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NJ Mayor Thinks GOP Might Be Jamming Access to & Phone Lines

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:13 PM
Once again in the too funny (and lame) to believe category a New Jersey mayor suspects the GOP of causing the obamacare super-web failures.

Elizabeth, NJ Mayor, Thinks GOP Might Be Jamming Access to and Phone Lines

As's disaster has dragged on and grown in scope, it was entirely predictable that doctrinaire leftists in the fever swamps would begin concocting reasons why its epic failure thus far has been the fault of obstructionist conservatives and Republicans.

What perhaps was less expected, but based on history should not have been, is that supposedly responsible Democrats in elected positions have also joined the ranks of "Obamacare Truthers" by promulgating outlandish theories and engaging in intense blame-shifting, both with extraordinary gusto. Perhaps the worst — or, given its absurdity, the most entertaining — is the one tweeted and quietly deleted (HT Twitchy) by Chris Bollwage, the mayor of Elizabeth, New Jersey (population 126,000):

Back in the real world, at a House committee hearing today, an official for one of's vendors testified that it only took 2,000 users to bring the site to a screeching halt during pre-rollout testing.

Meanwhile back in the real world indeed. These lame leftists will blame anything and anyone but themselves. Who would have guessed?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:16 PM
As per these fools, ANONYMOUS can't do it, but morons like the GOP can?
Lol lol lol

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:31 PM
I really don't think this is likely at all, although it is physically possible. Sure... Heck, war dialing, as it was once called..would do the phone lines while DDOS would zap the site.

The thing is...They don't have to and really, numerically? They could't. I mean how many republican operatives could there be compared to 300 million people all being told at once, sign up or face the IRS in a very bad mood?

They literally, in every REAL sense, created their own DDOS by design, not attack. Idiots....but that's what happens when bureaucrats try and dictate design ..and designers are working to the lowest bid. (The people at the top sure skimmed their part tho)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:34 PM
I would definitely not be be surprised if they were. The right is the lowest form of human life and would put nothing past them.

When it comes to that party..morals need not apply.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:40 PM

I would definitely not be be surprised if they were. The right is the lowest form of human life and would put nothing past them.

When it comes to that party..morals need not apply.

which ....they are all in bed with each other....designed so their mignons can argue with each other about who did what....

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:42 PM
I watched an interview earlier today in which Sebelius blamed the legally mandated "hard start" date of October 1 for the problem. What? Did she just find out about it on Sept. 29?

In the next sentence, she said the "GOP shutdown" of the government added to the problem!

She could have used the GOP opposition to save her ass by telling Obama to delay the mandate, temporarily, as an olive branch, to avoid shutdown - if she had a clue as to what was going on (but I'm pretty sure she didn't/doesn't)! - thereby saving her own ass and her boss's.

But, it doesn't matter what's right, just that "we're winning" against the opposition - all that matters to these guys.

Don't seem to be winning now are you ? Karma? I hope so.

edit on 25-10-2013 by Maluhia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:43 PM
Unless the system has one of those menu that accept tones for selections and then plays information back to the caller, wouldn't it be obvious that it is happening. If an actual person answers, same applies. If the same few numbers call over and over...

Accusations would be flying from the other side. I bet it is just a crap system, expensive, but crap.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:44 PM


Heck, war dialing, as it was once called..would do the phone lines while DDOS would zap the site.

They literally, in every REAL sense, created their own DDOS by design, not attack. Idiots....but that's what happens when bureaucrats try and dictate design ..and designers are working to the lowest bid. (The people at the top sure skimmed their part tho)

So doctor, you say I'm suffering from a self induced DDOS attack?? Is it fatal, cause this one's starting to feel like it. lol

War dialing?? Now you've dated yourself Wrabbit. Next thing you know we'll be hearing about the mythical BBS of old.

Actually I think the obama-web is a coding failure of magnificent proportions. Could probably have done better if they'd used FrontPage Express, Win98's Personal Web Server and a copy of MS Works.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:53 PM
Well, that certainly explains why it "crashed and burned" when testing begain, with just 200 people, only days before the 1st.


I think the post below mine does, though.

edit on 26-10-2013 by lernmore because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:56 PM
LOL... I heard about this quite a while back. It was admitted by professionals that there is no way it was the GOP. The code is so very screwed up that it didn't need any help. This was code on a suicide mission and is now self destructing. I am atheist, but wonder now if there really is a god.

But what do you expect when no submitted bids were considered and Michelle Obama's Princeton buddy is the VP of CGI? They were not the best people for the job, they were chosen by our dictator in chief. Just look at how poorly communistic countries of the past and present operated. So there you go...
edit on 26-10-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:04 AM
It would appear that the Obama care web site miscalculated its age and executed the "death panel" function on itself.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:22 AM
Maybe the GOP found out who the contractor was and infiltrated them with GOP coders.

Perfect sabotage.



Because after studying the company's history, they decided doing nothing was the best approach.

They realized Democrats always self destruct anyway.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by Bassago

So doctor, you say I'm suffering from a self induced DDOS attack?? Is it fatal, cause this one's starting to feel like it. lol

War dialing?? Now you've dated yourself Wrabbit. Next thing you know we'll be hearing about the mythical BBS of old.

Well, the prognosis ain't good, that's for sure. It's almost as if there is only one heart to the whole body. Eww... bad design. One heart attack? Poof... No more patient. Definitely, lousy...although, have they yet said precisely where and how this was hosted? After all, it's not the software near as much as the equipment and net backbone.

THIS should be what the stupid data center in Utah is doing. Something half way useful...and enough power to, according to recent revelations, handle the traffic of a whole planet in and out, at once.

It wouldn't shock me at this point to find some "big" hosting provider for consumer thinking got the contract. Godaddy gone kaput on this one? It just wouldn't shock me anymore.

* Oh, and my BBS's were Angel Heart and Intimate Friends .. WWIV variety. You can still see them pop up occasionally in 714 area code lists from long ago.

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