of conscience and empathy. Imagine that you tick the box for all of those characteristics. You also happen to be violent and stupid. It’s not going to be long before you smack a bottle over someone’s head in a bar and get locked up for a long time in prison. But if you tick the box for all of those characteristics, and you happen to be intelligent and not naturally violent, then it’s a different story altogether. Then you’re more likely to make a killing in the market rather than anywhere else.

Check out the documentary "The Company" wherein they psychologically diagnose the average company - can you guess the outcome?

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