reply to post by LoneGunMan
I too,have felt that warmth,a love and acceptance,an euphoria that no words can describe-a few years ago,my 7yo son was about 1+half or 2 at the
time-although I did not see anyone in the room with me.A peace descended,my little son had been bouncing off the walls,but when That presence came,I
was laying on the couch,as I was experiencing the indescribably wonderful visitation,he calmed down,was just quietly playing.I glanced over at him at
one stage-and I could tell he felt it also-he gave me the most beatific smile-i am not a Christian in my basic belief system,but the entity Yahushua
exists,a Source exists,that is the source of all of us,Souls that we are,incarnated into these prisons of flesh-and I believe there are a race of
beings,the Angelic faction,for want of a better word.I do not believe that That "Source"-whom/which we all come from-and the God of the Old
Testament is even nearly the same entity/being,though.
I find,here in South Africa anyway,most Christians to have not so much a problem in the general IQ department,but I have found many to be
judgemental,and to be honest,just plain silly eg Ben10 is EVIL etc..but I have seen acts of genuine+practical Christian charity also,and experienced
Christians who truly are not judgemental,but loving and kind and warmhearted.One of my dearest friends,a young Russian woman,happens to be a
Christian,and she is love and kindness+wamth+empathy+light,she is Goodness personified-the face of an angel,but Much more so,the heart+spirit of
Yahushua.You know those WWJD bracelets? Well I could substitute WWKD-and it would amount to the same.She pretty much sets the standard for how a
Christian Should be and live and treat others,in fact,she sets the standard for Anyone who wishes to be allied to the Light,Christian or not.People
like her gives one enough hope for the whole world.
Btw,I sent you a pm,I really would like to bury the hatchet,I was replying to you in the heat of the moment the other day on another thread-and I
should have taken the time to word my reply MUCH better,and explained my opinion in a way that did not come across the way it did-which was
uneffective in getting my point across+sounded meanspirited to boot.
Peace+a happy day to you and yours.