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New Game in NYC - 'Knock Out the Jew'

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posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:24 AM
Some teens in NYC have come up with a new game which is gaining popularity - 'knock out the Jew'.
So far the perps are all inner city black teens. That is according to witness' and video tape.
The motive - the victims are targeted because they are Jewish and easy targets. That's it.
So far no arrests have been made. Religious leaders are ticked off at that.
For some reason, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly is reluctant to call this what it is.
That being .... black teen street hoods targeting innocent Jewish people for assault as
part of a sick new hate 'game'.

NYC CBS - Brooklyn Teens Playing Disturbing Game of 'Knock Out The Jew'

The NYPD is looking into a series of attacks on Jews in Brooklyn. At least one attack was caught on surveillance tape. Some of the assaults may be part of a disturbing game, CBS 2’s John Slattery reported on Tuesday.

Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind said the attacks are not muggings. It’s not about money. He said the victims are being attacked because they are Jews.

Behrman said he believes the assaults are part of a disturbing game by some African-American teens.

Still pictures of the video tape showing the perps are available here -
NY Daily News - NYPD Investigating Crown Heights 'knockout' attacks on Jews as Possible Hate Crimes

Police are investigating a series of seven attacks on Jews in Crown Heights, trying to determine whether they’re the product of anti-Semitic bias or simply a twisted “knockout” game being played by street hoods.
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the Hate Crimes Task Force was looking into the two misdemeanor assaults, as well as three acts of graffiti vandalism and a claim of verbal harassment.

Yet the city’s top cop wouldn’t call the unrelated incidents a pattern.

A group of inner city black teens sucker punch a 12 year old Jew and cheer when he goes down.
That's the purpose of their 'game'. To make the Jew go down.
CBS, ABC Video Reports on the 'Knock out the Jew' Game

The most recent anti-Semitic attack took place on Sunday when a group of black males allegedly attacked a Jewish resident at Kingston Ave. and Crown St.

“The attack was unprovoked and nothing was stolen,” said Behrman.

The neighborhood blog said Sunday’s assault was part of a “sick new ‘game’ called knockout, which is gaining popularity among inner-city youth at a startling rate.”

The second violent confrontation erupted on Nov. 6 when about 15 black youths approached a 12-year-old boy, punched him in the face and shoved him onto the sidewalk.

“The two attackers ran back to the group screaming, ‘We got him’” and received a roaring cheer,” Behrman said.

Jews News - VIdeo From An Assault

Daily Mail UK - Video From An Assault
edit on 11/13/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

John 15 shows us how light reveals what it hits.

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’

edit on 13-11-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:32 AM
Racial Happy Slapping?

Kids will be kids, it will disappear soon enough. If the participants are under age to prosecute, cops will be able to do little about it.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:40 AM
I'd be a little careful about this being propaganda. Not because its unreasonable because teens are jerks. I remember it all to well....

But one group of jerkoffs in a city as large as NYC isn't an epidemic. IDK without doing research it smells like something that would come out of the ADL or AIPAC. An attempt to gain sympathy for Israel with all the crap going there.

If this story is as true as the claim, well then, the kids and the parents ought to be ashamed of themselves. So long as we act like heartless people the govt shouldn't be expected to either.

Besides, how come no one plays knock out a senator? Not that I would condone in anyway the nocking out of officials but ya think for how low their approval rating is.....

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:44 AM
Just a little too much southpark

edit on 13-11-2013 by Blowback because: (no reason given)

+8 more 
posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:46 AM
It's a harmless game with the youths.

Just like;

"Punch a homosexual in the face"

"Kick a caucasian in the groin"

"Throat-punch a hispanic"

Just ignore it.

(rolling eyes emoticon)

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:54 AM

Kids will be kids, it will disappear soon enough.

Group assaults upon innocent people based on race/religion isn't ... 'kids being kids'.
And it is 'gaining traction' according to the news reports.
This is disgusting. It's illegal. It's a crime. Its' evil.
These 'kids' get away with group assault on an innocent 12 year old ... so what's next for the perps?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:55 AM
Off topic but I just have to ...

Just a little too much southpark

There is no such thing as 'too much southpark'.

Okay ... back to the dicussion ...

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Well imo it is a disgusting game.If a person is so filled with hate that they absolutely cannot withhold from punching or slapping some one because that individual is of another race or religion,can they not at least pick on someone of their own size and number? Two teenagers punching a kid is just plain cowardly and disgusting-no matter what grievance they may have with the race or religion they hate.What if this was Jewish teens going around punching black kids? I can just imagine the uproar over that!

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:58 AM

I'd be a little careful about this being propaganda.

The perps are caught on video. These events have happened.

without doing research it smells like something that would come out of the ADL or AIPAC. An attempt to gain sympathy for Israel with all the crap going there.

Israel never came up and hasn't been mentioned. The only thing that has been brought up is the Jewish people are upset that these crimes are going on and the police haven't made any arrests.

If this story is as true as the claim,

The videos show it is.

well then, the kids and the parents ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Don't you think that not only should they be ashamed, but they should be ARRESTED?
There is no way those perps are going to be ashamed of themselves.
They are too proud of their actions to be ashamed. They should be in jail.
Eventually it'll be more than assault ... they'll start pulling the trigger ...

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:00 AM

reply to post by beezzer

Well imo it is a disgusting game.If a person is so filled with hate that they absolutely cannot withhold from punching or slapping some one because that individual is of another race or religion,can they not at least pick on someone of their own size and number? Two teenagers punching a kid is just plain cowardly and disgusting-no matter what grievance they may have with the race or religion they hate.What if this was Jewish teens going around punching black kids? I can just imagine the uproar over that!

I agree.

Perhaps my sarcasm didn't translate too well.

I was just trying to put it in perspective.


posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:02 AM

It's a harmless game with the youths.

Just like;

"Punch a homosexual in the face"

"Kick a caucasian in the groin"

"Throat-punch a hispanic"

Just ignore it.

(rolling eyes emoticon)

ya, treyvon has been played out.

punch a jew, wtf?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:03 AM

Two teenagers punching a kid is just plain cowardly and disgusting-no matter what grievance they may have with the race or religion they hate.

You must have been one of the cool kids. From my POV group beatings was the norm not the exception.

+5 more 
posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:07 AM


It's a harmless game with the youths.

Just like;

"Punch a homosexual in the face"

"Kick a caucasian in the groin"

"Throat-punch a hispanic"

Just ignore it.

(rolling eyes emoticon)

ya, treyvon has been played out.

punch a jew, wtf?

Well, no.

If it was just "punch a jew", or "slap an asian", it'd be ok.

If you played "Hit a black person in the back of the head" that'd be racist.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:11 AM



It's a harmless game with the youths.

Just like;

"Punch a homosexual in the face"

"Kick a caucasian in the groin"

"Throat-punch a hispanic"

Just ignore it.

(rolling eyes emoticon)

ya, treyvon has been played out.

punch a jew, wtf?

Well, no.

If it was just "punch a jew", or "slap an asian", it'd be ok.

If you played "Hit a black person in the back of the head" that'd be racist.

yeah, it would.

but how many points?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:13 AM
Where's the proof that they're being targeted specifically because of their Jewishness, and how many non Jews have been attacked over the same time period in similar incidents?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Hi beezzer sorry did'nt catch that,my bad.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Its been happening since way back when.

Im saying the tend thats making it popular to do at the moment, that it was im saying will disappear, the odd "gang up on the different kid" will happen till the end of time.

Young kids are stupid and they all know more and less than the one next to them.

Im not sure why Jews get so much abuse from all angles, TV seems to think that slipping a Jew joke in anywhere is as common place as a fat joke. Pretty strange if you ask me.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:20 AM

Where's the proof that they're being targeted specifically because of their Jewishness,

- NYPD state they are being targeted because of them being Jewish.
So I'm sure they have access to all the stats and information.
- Many of the targets were dressed 'traditional Jewish'. (I'm not sure what that is).
- The video evidence shows inner city blacks roving in a gang beating on Jews. It doesn't
show them going after any other groups.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

Hi Rosinitiate sorry to hear that.
No I was never one of the cool kids,though in high school I got along with everyone from the outcasts to the cool kids,they always greeted me in a friendly way,even if I did'nt hang out with them.We used to get beaten at school by the teachers a lot,and I got beaten at home a lot by my abusive adoptive mother-but corporal pubishment was,in my country,the way you raised your child,she just went overboard.I never was beaten by other kids,a girl tried to throw her weight around with me once,but she never tried it again.When I was growing up,in my country,things were different,but I am almost 50,times change.Still may daughter is in high school and there's not much figting going on here,not even in a mixed school in a society still very polarised because of the Apartheid system,and because local politicians foster resentment instead of stepping up to the plate to promote racial harmony,to deflect attention away from their own corruption, ineptitude and reneging on election promises.

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