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Sections Of Rand Paul’s Op-Ed On Drug Sentencing Plagiarized From Article Week Earlier

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posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:22 AM

It's been clear now for sometime what the Right on ATS has devolved into (not all, but too many), it's not even worth arguing with you guys anymore, I used to value that even if I got mad... I guess that's part of it, hardly a one of you even make me mad anymore and even fewer are capable of discussion. Just even bigger circle jerk than what it was before. Mostly all this is anymore is just pathetic. You lack the integrity to call your own out.

Are there more pressing matters in the world? Yes. Is this a big deal? Yes. Why? Because it is theft and a false presentation of self. This is not using comparisons in speeches, the movie stuff sure I can look past a politician using movie scenarios to make a point, it's not a bad way to reach an audience at all and using quotes is fine too for the same reason... stealing others words to do so, not so much. Stealing an entire two paragraphs of someone else's article to write your own article? It's disgusting and it's wrong. When all along so many of you claimed to love his honesty and integrity... he is not his father and his father is no longer in a position to give you the change you want. Own up to it, admit it and move on... do not accept less, don't keep up the fantasy of him being his father's son. Look for it elsewhere. It has to be out there somewhere.

Don't compromise on the lesser of two evils paradigm, it is that very thing that keeps us all trapped.

You are, of course, correct that plagiarism is lazy, foolish and wrong. You are also right that all instances should be called out as such and the perpetrators shamed. Paul has disappointed me in much more substantial ways thus far (I suppose those transgressions are not of interest to some).

I was just pointing out that with so many crimes being committed by Republicans (and Democrats but, I wouldn't expect that in this thread), there would ordinarily be more concrete villainy to expose.

I guess I am judging the content by my own yardstick. I wouldn't bother ridiculing Mike Barnicle or even the NYT reporter when there is such an overabundance of consequential wrongdoings to cite. It amounts to an attack on a personality rather than any political or ideological impugnation. It is a distraction from what is truly important. Not irrelevant but, not meaningful.
edit on 6-11-2013 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:25 AM
This is not just one instance...

I started a thread here just yesterday...and it is ongoing. Entire cut and paste paragraphs.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:37 AM

This is not just one instance...

I started a thread here just yesterday...and it is ongoing. Entire cut and paste paragraphs.

It is embarrassing, granted. However, unless he is intentionally doing it out of disinterest and laziness, it becomes a question of how such easily identifiable cases could be making there way into his comments. Either way plagiarism, while unacceptable, does not rise to the repugnancy of bold faced repetitive lies which seem to get a shrug and a pass.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:37 AM
Also see here...The conservative Washington Post...

The Washington Times suspends Rand Paul's columns

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:39 AM

This is not just one instance...

I started a thread here just yesterday...and it is ongoing. Entire cut and paste paragraphs.

Yeah really, If this keeps up at the current pace, ATS may need to devote a whole new forum to Rand Paul Plagiarism alone!

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:47 AM
We accepted a new lower standard when we elected Joe Biden. What short memories some of you have! Once the standard is lowered it seems that (insert issue here) is fair game.

link to Joe Biden's past

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by greencmp

In my opinion it's also a huge, huge insult to people's intelligence... and what's worse is that defending him on this proves him right. When I was an Obama supporter (feels like a lifetime ago) and a Democrat, I allowed those 'small' transgressions a pass too until one day (and this is what I so miss about having discussions with people ideologically different then me) a member here got me to see how much of myself I had compromised. And sure enough little by little I began to see cracks everywhere...

To keep it on the lighter side, in retrospect I should have cared about Clinton having an affair. I wouldn't tolerate that in a friend or boyfriend or husband... this is a man who betrayed his marriage and family, the people who supported him the most, who paid the highest price for his Presidency and he hurt them, not just on a personal level but he put his child forever in the light of being the daughter of an adulterer, a man who had oral sex in the Oval Office... and of being the daughter of a woman who forgave him for it... he did that to his daughter and he was in charge of our Country and I said who cares who sleeps with, not a big deal... no one's business. Except his character was our business.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Just to clarify, in no way am I overlooking the accusations at hand,
however what I am saying is that the only reason any one ( Maddow of all people)
is watching Rands every move is that he poses a threat to the psychopaths in power.

Now the rest of my post is directed to those who are babbling left right carp.

Since when did it become a cause of the left to embrace the mass drone killings
carried out by Barack Hussein ??? The current POTUS - who is now known
for his saying " I am really good at killing people".

This is an atrocity, yet I dont see anyone saying Barack should be impecahed?
No one is even saying this disqualifies Barack from his office.

Remember, Rand took a stand against this hideous atocity,
many other people seem to just look away.

And last of all what hypocisy I see in some to overlook that fact that Joe Biden
has a huge past with plagerism.

Senator Joseph Biden[edit]
Biden was forced to withdraw from the 1988 Democratic US Presidential nominations when it was alleged that he had failed a 1965 introductory law school course on legal methodology due [85] to plagiarism. "Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., fighting to salvage his Presidential campaign . . . acknowledged 'a mistake' in his youth, when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school. Mr. Biden insisted, however, that he had done nothing 'malevolent,' that he had simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully."[86] Biden withdrew from the race September 23, 1987, and reported the law school incident to the Delaware Supreme Court. The court's Board of Professional Responsibility cleared him of any allegations.[87]

Biden was also accused of plagiarizing portions of his speeches, notably those of British Labour leader Neil Kinnock and US Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Biden was forced out of the Presidential race after the Michael Dukakis campaign released a video showing Biden using one of Kinnock's speeches without properly attributing it. Biden called the charges "much ado about nothing;"[86] it was also revealed that Biden had used and properly cited the Kinnock speech on several other occasions, although he failed to do so on the one instance recorded by the Dukakis campaign.[88]

Where are the threads on Joe Biden?
Why does Maddow focus on Rand?
Simple, he is a threat to the status quo - psychopaths Killers
we have ruling in The White House.

I see a big hypocrisy here, its plain and simple.
edit on 6-11-2013 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by burntheships

The status quo of the GOP (the RINO's) have already selected Chris Christy. Rand's popularity is a polarizing problem. They MUST get him under control. Who knows what lengths they will go to discredit him. This is entirely predictable.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by MsAphrodite


And expect to see more of this demonization of Rand, Cruz, and anyone
who dares to expose the deep corruptions, the atrocities, anyone
who poses a threat of getting elected and then they wont tow the
two party line.

Look at McCain, he is an example of real nauseousness.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Since when did it become a cause of the left to embrace the mass drone killings
carried out by Barack Hussein ??? The current POTUS - who is now known
for his saying " I am really good at killing people".

Might want to check out Occupy and CodePink for a more accurate representation of the Left, the democrats with a very fair few exception represent center/center right/center left... not left. And we are well spoken out against Obama but I don't expect you to actually check for yourself or have come across it in anything you read for information.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Your right I am not going to waste my time. The left-right paradigm
is faulty, its nothing but a way to keep the simple minded all tied
up in knots.

I look at issues, not the labels put on those who champion them
or conversely, expose them.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:22 PM

reply to post by greencmp

In my opinion it's also a huge, huge insult to people's intelligence... and what's worse is that defending him on this proves him right. When I was an Obama supporter (feels like a lifetime ago) and a Democrat, I allowed those 'small' transgressions a pass too until one day (and this is what I so miss about having discussions with people ideologically different then me) a member here got me to see how much of myself I had compromised. And sure enough little by little I began to see cracks everywhere...

To keep it on the lighter side, in retrospect I should have cared about Clinton having an affair. I wouldn't tolerate that in a friend or boyfriend or husband... this is a man who betrayed his marriage and family, the people who supported him the most, who paid the highest price for his Presidency and he hurt them, not just on a personal level but he put his child forever in the light of being the daughter of an adulterer, a man who had oral sex in the Oval Office... and of being the daughter of a woman who forgave him for it... he did that to his daughter and he was in charge of our Country and I said who cares who sleeps with, not a big deal... no one's business. Except his character was our business.

True indeed, it isn't that I excuse the behavior, I just see focusing on it as an indication that there is a real fear from the statists of the ideas that he represents (properly delivered or not).

(go sox!)

edit on 6-11-2013 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:25 PM

reply to post by Kali74

Your right I am not going to waste my time. The left-right paradigm
is faulty, its nothing but a way to keep the simple minded all tied
up in knots.

I look at issues, not the labels put on those who champion them
or conversely, expose them.

The left-right paradigm is faulty and you're above it?
Got a bridge to sell me too?

How do you know there are issues if no one is exposing them?

There may be a false paradigm that republicans and democrats are vastly different, but there very much is a right-left paradigm... always has one, always will be. You're clearly right wing as is Rand Paul, don't insult our collective intelligence and claim otherwise. How much deeper can one bury their head in the sand?

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by greencmp

It's amusing that you see Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or any of the lot of them as anti-statist... they aren't, a different state is still a state and they are very much authoritarian.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:29 PM

reply to post by greencmp

It's amusing that you see Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or any of the lot of them as anti-statist... they aren't, a different state is still a state and they are very much authoritarian.

They are the only constitutionalists speaking out publicly, who would you recommend I support?

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by greencmp

If I thought they actually were Constitutionalists, I wouldn't have much a problem with them at all... even if they are right wing and I am left but they aren't... anymore than Obama turned out to be anti-corporate.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:38 PM


The left-right paradigm is faulty

Yes, it is and your falling for it hook line and sinker.

and you're above it?

Go after the ball, not the player; with that said I
wont engage in your detractions.

Here: this guy says it well.
G E Griffen Discusses the False Left Right Paradigm

edit on 6-11-2013 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:40 PM

reply to post by greencmp

If I thought they actually were Constitutionalists, I wouldn't have much a problem with them at all... even if they are right wing and I am left but they aren't... anymore than Obama turned out to be anti-corporate.

Cruz is married to a bankster and Paul isn't holding his ground but, in principal (at least by what they say out loud), they are the most vocal office-holding supporters of our constitution.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by greencmp

As Obama was outspoken against the cronyism of corporations and politicians? What good do words do if you don't back them up?

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