I'd hate to burst your bubble but that light is nothing more than the last chemical processes firing like crazy as the brain winds down. You can get a
completely similar experience by inducing ego-death via lucy sky diamonds or mushroooms, and it's quite pretty.
The interesting part is it will be what you want it to be... simply because it's going on inside your mind. Hence, a chrisitian will see the tunnel
with the light at the end etc. A muslim would see it in another and so on.
My experience (which I intend to chase down next time) was that I was lying down, wearing a black suit. I was drifting on a placid quicksilver ocean
as far as I could see. The sky was pitch black and creeping over the horizon was a bright light which I was drifting towards.
Now if you go and read various trip reports... and look up and listen to some of Terrence McKennas lectures, you'll soon realise that the so-called
tunnel of light, is nothing more than you brain, robbed of sensory input, starts working on its own.
This is PROVEN by science this very year, when scientists discover what happens chemically in the brain when psilocybin is introduced. It actually
shuts down the communication between the front brain and the back part.
They saw this by scanning the brain under controlled situations.... It appears as the bloodflow is also reduced, which explains why you tend to be
very still when tripping on mushrooms.
Weak blood flow is the same that happens just before the brain dies.
As such, the experience you can get from ingesting enough mushrooms, comes very close if not exceeds the experience of dying.
The best part of doing the ego-death thing is that, if you are able to let go and "die", you'll be taken to a place where people re-call being at
complete peace... no feelings what so ever, just being and intense light along with a feeling of being loved. Some non-religious people even report
that they felt being carried by God or a god.
I can easily see how people with near death experiences would see what they see, how ever "culture" has taught us that this is "heaven" or this is
"paradise".... but merely, it's simply the representation of the amazing universe that lives inside our own brain.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
In regards to wether or not you should go to the light? Well... if you are truly dying, decide... is death better, do you understand what I
understand; that life is nothing more than a journey and that what we call a body ie merely a vessel that our energy can inhabit while enduring
"life"? If you do understand, by all means, go to it... because it doesn't end here, but you wont go to heaven either, because heaven is a figment of
imagination made by culture to give you something concrete to relate to, because "culture" actually can't explain what it is.
If you don't understand and you are grasping on to life for no apparent reason, then don't. The thing is... once you go into the light, that is the
first step towards ego-death, and once the ego is dead, you loose control over your body.
How do people come back from near death? Well, my guess is that they are some of the few "lucky" ones that have such strong egos that it managed to
fight the moving on process.
Normally when you go into ego-death and you start being in that beautiful light where there are no emotions, you also loose incentive to go back. It's
simply that nice... no worries no recollection of yourself or "life", time becomes unimportant and you are everything and everything is you.
You can also obtain something that resembles this through meditation, but my guess is that it will take long hard work to slay the ego to obtain
transcendence that way.
Best of luck to ya.
PS. I'll slay my ego in a couple of weeks... I'll report back here what I saw... if that will at all be possible for me. Supposedly most of it lacks
explanation due to there being no words to describe it.
edit on 25/10/13 by flice because: (no reason given)
edit on 25/10/13
by flice because: (no reason given)