posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 01:02 AM
\As for the cultural aspects of social construction-ism, yes over the course of human history certain cultures such as the Romans and Ancient Greeks
for example have tolerated homo-sexuality. And depending on the Era and dominant religion at the time has determined the tolerance level of
Suppose is good example, though we have to take into mind how few written sources we have from those times.
I wouldn't say Romans tolerated homosexuality exactly, both Mark Anthony and Caesar had rumors about their sexuality used against them. I would say
... they put up with it and in some circles it was seen as 'okay' for men so long as the man stayed dominant. They didn't have words for
homosexuals though and very little information exists about lesbianism.
I guess am bringing it up to highlight how different their toleration of it is from say Western toleration. In some respects, not much has changed.
You're not going to get a gay American President in the next five years without something crazy happening.
I suppose this is where my fundamental issue with the idea of social constructivism as a practical theory comes up ... We're not the Greeks or the
Romans. As we evolve as creatures the 'truth' of how we 'ought' to be may change over time with our biology and what we're capable of medically
and scientifically. It's not a bad thing.
I feel these days the term itself along with moral relativism theory has become a little more than an insult or useful debating technique to throw off
an opponent. Rather than deal with the actual discussion at hand it's much easier to say, 'so I suppose you don't believe in objective moral
truth' and take the argument down that old path, or accuse your opponent of affronting science with their social constructivist arguments.
The probability of the matter is that at any given time in history there are objective facts about us and our biology even if we can't 100% prove
them and, whilst objective facts and knowledge can't really be 'made' by us, our understanding of the world is certainly shared via whatever
communication methods we have at any given time.