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A New Journey In Type II Diabetes

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posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:23 AM


You're obviously female. lol ...Related - FMD routinely hits the right kidney, can cause kidney infarction - speaking from experience I can tell you the pain level is the same as a heart attack, maybe worse because it lasts much longer. Stats show men are diagnosed with FMD within 12 hours after their first 'attack' - while it usually takes about 30 years to diagnose women with FMD. more lol ...and similarly, too many women are misdiagnosed with depression. Go figure.

yeah what got me was, i went home and looked up the anti depressant they were trying to give me and it had 100s of pending lawsuits against it because people with only mild depression or simply having a rough day, were commiting suicide after taking it. so yeah, i just left it on the shelf.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by undo

Be careful. Vanadium is carcinogenic. Doesn't mean it can't be beneficial but does mean be careful. Let me know.

Due to the ability to generate ROS, which exert non-specific effects on different cell structures, vanadium compounds have many routes of action, sometimes diametrically opposite. They may have both antitumor and carcinogenic properties.

It is possible that an antitumor therapy using vanadium compounds will be developed in the near future. However, due to the carcinogenic effect of vanadium, such treatment should be combined with numerous other drugs (such as anti-VEGF antibodies) to enhance the therapeutic effect of vanadium.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by soficrow

oh that's kinda like astragalus. it's both good and bad for you. lol you have to turn it off, the next day, to keep it from being utilized by any stow away cancer cells. so when i do take it, i follow it up the next day with reishi mushroom, to turn it back off again.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:40 AM
p.s. if you're wondering what i'm talking about -- astragalus is the primary source for telomerase
which you can learn about here

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by undo

Knew you'd be on top of it. Had to say it tho. Maybe others don't know.

: up :

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:07 AM

reply to post by undo

Speaking of telomerase... Too much can cause cancer, too little can cause diabetes. Vitamin D activates telomerase, the polyphenols in tea block it. How do YOU find the right balance?

Blocking Telomerase by Dietary Polyphenols Is a Major Mechanism for Limiting the Growth of Human Cancer Cells
Telomerase deficiency impairs glucose metabolism and insulin secretion
telomerase activity may be in part regulated by levels of both psychological and metabolic stress
vitamin D may improve telomere maintenance and prevent cell senescence and counteract obesity-induced acceleration of cellular aging

yah get the impression that there was originally something inbetween those two functions that actually did the job of balancing them in the correct quantities but it ain't there no mo.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by undo

yah get the impression that there was originally something inbetween those two functions that actually did the job of balancing them in the correct quantities but it ain't there no mo.

Back to metabolism and metabolic dysfunction? Something in the air? Water?

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:14 AM
I was diagnosed 6 months ago.
A1c was 12. Blood sugar was 445 on the morning they told me and showed me how to use the glucose meter. ( I was fasting. )

Metformin 2000mg daily for 90 days brought my A1c down to an eight.
Metformin 2000mg daily and 100mg sitaglyptin phosphate for 90 days brought my A1c from an 8 to a 5.

No beer, sodas, sugar, starches or grains.

Eating lots of vegetables and lean meats,fish,bird. On weekends I have free range eggs. Daily Yakult and probiotics. Eat yogurt once a day. Eat an an apple or two a day keep me regular and give me enough carbs to function.

Started a 5x5 heavy weight lifting regimen 6 weeks ago. Squats (deep- no half squats. They are bad for your knees.) Dead lift, over head press, barbell row, bench press.

Have improved my dead lift and squat by over 100 pounds each in last 6 weeks.
No more circulation issues. All of my old pains and problems are going away.
Feeling better than I have in years.

Hoping to see normal numbers on my next set of labs.

I HIGHLY recommend the weight lifting for anyone who is having problems with blood sugar.
Getting all of those muscles back in good order really goes a long way towards utilizing blood sugar instead of having to control it with drugs.

Actually, everybody who can should try weight lifting. Heavy squats and dead lifts cause the body to produce HGH (human growth hormone) and really makes you feel younger and more vital.

Not to be rude but now I wake up every morning with the little guy saluting. Haven't done that in 20 years.

I know...TMI...but it makes a big difference in quality of life. I'm a convert. Lift weights!

And don't ever let doctors or insurance get you so down that you stop trying.
If you are in a fight for your life, then fight for it.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by badgerprints

...Not to be rude but now I wake up every morning with the little guy saluting. Haven't done that in 20 years.

lol. Not rude. ...If nothing else does, this might get a few couch potatoes off their butts and make a lot of women happy.

fyi - any exercise lowers glucose - and more - even just walking.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:25 AM


fyi - any exercise lowers glucose - and more - even just walking.

That's true.

I'm just surprised how much better exercise works to burn fat when you already have good muscle tone.
Weightlifting makes those walks more enjoyable and the elevated metabolism causes more fat loss.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

" Is it possible your drugs were generic?"

Yep. All of them.

When this new PA said she was putting me on the brand name Synthroid, she warned me that my insurance would not cover it. However, my co-pay is $10 per month. Keeping that in mind, she gave me a sample box of the brand name, and on the box is a coupon for $10 off retail for a 90 day supply. So, she is going to call it in to the Target pharmacy, which apparently sells the name brand for a reduced price. Using the coupon, at Target, I will get the 90 day supply for $30 dollars, or $10 a month, what I would be paying anyway.

Basically, my out of pocket will be the exact same. The only problem being, I get no "credit" towards what I am paying towards my total out of pocket, but, it is almost the end of the year anyway. I lose my HMO Dec. 31, so it is a moot point.

Yes, the Metformin too, was generic, and in the end I was taking Metformin LA, long acting, 1000 mg in the morning, 1000mg in the evening, so I had 24 hours of it in my gut. I always had a bleh taste in my mouth, just like that taste right after you just take it. Blech. I never lost that taste in my mouth, or the constant nausea, and when the abdominal pain wasn't bad, it was always nagging in the background.

The pancreatic attacks with the Onglyza, which was brand name only, there is no generic, started at a couple of times a month, and at the end of 3 months, I was having them as often as 3 times a WEEK. I was literally terrified to eat. I took the med to the last pill, because I wasn't sure this was what was making me so ill. My husband got my next refill and put it on the coffee table. I got home from work, and the kitties had knocked it off onto the floor, and lost it. We tore the house apart, and couldn't find it. I called the pharmacy to see if I could replace the lost prescription, and they said they had to ask the doctor. They called the office, and the girl at the desk refused to ask the PA or doctor to refill it.

The next month came, when I was short on money, and could not afford the co-pay. I asked them to please call in my prescriptions, and the girl at the desk asked, "Can you come by and get some samples?" I replied, "Not really. It is a 45 minute trip for me one way, I work at night, and it is really hard for me to get down there after a 12 hour shift. Can't they just call it in?" She said she would ask.

All I got was the levothyroxine, and not the Onglyza. This was not the first time they have done this. They withheld meds on me before, my Metformin, to "punish" me for not coming in on time. They really have to give the levo, it is life threatening to withhold that drug.

Anyway, it was a blessing in disguise. It gave me reprieve from the Onglyza, and the attacks stopped. Once my blood levels dropped after a week or so, it was obvious what drug was the culprit. Since then, I have not had even one pancreatic attack, and the abdominal pain is slowly resolving. Still have some, which may be related to the above discussion on Celiac disease. I am definitely going to look into testing for that. What research I have done so far is truly looking like that is the culprit for my remaining issues.

I am so glad for everyones' input, because it has really helped me to think all of this through, opened my eyes to some possibilities, and a lot of helpful ideas, too!

I love the tips for healthy herbal aids and remedies, always looking to do things naturally.

Right now, I am praying the Onglyza has not done some permanent damage. Some of the newer diabetes drugs have caused pancreatic cancer, and I am really a bit frightened. I cannot express how truly ill I became.

Thanks to everyone for your interest and support, and as soon as I get my labs back, I will post them!

Right now, I am enjoying some fresh coffee with my low carb stand by, Half and Half. Got my calcium and Vitamin D, and some fats for energy. Lower carb than milk. I prefer whole cream, but it is painfully out of season here till just about now. My next shopping trip, I will change to whole heavy whipping cream intil February or March.

I use artificial sweetener. No preaching please! I settled on saccharin, as I feel it is the safest and most researched of all. I use it only for coffee. It is called Fasweet, and I buy it by the case online. Free shipping. Sodium free, calcium added.

Not hungry yet. Haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday. I never eat unless hungry. I know it is bad, but I cannot force feed myself since I got sick.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

Not rude at all! And it is so true! When I originally went sugarfree and low carb, I felt like I had the flu. I literally detoxed, and felt soo sick! It lasted 4 days. The fifth day, I awoke with the sun, raring to go, bounded down the stairs, and felt like a new woman! I had more energy than I knew what to do with, and I could go 12-14 hours non-stop. I worked 3 12 hour night shifts a week, and then spent 12 hours a day in the yard, doing housework, doing crafts, anything I could.

The back injury caught up, as did the thyroid problem, still undiagnosed. I got lethargic, almost narcoleptic. When I ate a meal, I could barely stay awake. I had to sleep at least an hour or two, my metabolism slowed to a crawl. That, along with not being able to walk, or lift anything, led me to a state of depression. I had to have spinal surgery, and then realize my life was never going to be the same.

It was just like the greiving process when someone dies, but it is greiving for yourself. You have to rebuild your life. Unfortunately, I have gotten quite good at this. *smirk*

I really missed my weight lifting the most. That and my yoga. I was quite addicted to the burn, and literally lived for it. I lifted 6 days a week, and only took off Sundays. It is amazing how quickly, after 3 solid years of strict lifting and workouts, how fast you can lose tone.

I am just in the last couple years losing the tone in my legs, even though I have been disabled for 6 years. The accident was in 1993.

However, in the last two years, and especially this year, I cannot walk more than about 40 feet without agony. I cannot lift my arms over my head because my spinal fluid flow is blocked by a herniation in my neck. I only have spinal fluid flow on the back side of my spinal cord. My ability to do ANY exercise is severely limited.

The one thing I miss the most is walking. I can sit and watch people walk, how effortless it is for them, and it will sting my eyes with tears. I get epidural steroid shots that allow me to walk a bit more with a bit less pain, and I love them. It doesn't last long, but I enjoy it while I can. I do what limited best I can for that short time. Right now, as we speak, my shots are wearing off. The pain is coming back, and soon I won't be able to even get the mail anymore.

Not sure what the new year, and new insurance holds for me. It may be the end of my shots all together. I am really concerned, but, it is what it is. Maybe another time to greive, yet again.

I envy you the ability to exercise! I am so jealous, and wish I could! What I would give to feel that burn, and the satisfaction of a great workout!

Funny though, how people who can don't, and take all that, along with the ability to walk, for granted. I would love to grab my coffee and take a stroll down the street in the sun...

edit on 9-11-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:06 PM
Stop counting everything
Start eating everything
Stop eating so much, eat tiny tiny tiny portions
Start working out each day
Stop listening to your DR and fire his azz
Start taking control of your life
Stop worrying so much about stupid medical numbers
Start being free of all that crap you've been told it's all BS.

If you do that things will get back to normal.

Diagonosis = Voodoo Curse (same diff)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:22 PM

I envy you the ability to exercise! I am so jealous, and wish I could! What I would give to feel that burn, and the satisfaction of a great workout!

I'll do an extra set of squats just for you.
Stay tough.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

Heheh, bless you. If I ate any less, I wouldn't be eating anything.

If I could workout, I would. As it stands at this moment, just walking 10 feet to the bathroom causes me so much pain it brings tears to my eyes. I already take 8mg of dilaudid every 6 hours, and 325 Soma for severe muscle spasms. I have 0.25 mcg Fentanyl patches for days like today, so it may be time to put on a patch. Having a rough spot, and when the shots wear off, it's like hitting a brick wall at 75mph. The pain is full on, and takes mental readjusting to, to rebuild the tolerance again.

In a perfect world, I would just get my shots again, but my premiums are about to double, and mt out of pocket will go through the roof. I think I am proverbally skee roo'd in that respect.

Time for me to "suck it up, cupcake", and deal.

Maybe getting all this other stuff straightened out is going to help. I am really hoping so! It is about all I gots left!

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:25 PM


I envy you the ability to exercise! I am so jealous, and wish I could! What I would give to feel that burn, and the satisfaction of a great workout!

I'll do an extra set of squats just for you.
Stay tough.

Heheh I would hug ya if I could!


I am doing my best!

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:34 PM
if you have pain just smoke weed. Get off those drugs, they'll kill you. And try and move around anyway. There's a guy on youtube. Sounds like he was in the same boat. He started very small and did a bit each day. within a year he was sprinting and running marathons. Check out this video...

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

I can't. I have been at my job almost 12 years. They do drug screens. So does my pain clinic. If I get caught doing that, I lose both, and so, like no. :

Besides, a long time ago, it made it worse.

That's a great video! I started out at 312 lbs. I was 236 yesterday. I didn't want to post my weight, but what the heck. May as well put it all out there! Extra large bone frame, 5' 6 3/4" tall. Wrist measurement 7 3/4". When I was lifting, I weighed 190 lbs, wore size 9, and was a knockout in a bikini! No joke. I carried weight well, and was an inch taller. Lost height due to my spine and surgeries.

edit on 9-11-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 06:48 AM
Still taking the generic Levo. Got 5 left after today. Yesterday was horrible. I slept all day, most of the night, and finally woke up at 5 am. I finally just decided I will stay up now. I could literally not keep my eyes open! I have been cutting back on my Soma, as well as spacing my Dilaudid out to 10-12 hours as opposed to every 6. As long as my pain stays under control, I am fine. On Saturday and Sunday, however, my pain was so severe, I had to use one of my Fentanyl patches. Going to take it off today, and not replace it, as I use them very prn. I am now sure my epidural steroid injections for my leg pain are wearing off. This makes me sad. Not sure what I am going to do, but I see my pain management doctor the 19th.

Still not able to eat much. Fearful of pain, and still have some nausea. I had two scrambled eggs, a smoked link about 4 inches long, and two patty sausages for breakfast yesterday.

I think I have gone through my glucagon dump, as my blood glucose yesterday was 151, and there was simply no other reason for it to be that high. That also may be the reason I was so sleepy.

Took my blood glucose just now, and it was 102, so it seems the dump is likely over, and I am on the way to normalization. As long as I don't slip up and eat and sugar or carbs.

I am aiming again, for 25 carbs or less per day, at least for induction or the first several weeks. I may try to ramp up a little and see how it goes, but for now, I am going to keep it low.

Still waiting for my labs. I am expecting them to be horrible, especially my lipid panel, but with the obvious malabsorption going on, I may be surprised.

My neurologist also did say that Topamax (Topirimate) for my migraines can affect cholesterol, so we shall see! Labs should come in the mail anytime in the next few days.

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