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MUST-SEE: Bill Maher BLASTS selfish Christian hypocrites who don't tip waiters

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posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:28 AM
WARNING: The article AND THE VIDEO contain vulgar language. MUST-SEE: Bill Maher BLASTS selfish Christian hypocrites who don't tip waiters

But, the point he makes is VERY IMPORTANT for people to read; particularly those who identify as "Christians"...this is how some of your 'colleagues in Christ' are behaving. Not a pretty picture at all.
The yellow bits are what Bill said. I didn't want to put it in quotes, because it needs to be easily read and not framed in grey with tiny print.

On Friday night, Bill Maher delivered a great New Rule blasting conservatives who call themselves Christians, and yet show themselves to be little more than selfish assholes, notably when it comes to tipping the wait staff.

And finally, New Rule: It's OK if you don't want to feed the hungry, or heal the sick, or house the homeless. Just don't say you're doing it for their own good. Don't say you'd like to help people, but your hands are tied because if you did, it would cause a culture of dependency, or go against the Bible, or worst of all, rob them of their freedom... to be sick and hungry.

Just admit you're selfish, and based on how little your beliefs mirror the actual teachings of Jesus, you might as well claim to worship Despicable Me.

Now I bring this up, because last week new food stamp cuts went into effect, and Congressman Steve Fincher, a Republican from Dogpatch, justified the cuts by quoting the Bible — "The one who does not work shall not eat." And it reminded me that I keep seeing stories in the news about Christians stiffing servers in restaurants. Like the Applebee's waitress in Missouri who got this note from a church pastor.

Written on the check, it said, "I give God 10%. Why do you get 18?"* Prompting the question, who ordered the piping hot asshole?

This is what Jesus would do? I doubt it. I think what Jesus would do is move the hell out of that part of Missouri. And if you're a waiter or waitress in the Bible Belt, you may very well have seen one of these.

It's a phony $10 dollar bill that Christians sometimes leave on the table in lieu of an actual tip. It looks like a $10, so you get the benefit of giving poor people hope, and then crushing it, but on the back it says, "Some things are better than money ... like your eternal salvation that was bought and paid for by Jesus going to the cross.

Yeah, well, Jesus didn't have to put gas in the donkey.

I don't know what the snake-handlers have against the food-handlers, or when restaurant receipts became the new bully pulpit, but there was another story recently, this one from Kansas, where instead of a tip, a Christian family left their server, who they knew was gay, this note:

Thank you for your service, it was excellent. That being said, we cannot in good conscience top you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to GOD. Queers do not share in the wealth of GOD, and you will not share in ours.


Now, I am sure there are millions of Christians who try to actually follow Jesus, but you gotta admit, conservatives always seem to have a reason why they would love to give, but they just can't. We would love to help the unemployed, but it would discourage working. I believe in charity, just not for people who need it. Of course we'd like it if everyone could see a doctor, we're not monsters, but if the government does it, it will destroy our way of life. Plus, the website is glitchy, which leads to Stalinism. Oh sure, we'd like to help people who are starving, but what if they use the strength from not starving to take drugs?

Yes, there's always a good moral Christian reason to tell everyone you meet to (snip)-off and die.
Fair enough. But if you're a waiter, and you ever get one of those fake $10 dollar bills, do me a favor, and next time you're in church, drop it in the collection box.

*the patron - a PASTOR - who wrote the why do you get 18% wrote in a ZERO on the tip line. The 18% was an automatic tip because it was a large party.

My son is a server in an upscale local restaurant; he has had IHOP kids come in and eat in his section, asking him did he want to say grace with them, and when he declined, they asked if there was anything that he'd like them "to pray for on your behalf."

He gave them a forced smile and said, "no, thanks. I'm good." I don't know if they tipped him or not.

EVERYONE KNOWS that servers live off of their TIPS, not their WAGES (which are like $2/hour.) It's a merit-based form of employment. My son is an excellent server, and he makes good money at it -- but this sort of behavior is appalling. CHURCH does NOT belong in a PUBLIC RESTAURANT.

God, some people are just awful.

See the link for the video clip of Bill's statements and for pictures of the offending documents described above. Then, if you know anyone who behaves like that, and you are a Christian WHO KNOWS BETTER than to do such things, please do your part to eradicate such hateful, bigoted behavior.

On a side note: it saddens me that these incidents took place in Missouri and Kansas. MILLIONS OF US - the MAJORITY living in Kansas/Missouri DO NOT BEHAVE LIKE THIS. Nor do we THINK like that. It angers me that this puts our entire state to shame, and our neighboring state. We really are more progressive than the article/video lends one to I do understand the feeling of being "persecuted" by stereotyping ALL KANSANS and ALL MISSOURIANS as being such douches. It isn't so - at least not in the cities and college towns.

edit on 11/13/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:40 AM
Applebee’s fires waitress who posted receipt from pastor complaining about auto-tip

THEY FIRED HER! On grounds the waitress "ruined the pastor's reputation"!!!

Ee-gads. This happened in the St Louis area - I had expected it to be somewhere like Bolivar or Springfeild, down south...

Bell, a pastor at Truth in the World Deliverance Ministries Church, was not amused, and she called Welch's manager to complain.

“[It was] a lapse in my character and judgment,” Bell told the Smoking Gun, adding she did not expect her easily recognizable signature would be, as her friend informed her, “all over Yahoo. You went viral!”

[Related: Pastor leaves waiter note on receipt: ‘I give God 10%. Why do you get 18?’]

“My heart is really broken,” Bell added. “I’ve brought embarrassment to my church and ministry.”

A spokesman for Applebee’s said it apologized to Bell for violating her "right to privacy" and confirmed that Welch “is no longer employed by the franchise."

Welch was surprised that Applebee's fired her, "especially because there was nothing specific in the employee handbook admonishing this behavior."

"I had no intention of starting a witch hunt or hurting anyone. I just wanted to share a picture I found interesting," she said. “I come home exhausted, sore, burnt, dirty and blistered on a good day. And after all that, I can be fired for ‘embarrassing’ someone who directly insults their server on religious grounds.”

Yeah, then the pastor's note went viral (this happened in January)....and embarrassed the 'pastor'. I say GOOD!! And shame on Applebee's for firing this server. (The receipt was part of a large group meal, that's why the 18% was automatic - )

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:51 AM
Greed and Hypocrisy. That is what the Christian religion is ALL about.

raised as Church of God in the south. My awakening began to happen when I saw how most of the church kids I was around were the biggest brats, crybabies, liars, tattletails, etc.

And the parents were such bigoted, close minded, greedy, selfish people I have ever met. And I lived around the world as a military brat, and then a service member.

the GREED was sickening. And they were mostly lower IQ people. My weekly questions in sunday school made me "famous" as a youngster. the other kids were laughing at the native American beliefs, and I pointed out similarly ridiculous parts of Christianity that can not be proven. Like turning sticks into snakes, how Moses made the ten commandments, new vs. old test. contradictions, etc.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

HAHA! I like the part where Bill suggests that the server put that fake 10 dollar bill, with Bible quotes on it, into the offering plate! Priceless!

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

I always tip the waiter, the pizza delivery guy, the Jimmy John's person, everyone who serves me in some capacity. I worked in fast food, and people would often try to tip us, but at McDonald's you can't take the tip, because McDonald's is wage based.

People, people, always tip the waiter. I don't care if you think it is not right to do, it is called good manners. Geesh, talk about not being good ambassadors for Christ.

I love IHop and have many young friends who worked there. Even if they are waged based, the best you can do is at least give them a smile and tell them thank you. But let me give you a secret, wildtimes, there are some Christian men who go to strip clubs and tip the dancers, then go home to their wives and tell them they lost the money..shh, don't tell on them.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by HanzHenry

Greed and Hypocrisy. That is what the Christian religion is ALL about.

raised as Church of God in the south.

I'm getting the distinct impression that the Southern Christians really are nutters who don't understand what they are saying or doing is NOT "Jesus-emulation." BUT: it is NOT ALL CHRISTIANS. Just that particular...breed.

edit on 11/13/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by windword

You know, windword, it is funny, I have been approached by Christians (ME!) and was handed a tract telling ME how I can receive salvation. It's like they couldn't tell already and I seemed safe to approach.

Last summer I went through a local town festival and stopped by a booth that had the banner "Hope for Grant County", and I asked the girl "what is the hope for Grant County?" to which she then handed me a DVD and a booklet about their church. That didn't answer my question at all. She could not say what the hope was.

When I said "No thank you, I'm already a Christian" she then said "Are you sure, come to our church and find out". To this day the DVD is unseen and the booklet is unread.

But if they focus on me, maybe they won't see you?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by WarminIndy

I love IHop and have many young friends who worked there.

I was referring to the International House of Prayer
A dark side to International House of Prayer’s allure

Certainly there are more dangerous places for a young person to get lost.

IHOP, south Kansas City’s evangelical missionary movement, was created 13 years ago by a man who grew up in the Center School District. It’s one man’s version of religion made big.

The suspicious have long leveled the charge of “cult” against IHOP (International House of Prayer). That will likely increase in light of recent news coverage.

A young woman with ties to IHOP was found murdered at Longview Lake. A young man with ties to IHOP is charged with suffocating her.

IHOP, it should be emphasized, isn’t accused of anything criminal in the murder. Only those eventually charged will bear that burden.

But the praying elephant in the room is that this religious movement is the perfect cover for the sort of wickedness outlined in court records describing Bethany Ann Deaton’s murder.

Read more here:

Is IHOP a cult? One intern's story This article is an excellent example of the same kind of 'control' that so many "churches" and even colleges and universities that identify as "Christian" practice. Total control.

Below I have listed some common signs of cult operation. Below them I cite in underlined text short examples of my personal experiences as IHOP which illustrates these particular signs in IHOP’s day to day practice. After 6 years of being out of IHOP I still hold to my position that it is a dangerous place for people’s hearts and I have seen much destruction of families, relationships and marriages of those who have been involved with this movement.

It's an excellent "whistle-blower" piece that includes "cult" behaviors. IHOP is awful.

But the IHOPancakes is pretty good.
And as of this weekend, I'm old enough to order off the "old folks" menu!!


posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:12 AM


And when did 18% become the new "rule"?

Tip defined, is above & beyond, not mandated.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by schadenfreude

They DON'T MAKE MINIMUM WAGE, despite what Gripey Glen in the clip thinks. Not sure what your point is.
18% is the 'standard' set by society at large.

In a LARGE GROUP, the tip IS obligatory...because it requires extra work and attention to LOTS of people all at the same time.

Have you never been a server?

edit on 11/13/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

You know Wild, it's a shame the leadership in the Christian community has fostered this kind of attitude among their congregations. These leaders are supposed to be examples of their faith to not only their "flock", but also to the world. Instead, most of them are an embarrassment. How many times have we seen individual Christians having to defend themselves because of the actions of these people who are really no more Christian than I am. They're actors, playing a role.

I'm not a fan of Bill Maher, but a few of the things he said were definitely, right on. S&F.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:18 AM

reply to post by WarminIndy

I love IHop and have many young friends who worked there.

I was referring to the International House of Prayer
A dark side to International House of Prayer’s allure

Certainly there are more dangerous places for a young person to get lost.

IHOP, south Kansas City’s evangelical missionary movement, was created 13 years ago by a man who grew up in the Center School District. It’s one man’s version of religion made big.

The suspicious have long leveled the charge of “cult” against IHOP (International House of Prayer). That will likely increase in light of recent news coverage.

A young woman with ties to IHOP was found murdered at Longview Lake. A young man with ties to IHOP is charged with suffocating her.

IHOP, it should be emphasized, isn’t accused of anything criminal in the murder. Only those eventually charged will bear that burden.

But the praying elephant in the room is that this religious movement is the perfect cover for the sort of wickedness outlined in court records describing Bethany Ann Deaton’s murder.

Read more here:

Is IHOP a cult? One intern's story This article is an excellent example of the same kind of 'control' that so many "churches" and even colleges and universities that identify as "Christian" practice. Total control.

Below I have listed some common signs of cult operation. Below them I cite in underlined text short examples of my personal experiences as IHOP which illustrates these particular signs in IHOP’s day to day practice. After 6 years of being out of IHOP I still hold to my position that it is a dangerous place for people’s hearts and I have seen much destruction of families, relationships and marriages of those who have been involved with this movement.

It's an excellent "whistle-blower" piece that includes "cult" behaviors. IHOP is awful.

But the IHOPancakes is pretty good.
And as of this weekend, I'm old enough to order off the "old folks" menu!!


Oh, that one. The one where people get blessed, I've heard of it and know someone who went there.

Meh, just like the "Toronto Blessing". Some people are thinking they get gold teeth and gold magic pixie dust falls down on their heads.

Which reminds me, I remember when I was about 4 years-old, my grandmother took us to see Leroy Jenkins. That one is another nutter. He was sent to prison for arson, but yet I know people today who still follow Leroy Jenkins. My grandmother had sent him $14,000 in 1986, the FBI came to her house to interview her as to why she donated that much to him. So yes, Leroy Jenkins in still under investigation. When I opened the door for them and they showed me their badges, they told me that she had done this. I was like "Whaaaa? My grandmother did whaaaa??" Then they interviewed her and realized she had given it freely, but then he was ordered to pay her back .

She got her money back, but still, I laugh today that these two FBI agents thought my grandmother was some financial backer to the cult. SMH, that's my genetic gene pool....

If I ever see Leroy Jenkins, I would have to say "Oh, you had to pay grandma back, how'd that feel?"

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:21 AM
I depend on tips to supplement my miserable low wage, but too much of this whole topic is blown out of proportion....

Step 1. Do NOT believe face value, any anti Christian article in the paper without understanding that for every 1 Christian jerk there are 10 non - Christian jerks ( like Mr. Maher) who do the same. Its the anti God media / government that constantly tries to stirs up passions to keep us all divided, otherwise we just might all wake up and realize we are being corralled like cattle.

Step 2. If you don't believe step 1, then for's over, enjoy life until they give you that little pill to swallow when they decide it is your time

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Actually my very first job at 17 years old was as a busboy, so yes I know that servers don't get paid minimum wage.

How is that the customers' fault?

The bottom line here is that restruants have been able to put one over on servers for awhile now by not having to pay minimum wage. On the plus side however, (obviously) servers can also clear in one night what the other positions make in a week.

Oh boo hoo.

ETA: The OP wasn't about large groups, so I don't see your point in bringing this up.
edit on 13-11-2013 by schadenfreude because: because

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:34 AM

reply to post by wildtimes

Actually my very first job at 17 years old was as a busboy, so yes I know that servers don't get paid minimum wage.

How is that the customers' fault?

The bottom line here is that restruants have been able to put one over on servers for awhile now by not having to pay minimum wage. On the plus side however, (obviously) servers can also clear in one night what the other positions make in a week.

Oh boo hoo.

I, as a customer, do not ask the server how much they already made that week and tip them by that. It's not my responsibility to determine their wages.

I don't know if that server was new, been on the job for a week, or even if they missed 4 days that week due to a child's illness. My responsibility is to pay for the food, that I ordered, and then tip the server for service. That's what you are paying for, service.

But also no one wants a server with the attitude "pay me a big tip or else". I worked one time as a taxi driver, and we made good tips also, however taxes are also taken out of tips whether or not the server got tips. When I got home, half of what I earned had already paid for gas for the taxi and for the taxi rental. But I never stood there with my hand out waiting for the tip, if they gave it, they gave it, if not, then oh well.

But tipping is just simply good manners. That's the point she was trying to make.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:37 AM


reply to post by wildtimes

Actually my very first job at 17 years old was as a busboy, so yes I know that servers don't get paid minimum wage.

How is that the customers' fault?

The bottom line here is that restruants have been able to put one over on servers for awhile now by not having to pay minimum wage. On the plus side however, (obviously) servers can also clear in one night what the other positions make in a week.

Oh boo hoo.

I, as a customer, do not ask the server how much they already made that week and tip them by that. It's not my responsibility to determine their wages.

I don't know if that server was new, been on the job for a week, or even if they missed 4 days that week due to a child's illness. My responsibility is to pay for the food, that I ordered, and then tip the server for service. That's what you are paying for, service.

But also no one wants a server with the attitude "pay me a big tip or else". I worked one time as a taxi driver, and we made good tips also, however taxes are also taken out of tips whether or not the server got tips. When I got home, half of what I earned had already paid for gas for the taxi and for the taxi rental. But I never stood there with my hand out waiting for the tip, if they gave it, they gave it, if not, then oh well.

But tipping is just simply good manners. That's the point she was trying to make.

I think you're missing the point here; tipping by definition, shouldn't be mandatory, otherwise you change the definition.

It's like those bs dvds some pastors say for a "love offering" of $25 you can have the cd.

No, that's a price tag, not a "offering".

This is what happens when you play around with words, and make "pc definitions" the new "norm".

Should I tip if the server is rude? Reduce the tip? etc etc.

It's asinine.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:38 AM
This is one guy.

Bill is no talent bomb thrower and a attention whore of the highest order.

You can't judge millions of people by this idiot.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:41 AM
- There is a thread on the main 'conspiracy' board about this. I remember it from like a month ago or something ....

- The person who left the note is a moron. That doesn't mean all Christians are morons.

- People can leave or not leave whatever tip they want. I always tip 20% unless something goes seriously wrong with the service. But that's my choice to do.

- Sorry but .. Bill Maher? YUK. He's got a far left agenda and I wouldn't trust anything he says.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by nomickeyshere

Step 1. Do NOT believe face value, any anti Christian article in the paper without understanding that for every 1 Christian jerk there are 10 non - Christian jerks ( like Mr. Maher) who do the same. Its the anti God media / government that constantly tries to stirs up passions to keep us all divided, otherwise we just might all wake up and realize we are being corralled like cattle.

I understand you don't like Maher, that's fine. He can definitely be abrasive. But let me ask you. Do you take ALEX JONES at face value? Glenn Beck? Because you're spouting the NWO nonsense that THEY preach nonstop. Both of them are known as nut-jobs, for good reasons. Maher is NOT a nut-job, he's a commentator.

Bill used actual case studies, true incidents, to illustrate the "jerk" behavior of SOME types of Christians.

These "jerk" Christians are the ones trying to force the country to be a theocracy. MOST Christians aren't doing that. It is what it is ... whether you like it or not.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by nomickeyshere

I was going to post something similar. Thanks for saving me the time and effort. I see this topic, and source, as nothing less than an attempt to berate the majority of Christians by highlighting the negative actions of a small minority of Christians.

When that is done to Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, or many other groups that come to mind, many of the posters riding this "hate train" tend to act appalled. To them I say: Get over yourselves!

See ya,
edit on 750America/Chicago11RAmerica/Chicago2013-11-13T11:00:10-06:00Wednesdayu10America/Chicago by BenReclused because: Typo

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