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Why does the paranormal "elite" ignore Bashar? A good article!

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posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 05:52 PM

reply to post by BigfootNZ

I'm sure that all the skeptics will disagree with me, but I think the key is to find something meaningful. Something that you feel resonates with some sort of truth that you know through experience.

That would be called faith wouldnt it?.. unfortunately you cant prove anything to others with faith.

Some people might find resonance with the rantings of the mumbling crayzie old homeless guy on the corner, doesnt mean what he's talking about is truth because they feel like it touches something inside of them, but at least the homeless guy on the corner isnt going to ask you for money upfront before he tells you his 'truth'.

I was thinking about this sort of thing last night after reading a few threads in here. It seems the more it becomes harder to verify newer UFO's sightings and the like in the modern world with CGI hoaxes becoming harder to detect and with tools to fake it widely available to the layman and with the interest in the subject waning in the general publics eye (or claims are becoming harder to simply justify thanks to advances in technology) there are those who seem to be attempting to shift it from a physical occurance to a spiritual concept.

After all its alot harder to discredit the spiritual/extra dimensional idea of aliens and ufos given you cant prove it doesnt exist (or exist for that matter), and it gives you a complete free run to say anything you want to iron over any issues something might have (ie the old "A Wizard did it" clause).

They're changing the core of the subject so they can use new, harder to rebuff excuses for when meet with denial or skepticism. Also like alot of spiritual things it draws in a ton of disillusioned followers looking for meaning in their life.

That recent trend in my mind just goes to show how corrupt the entire UFOlogy field is now (and in many ways always was), and like our current society it needs to completely collapse before it can get back to its roots where actual research was dont on tangible events not a bunch of people claiming X Y and Z or writing a book about their ideas and saying this is how it is.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by BigfootNZ

I think that if someone wants to find the truth in a crazy, homeless guy, they're more than welcome to. I wouldn't, but they do have that option.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 11:24 PM


That recent trend in my mind just goes to show how corrupt the entire UFOlogy field is now (and in many ways always was), and like our current society it needs to completely collapse before it can get back to its roots where actual research was dont on tangible events not a bunch of people claiming X Y and Z or writing a book about their ideas and saying this is how it is.

^^^ 100% This.

Dr. J Allen Hynek and Dr James McDonald are rolling over in their graves at stuff like this.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by brazenalderpadrescorpio

Obviously you are new to this. The RA material has been online for quite some time now. And has been debated to death.

This now explains to me why you got hooked on Bashar. You are just starting to go in to "New Age" thingy, and are easily impressed. Obviously, since the RA material is almost New Age 101....

After you go in to it a bit will have forgotten all about Bashar...since what he's been done before...many times.

As we said...nothing new...

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

Actually, I am not new to new age thought. You would be more correct if you implied that I dwelt within a small circle of new age influences. I would stay away from over-simplification if I were you.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 08:45 AM

reply to post by brazenalderpadrescorpio

Obviously you are new to this. The RA material has been online for quite some time now. And has been debated to death.

This now explains to me why you got hooked on Bashar. You are just starting to go in to "New Age" thingy, and are easily impressed. Obviously, since the RA material is almost New Age 101....

After you go in to it a bit will have forgotten all about Bashar...since what he's been done before...many times.

As we said...nothing new...

so how do you like the Ra Material..are You able to "use it as a tool".

You sound very ignorant and arrogant. Its not about "what is new" ..its about what resonates with you.

edit on 13-11-2013 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by kauskau

Exactly. You don't throw away an old concept just because it has been discussed ad nauseam. Besides, as I've mentioned elsewhere, I have a heavy internet footprint, and the only place that I personally have heard of the Ra material is on ATS. But then again, ATS is the forum that I've devoted the most attention to.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by kauskau

The RA material is very it touches certain subjects we have no explanation for. I would say it resonated with me within some topics, so I'm putting in the "could be real" shelf. But I would hardly go online and preach that it's the truth..because it resonates with me. It is always a subjective experience.

You have to understand...stuff like channelling is way out there. Primarily because it can not be proven. In can most likely be proven a hoax...given the chance.

There are myriad of channellers that have been exposed as hoaxes...mostly due to their "predictions" about ET disclosure...which eventually never turn out to be true.

I sense that the 2 of you believe in this channeling stuff like it's a given. Tell me...has Bashar (or Anka) offered any proof to the casual youtube watcher...that he indeed can contact some Aliens ?

Are you even interested to be certain that he indeed communicates with them...or is he just brilliantly smart and well spoken and is just taking you for a ride ?

You know...even the greatest of liars and swindlers have their following and believers. You just need to be more least here on ATS

I apologize if I offended any of was not my intention. I just sometimes hate to beat around the bush and pick flowery words.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 08:23 AM

reply to post by kauskau

The RA material is very it touches certain subjects we have no explanation for. I would say it resonated with me within some topics, so I'm putting in the "could be real" shelf. But I would hardly go online and preach that it's the truth..because it resonates with me. It is always a subjective experience.

You have to understand...stuff like channelling is way out there. Primarily because it can not be proven. In can most likely be proven a hoax...given the chance.

There are myriad of channellers that have been exposed as hoaxes...mostly due to their "predictions" about ET disclosure...which eventually never turn out to be true.

I sense that the 2 of you believe in this channeling stuff like it's a given. Tell me...has Bashar (or Anka) offered any proof to the casual youtube watcher...that he indeed can contact some Aliens ?

Are you even interested to be certain that he indeed communicates with them...or is he just brilliantly smart and well spoken and is just taking you for a ride ?

You know...even the greatest of liars and swindlers have their following and believers. You just need to be more least here on ATS

I apologize if I offended any of was not my intention. I just sometimes hate to beat around the bush and pick flowery words.

As i said: there is no human on earth who can do what darryl does..Thats proof enough for me.
If he´d be that smart he could make money with real stuff instead of a hoax.

Once again : i offer 1000 dollars for a person who can make a show like bashar ...but condition: without channeling


you dont offend me..i know how you think. And i can not really talk clever to you. I hate to speak english but i like listening to it ;9

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by kauskau

can make a show like bashar

Showmanship does not imply truthfulness. Anyway...I started to listen to one of the videos you posted, but I was repulsed by the "stand-up comedy" like speech...

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 10:39 AM

reply to post by kauskau

can make a show like bashar

Showmanship does not imply truthfulness. Anyway...I started to listen to one of the videos you posted, but I was repulsed by the "stand-up comedy" like speech...

with show i mean: "lie in a way like that"....its not possible for humans. Trust me.

When you listen to it long enough you will know that..


I listened to so much and i am truly happy how for all those people whose hearts where lifted and whose problems became light after talking to him.....But i understand: the problem i am the one that likes him and there is a natural balance in you not wanting to be "convinced"..
thats normal.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

I think that one of the reasons I don't have a natural bias towards channelling is because one of my first new age influences (not my first, one of my first) was a channeller (Jane Roberts) that I talk about on a thread that I created. I think it all boils down to what you're used to.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 11:57 AM
My issue is that channelling by its very nature is paranormal. As such this has little to do with Aliens and UFOs.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:46 PM

reply to post by Aleister

I don't think he's using that word dogging right. Dogging from what I remember means to denigrate.

I'll respond to that to help you, 'dogging' in most of the western world these days is a term used for when people have sex with strangers in semi public, as in a deserted car park, woods etc. Fairly common term and it may help you to avoid a slightly embarrassing situation to know that.

As for the thread? I believe in channellers as much as I'm sure my ancestors from a couple of centuries ago believed in the mediums of the day - not at all.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:48 PM


reply to post by kauskau

can make a show like bashar

Showmanship does not imply truthfulness. Anyway...I started to listen to one of the videos you posted, but I was repulsed by the "stand-up comedy" like speech...

with show i mean: "lie in a way like that"....its not possible for humans. Trust me.

When you listen to it long enough you will know that..


I listened to so much and i am truly happy how for all those people whose hearts where lifted and whose problems became light after talking to him.....But i understand: the problem i am the one that likes him and there is a natural balance in you not wanting to be "convinced"..
thats normal.

You seem so sure about what humans can and cannot do. Not sure why you believe you are qualified to do that.

If listening to this guy makes you happy, that's great. You do not have any way of confirming where his 'message' comes from, why do you feel you should try and tell others about it without having that confirmation? IS this your religion?

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by kauskau

You know what man, I've listened to (literally) hundreds of hours of Bashar. And I still even now don't know what I think about him for sure. My opinion changes after every lecture or Q&A session I listen to. But I do know what I've heard him say, and I know how I feel about his words, and this is why I've felt for the first time ever compelled to comment on Darryl Anka and his alien friend. Because I have to say, after listening to his words for so long, they really do ring truer than they do falsely.

I used to call my mum crazy when I was a kid for listening to people like Ester Hicks (Abraham) and all that New Age crap. I hated that pseudo-spiritual nonsense until about my early 20s. I'm 24 now, and after listening to Bashar for so long (and some of Abraham), I have to say, there is more to these guys than first meets the eye. Aliens or no aliens, spirits or no spirits, these people are wise. I haven't regretted a moment of my life since I began to practice their philosophies a few years ago. It changed my life immeasurably for the better in ways I couldn't even begin to describe in words even if I wanted to.

I've also studied Eastern philosophy for hundreds of hours too, for that matter (including all of Alan Watt's books and lectures), and truth be told, if you were to compare what Bashar (and Abraham) teaches to what eastern Zen Masters like R. H. Blyth and Shunryu Suzuki and Alan Watts teach, it's almost identical concepts! And, just like Zen, people seem to either "get it" or they don't. And those who don't tend to ridicule those who do. But those who truly "get it" don't care! And I find that genuinely amusing, albeit sad. Those who ridicule have no idea what they're missing
But each to their own!

But in any case, since I'm a "Zenarchist" Taoist at heart, I have to say... I've warmed to Bashar regardless of who he is. I quote him all the time too. What can I say? Wisdom speaks for itself, regardless of its bald-headed source.
edit on 14/11/2013 by TheAnarchist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by TheAnarchist

Sometimes it's good to be in the minority. I think you're brave to comment in favor of.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by uncommitted

Thanks for that look into the embarrassing and awkward direction language is evolving towards...

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by TheAnarchist

Thanks for your words. It makes me really happy that there are people out there feeling the same about all this stuff.

ANd yes: as you can see i am also a fan of alan watts...

I started with my search for enlightenment 12 years ago..and first learned everything i wanted to know about "the truth " from the perspective of "humans"..

So i guess for people like us who were interested in "spiritual" things for a long time ..Bashar is not so hard to handle.

edit on 15-11-2013 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 08:25 AM



reply to post by kauskau

can make a show like bashar

Showmanship does not imply truthfulness. Anyway...I started to listen to one of the videos you posted, but I was repulsed by the "stand-up comedy" like speech...

with show i mean: "lie in a way like that"....its not possible for humans. Trust me.

When you listen to it long enough you will know that..


I listened to so much and i am truly happy how for all those people whose hearts where lifted and whose problems became light after talking to him.....But i understand: the problem i am the one that likes him and there is a natural balance in you not wanting to be "convinced"..
thats normal.

You seem so sure about what humans can and cannot do. Not sure why you believe you are qualified to do that.

If listening to this guy makes you happy, that's great. You do not have any way of confirming where his 'message' comes from, why do you feel you should try and tell others about it without having that confirmation? IS this your religion?

good question.

i guess for me its a feeling of wanting to shake people awake to the wonders that are around us!

For me its often like i would live in a world in which people do not have eyes to see and ears to hear.

When i first saw a Video from "Papaji".....(an enlightened guru from india)...i knew that he speaks from "a point" of truth....of the truth everybody is.
It took me some time to accept that others are not searching for the truth they are.
But that does not change that i want to shake them awake

Thats how i am. I understand that this seems ignorant in a way and i am trying to learn every day to just accept that People want to play the game of life in a circular way sometimes.

edit on 15-11-2013 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2013 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

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