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Some theories on Adams race and genetics

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posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 02:01 AM
1) Most people imagine Adam, and his immediate family to have been of a specific racial type, in terms of skin color and features. BUT what if Adams ''race'' was completely different from that of what we recognize as races today?..................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..................................................................... .....2)Adam being the original would haven been the ideal human prototype in terms of physical features and would have been endowed with superior genetics. He may not have resembled any of the known racial types, but could have been something competely different... Yet human in all aspects. ..................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..............................................................,,.,........,,,.,,, 3) Adam and the early humans would have been of some super-race from which all other racial types descended. (Think of the tall, bluish, well built engineers from 'Prometheus'. ) In fact some accounts describe Adam and Eve as unusually tall! ..............................................................................,,,,,...................,,,.,,.........................................4 ) Adams ''ethnicity'' is not mentioned in any record. However it is mentioned that Adam was created from different types of 'soils' which led to the creation of various races. So Adam hiself would have been raceless! ................................................................,,,,,,,,,,..........................................................................5) Maybe over generations, migrations and climatic change, the original Adamic features began to dilute and racial features of modern humans started to become prominent. .................................................................................,.................anyway, these are just some thoughts I had earlier, and thought I'd share. I could be wrong, as I don't have a time machine. God knows best!

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 02:07 AM
-Does is it really matter? Oh my, a Dark Sninned human interbreeding with an inferior race. Just as Qweeni Elibie for such answers.

Best Regard,


posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

While OP is all 'maybe', 'possibly', 'suppose this', 'could be' speculation, there's actually been testing on the molecular scale to trace the movements, migrations, and neighborly habits of humans through time.

In terms of DNA comparison, we have:

1. Subsaharan African
2. Neanderthal
3. Denisovan
4. Unknown hominid
5. Chimpanzee

Chimpanzee is used for comparison purposes for dating back to common ancestry.

In every modern person tested, everyone, except a small group of Subsaharan Africans showed Neanderthal DNA.
The only DNA that shows no change over the course of tens of thousands of years, since the dawn of humanity as a species, and no added mixture is that of the Subsaharan Black Africans.

Everyone else has variations on that template with Neanderthal DNA mixed in, and in some cases Denisovan, and in some other cases Neanderthal plus some unknown hominid, but in all cases, except the Africans, there's Neanderthal.

No one as of yet has been found with chimpanzee DNA.

The African base is always there, as a base, but, in variation and mixture with other fun stuff.

With the only 'pure' human DNA coming from Subsaharan stock, anyone that could qualify as the progenitor of an entire species would necessarily be of Subsaharan stock.

You're welcome to make up theories about genetics based off of words in a book that's proven time and again to be a collection of lies, or, you can actually USE GENETICS, to trace ancestry.

edit on 10/26/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:23 AM
I always imagined him being light brown with a middle eastern looking nose and wide jaw and wavy hair, but I dunno it doesn't really matter. If anything we should be asking; did Eve have a ghetto booty?

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

That is a very intelligent answer! I say this because my father before he passed had hs DNA tested through family tree DNA and his YDNA haplogroup was hap B, second to Hap A, with a plethora of other more/most recent common ancestors (MRCA) from regions near and some far away from Africa, which is where admixture comes in to every other human being on this planet, unless you're Japanese or Nigerian (they tend to be the only pure blood lines with no admixture).

I had my DNA tested as well, mtDNA or mitochondrial DNA and it tested Orcadian/Native American-Siberian. The higher percentage 52% being mtDNA, 48% being yDNA. Only to add that you are obviously somewhat knowledgeable about this field of study.

I will however add Y-DNA hap B is severely understudied.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:29 AM

did Eve have a ghetto booty?

Okay....that's so not funny!

BTW, are you referring to the same noses depicted in Ancient Sumeria, Nubia, Egypt...etc? Just curious (I would like to think you were just being funny, but I couldn't let that slip by)
edit on 10/26/13 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:38 AM


did Eve have a ghetto booty?

Okay....that's so not funny!

BTW, are you referring to the same noses depicted in Ancient Sumeria, Nubia, Egypt...etc? Just curious (I would like to think you were just being funny, but I couldn't let that slip by)
edit on 10/26/13 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

Haha, yeah I think I mean that area, I couldn't describe a nose but I mean this is just how I pictured him reading the stories

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by Kratos40

Yes, it does matter as a matter of fact. There's these sciences called archeology & anthropology and this other thing some call history...and if someone were to present history in its true form...then yes, it would and does matter.

Therefore....maybe we would "all" know the truth.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 05:23 AM
@alicebleachwhite................The out of africa theory is just one of the various theories attempting to explain certain aspects of this subject. Much like how the asteroid theory is but one of many theories explaining how dinosaurs went extinct. The most popular theory isn't neccessarily the most correct one. -............................................................................Even if we leave the Adamic account out of this, there still had to be that first original pair of modern humans in order for there to be all those races. So now, did the unguided process of evolution produce a modern male and female at the same time? Or were things a bit more 'loose ended'? How can you be so sure? .......................................................................................................... Either way, this thread operates around a theological premise, which offers an alternate explanation to our origins. Those subscribing to this themw can take it and those who don't are free to leave it.
edit on 26-10-2013 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

Here is a question for you. Most have never considered how long Adam was supposed to have lived before the woman arrived and how long after that before the fall. Was it one year, 100 years, 1000 years, 100,000 years, 1,000,000 years...?
Ah, I see some of you hadn't considered that! It opens up more answers than questions.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by MadMax9

Well that's kinda of like asking "which came first, the chicken or the egg"? Neither of which I have an answer for but, the statement you made IMO is nonsense!

The poster prior to you (sorry for not quoting) basically stated a common theory. The fact that I want explained, which has not yet thoroughly, is why the genetics community claims that every human being, on Earth carries an African gene. My neighbor is a reasearch geneticist for CalTech and we're always debating this!!!

I know why I have an African father was black and carried an extemely rare gene for any Black American (this haplogroup is almost never ever found outside of Afrca...not a typical "African American Slave other words, hs ancestors never shoud have been here according to their ancestral location, which was what used to be caled Nubia...ever end up in N America). But, how and why should I believe that my mother, who's not black, carried this supposed African gene.

I have another question too...are you looking forward to Ron Burgundy....because I am

edit on 10/26/13 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 06:29 AM
Who cares what Adam's ethnicity might have been? God ripped a rib right outta his chest and he didn't bat an eyelash. Adam: the penultimate bad-ass!!

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

Thanks for an interesting post. This is something I have been interested in for a while as well, and I will humbly give my interpretations and theories on the basis of the various ancient texts that I have sought out myself to find answers.

This is thus the short version.

However. Before we dive into this, it is of importance to understand that the history of the Canon Bible as well as all other biblical texts only tells the story of the Middle east, a part of Europe and a part of North Africa. All other continents are completely left out.

If we take a look at the Sumerian texts first, we learn that a race of human beings (Adapa’s) was initially created as alien slaves to do hard work for them, such as digging canals, tilling the lands, producing food, assist in building and looking after the domestic animals. They eventually became so many, and so “troublesome”, that the aliens decided to exterminate them. They did this in a flood (just like told in the Bible). After the flood, the aliens created a new and second human race. This race they described was lesser, lived for a short time and was subject to more deceases.

However. The Biblical texts (and the Gnostics) tells us a lot more about those creations. According to these texts, the aliens did several attempts to create an acceptable human race , before they succeded. According to Gnostic texts (On the origin of the world and others), four such failed races were created. Some of them was not intelligent enough , while others couldn’t reproduce or some of them could either. These races are also described as being androgynous. The fifth race beings the (Adama’s) was the first race that was created (man and woman) and could thus pass genes to each other to their children, as well as being intelligent. Biblical texts even tells us about the first IQ test ever. The result of this test showed that the Adamas (here Adam) was more intelligent then the alien race of Satan’s (here Azazel)

This race is in many texts described as being the aliens equals. They were small giants, darkheaded (according to Sumerian texts) and had a lifespan of about 1000 years and had light skin. According to those texts, there was only two human races at this time, (The Seth’ites and the Cain’ites). The Seth’ites was the descendants of Adam and Eve/Lilith, while the cain’ites were the descendants of the race that at that time was referred to as the Satan’s. The Satans intermingled with the Adama’s and thus the Cain’ites (a dark skinned race) was created. Cain was for instance said to be the son of Azazael (or Samael). The latter is also referred to as Satanel, which the word Satan probably origins.

Then (at the time of Jarded) a large group of alien colonists seems descended to earth. According to ancient texts, they either rebelled or was allowed to descend to earth to keep an eye on the human beings (hence they were called the watchers). They eventually disobeyed the aliens prime directives and intermingled with the Seth’ites and the cain’ithes and revealed forbidden knowledge and technology. The Sumerian texts are those ancient texts that tells the story of these watchers, while they basically settled in ancient Sumer, while the biblical texts tells the story of the human beings.

The offspring of this unions, became known as the Nephilim, who were the Giants. The Nephilim (over time) subdivided into several giant tribes and races. The most important of these tribes were The Anakim, The Amorites, Amalekites and The Rephaim and lots of others. Sadly most of their history is vanished and destroyed as it became forbidden to speak and write about them.

It was in this time that the watchers in association with the giants began to do experiments on every living life forms Thus they over time created monster animals and mixtures of humans and animals as well as terrorizing the other human races. Because of these experimenting lots of deceases broke out and it became dangerous to eat animals. Those became known as the “unclean animals”.

The alien leadership eventually decided to destroy the entire creations, and restart civilization. Thus they brought on a great flood.

After the flood the aliens supplied a new generation of “clean” animals, as well as a new race of human beings. This was the human race that are still around. They were the aliens lookalikes, but they had some different genes that made them shorter and just lived for a short period. According to these ancient biblical texts , there were thus created 72 new tribes (races), who (in the time of Peleg and Joktan) was moved (by force) by the aliens to different nations that was allotted to them (The babel myth). These became the races that populated the middle east, the north of Africa and Europe. The other races and continents we know little about.

So why did these alien colonists create exactly 72 races? We never get an exact answer to this, but my theory is that these aliens themselves was group of a total of 72 different races, thus they all participated with their seed.

Most of the aliens left earth some 500 years before the rule of king Solomon, but the descendants of the watchers (demigods) lived side by side with the 72 other human races (after the flood) until they eventually became extinct.

Since the Chinese and the Indians are those nations today that are heaviest populated (over a billion each) , I strongly suggest they were the first races that was created. The primitive skeletons that mainstream science dig up from time to time to prove their evolution theory. I strongly suggest are members of the first failed races that they aliens created.

Please note. That as a aa-theorist, I am not driven by religious or political agenda’s to spread my views. Thus I am not trying to influence somebody or provoke anybody. These studies on mine are purely personal interests and personal interpretations and views. I don’t claim to have any full proof answers. Just views based on my personal study.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 06:47 AM
@MadMax9.... ''how long Adam was supposed to have lived before the woman arrived '' ....... Valid question, I guess. But since Eve was created specifically for Adam, whenever she did arrive, she was compatible with Adam as the female of the species. -........................................................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The bigger question is, how long do ToE proponents say was the gap between the evolution of compatible male and female cells? Or did an unguided evolutionary process produce them conveniently at the same time, according to the theory? And how are they so sure?

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 07:15 AM

Who cares what Adam's ethnicity might have been? God ripped a rib right outta his chest and he didn't bat an eyelash. Adam: the penultimate bad-ass!!

Adam was quite a wimp, he died so many times!

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

Adam is everyman prior to judgement walking in paradise.
Adam is everyman after judgement banished from paradise.

When Adam splits the whole into bits (different races etc.) he is divided.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 07:33 AM
Biblical illiteracy is a pretty large problem. First, there is the general term "adam" and the bible says that God saw there were some for hunters and fishers, but no man to till the ground so He made "ETH ha Adam" or THE man Adam. It sets apart a man to till the ground.

God looked at all the Adam ' mankind He made and found them all wonderful. I cannot prove what I am about to say as coming from the bible, but it is how I see things naturally happening. I see God as a loving Parent if you will. God made billions of souls, we all existed in an age prior to this present physical age, and we were spoiled rotten. We wanted for nothing, knew nothing of struggle, and for a long time there was harmony. The Morning stars sang for Joy together and we know they are Lucifer and Yeshua. Then, for whatever reason, Lucifer whose job it was to guard the throne of God decided to sit on that Throne and thought he should be worshiped as God.

Now, the bible tells us that 1/3 of us sided with Lucifer, a small portion called the Zadok (Righteous) sided with God and the rest basically went fishing for the day and didn't feel we had a dog in this fight. We are then told that God destroyed that age, but that in His love for His children he wanted to create a way of salvation. So, while we may have loved God in that age or not, we didn't have the necessary ability to unconditionally love and that is what we needed to learn through the school we now call this Earth age.

It was required for all of us to be born into the flesh in order to graduate and learn all of this and if we refused as those angels who came down in the Days of Noah and refused to be born of woman, they forfeited that opportunity and lost their right to enter into the Kingdom of God. And that is what is meant when Jesus / Yeshua said, "You must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God" on one level and the other is a changed heart and spiritual rebirth. The first task though was to come through the water of the womb, to leave that other existence and live as a flesh man/ woman and suffer the joys and sorrows to learn unconditional love and truth.

Now, remember those Zadok? The ones who stood by our Father's side at the overthrow when God destroyed the earth age that was and began this one? They already passed the test! That is where God fore ordained some from the FOUNDATION of this Age / world to serve Him. This is why God said of Jeremiah, I knew you before you were in your mother's womb and called you to be a prophet! It's not that Jeremiah got a free ride, he had already proved his soul to serve God unconditionally.

The same can be said of John the Baptist. The story is woven throughout the bible. People / souls are pretty much the same as they were in the first age. There are some special souls who just seem to radiate Godly love, compassion and wisdom. Then there are some that just seem like bad seed, and the vast majority just don't want to be bothered as they love fishing. The beautiful thing is that only one was judged to perish on that dreadful day, and his name is Lucifer. All the rest have an opportunity to be born again, to come into full fellowship and unconditional love, and that is why we are told that salvation is open to all, many are called, but few are chosen.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 07:43 AM

-Does is it really matter? Oh my, a Dark Sninned human interbreeding with an inferior race. Just as Qweeni Elibie for such answers.

Best Regard,


Does it matter in salvation? NO. Does it matter in how human's treat each other? Yes. A mixed race in the bible is called a Mamzer / bastard. They are neither accepted amongst their mother's people or their father's people and it takes 10 generations if more mixing doesn't happen to sort out the race issue according to the bible. Does this play out in the world? Yes it does, just look at what happened in Vietnam to the Amerasian children.

Look at what happened in America when people started mixing, and just look at the black community in America in how they treat various shades of brown. I personally find all people beautiful, but I am a realist and I think God is as well. He knew what would happen, how that child would be treated, and what pain it would cause. It's not that God rejects their soul, it's that mankind rejects their skin.

I also think God likes His creation. He finds black, white, yellow, red all beautiful and unique, and told us not to change HIS creation be it plants or races. Are they any less loved by God? I cannot find anything in the bible to say that, and based on my studies I know God loves each and ever one of us. We are the one's who have the problem with this.
edit on 26-10-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

Sorry, but you're speculating on the ethnicity of a myth.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 08:26 AM
"In the beginning there was Adam(u) and Lilith, made from the same dirt... When Lilith (who was equal) wouldn't put up w/Adamu's crap and bear Him children, Lilith split (She ended up w/Samael)
This of course left Adamu as single so what happened? Adamu creates "Eve" from One of His ribs, so wrote the Quorum...

Squat to pee? Start this Life, there, behind the 8-Ball, good luck.


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